Class MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator extends Object implements MultivariateInterpolator
Interpolator that implements the algorithm described in William Dudziak's MS thesis.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator Link icon

      public MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator(int dimension, int elements, double maxDarkFraction, double darkThreshold, double background, double exponent, boolean sharedSphere, double noInterpolationTolerance)
      Create a microsphere interpolator.
      dimension - Space dimension.
      elements - Number of surface elements of the microsphere.
      maxDarkFraction - Maximum fraction of the facets that can be dark. If the fraction of "non-illuminated" facets is larger, no estimation of the value will be performed, and the background value will be returned instead.
      darkThreshold - Value of the illumination below which a facet is considered dark.
      background - Value returned when the maxDarkFraction threshold is exceeded.
      exponent - Exponent used in the power law that computes the
      sharedSphere - Whether the sphere can be shared among the interpolating function instances. If true, the instances will share the same data, and thus will not be thread-safe.
      noInterpolationTolerance - When the distance between an interpolated point and one of the sample points is less than this value, no interpolation will be performed (the value of the sample will be returned).
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if dimension <= 0 or elements <= 0.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if exponent < 0.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if darkThreshold < 0.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if maxDarkFraction does not belong to the interval [0, 1].
    • MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator Link icon

      public MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator(InterpolatingMicrosphere microsphere, double exponent, boolean sharedSphere, double noInterpolationTolerance) throws MathIllegalArgumentException
      Create a microsphere interpolator.
      microsphere - Microsphere.
      exponent - Exponent used in the power law that computes the weights (distance dimming factor) of the sample data.
      sharedSphere - Whether the sphere can be shared among the interpolating function instances. If true, the instances will share the same data, and thus will not be thread-safe.
      noInterpolationTolerance - When the distance between an interpolated point and one of the sample points is less than this value, no interpolation will be performed (the value of the sample will be returned).
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if exponent < 0.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • interpolate Link icon

      public MultivariateFunction interpolate(double[][] xval, double[] yval) throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException
      Computes an interpolating function for the data set.
      Specified by:
      interpolate in interface MultivariateInterpolator
      xval - the arguments for the interpolation points. xval[i][0] is the first component of interpolation point i, xval[i][1] is the second component, and so on until xval[i][d-1], the last component of that interpolation point (where d is thus the dimension of the space).
      yval - the values for the interpolation points
      a function which interpolates the data set
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if the space dimension of the given samples does not match the space dimension of the microsphere.
      NullArgumentException - if the arguments are null.