Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hipparchus.exception
Common classes used throughout the Hipparchus library.
Parent package for common numerical analysis procedures, including root finding,
function interpolation and integration.
This package holds the main interfaces and basic building block classes
dealing with differentiation.
package contains function objects that wrap the
methods contained in Math
, as well as common
mathematical functions such as the gaussian and sinc functions.Numerical integration (quadrature) algorithms for univariate real functions.
Gauss family of quadrature schemes.
Univariate real functions interpolation algorithms.
Univariate real polynomials implementations, seen as differentiable
univariate real functions.
Root finding algorithms, for univariate real functions.
Complex number type and implementations of complex transcendental
Decimal floating point library for Java
Interfaces and implementations of common discrete and
continuous distributions.
Implementations of common continuous distributions.
Implementations of common discrete distributions.
Implementations of multivariate distributions.
Specialized exceptions for algorithms errors.
Fraction number type and fraction number formatting.
Linear algebra support.
Random number and random data generators.
Implementations of special functions such as Beta and Gamma.
Convenience routines and common data structures used throughout the Hipparchus library.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchusClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysisClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiationClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.functionClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.integrationClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.integration.gaussClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.interpolationClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.polynomialsClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.analysis.solversClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.complexClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.dfpClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.distributionClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.distribution.continuousClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.distribution.discreteClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.distribution.multivariateClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.exceptionClassDescriptionInterface for localizable strings.Enumeration for localized messages formats used in exceptions messages.This interface specified methods implemented by localized exception classes.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.fractionClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.linearClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.randomClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.specialClassDescriptionBase class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.
Classes in org.hipparchus.exception used by org.hipparchus.utilClassDescriptionInterface for localizable strings.Base class for all preconditions violation exceptions.Base class for all exceptions that signal that the process throwing the exception is in a state that does not comply with the set of states that it is designed to be in.All exceptions thrown by the Hipparchus code inherit from this class.All conditions checks that fail due to a
argument must throw this exception.