Class Plane

    • Constructor Detail

      • Plane

        public Plane​(Vector3D normal,
                     double tolerance)
              throws MathRuntimeException
        Build a plane normal to a given direction and containing the origin.
        normal - normal direction to the plane
        tolerance - tolerance below which points are considered identical
        MathRuntimeException - if the normal norm is too small
      • Plane

        public Plane​(Vector3D p,
                     Vector3D normal,
                     double tolerance)
              throws MathRuntimeException
        Build a plane from a point and a normal.
        p - point belonging to the plane
        normal - normal direction to the plane
        tolerance - tolerance below which points are considered identical
        MathRuntimeException - if the normal norm is too small
      • Plane

        public Plane​(Vector3D p1,
                     Vector3D p2,
                     Vector3D p3,
                     double tolerance)
              throws MathRuntimeException
        Build a plane from three points.

        The plane is oriented in the direction of (p2-p1) ^ (p3-p1)

        p1 - first point belonging to the plane
        p2 - second point belonging to the plane
        p3 - third point belonging to the plane
        tolerance - tolerance below which points are considered identical
        MathRuntimeException - if the points do not constitute a plane
      • Plane

        public Plane​(Plane plane)
        Copy constructor.

        The instance created is completely independent of the original one. A deep copy is used, none of the underlying object are shared.

        plane - plane to copy
    • Method Detail

      • copySelf

        public Plane copySelf()
        Copy the instance.

        The instance created is completely independant of the original one. A deep copy is used, none of the underlying objects are shared (except for immutable objects).

        Specified by:
        copySelf in interface Hyperplane<Euclidean3D>
        a new hyperplane, copy of the instance
      • reset

        public void reset​(Vector3D p,
                          Vector3D normal)
                   throws MathRuntimeException
        Reset the instance as if built from a point and a normal.
        p - point belonging to the plane
        normal - normal direction to the plane
        MathRuntimeException - if the normal norm is too small
      • reset

        public void reset​(Plane original)
        Reset the instance from another one.

        The updated instance is completely independant of the original one. A deep reset is used none of the underlying object is shared.

        original - plane to reset from
      • getOrigin

        public Vector3D getOrigin()
        Get the origin point of the plane frame.

        The point returned is the orthogonal projection of the 3D-space origin in the plane.

        the origin point of the plane frame (point closest to the 3D-space origin)
      • getNormal

        public Vector3D getNormal()
        Get the normalized normal vector.

        The frame defined by (getU, getV, getNormal) is a rigth-handed orthonormalized frame).

        normalized normal vector
        See Also:
        getU(), getV()
      • getU

        public Vector3D getU()
        Get the plane first canonical vector.

        The frame defined by (getU, getV, getNormal) is a rigth-handed orthonormalized frame).

        normalized first canonical vector
        See Also:
        getV(), getNormal()
      • getV

        public Vector3D getV()
        Get the plane second canonical vector.

        The frame defined by (getU, getV, getNormal) is a rigth-handed orthonormalized frame).

        normalized second canonical vector
        See Also:
        getU(), getNormal()
      • getTolerance

        public double getTolerance()
        Get the tolerance below which points are considered to belong to the hyperplane.
        Specified by:
        getTolerance in interface Hyperplane<Euclidean3D>
        tolerance below which points are considered to belong to the hyperplane
      • revertSelf

        public void revertSelf()
        Revert the plane.

        Replace the instance by a similar plane with opposite orientation.

        The new plane frame is chosen in such a way that a 3D point that had (x, y) in-plane coordinates and z offset with respect to the plane and is unaffected by the change will have (y, x) in-plane coordinates and -z offset with respect to the new plane. This means that the u and v vectors returned by the getU() and getV() methods are exchanged, and the w vector returned by the getNormal() method is reversed.

      • toSubSpace

        public Vector2D toSubSpace​(Vector<Euclidean3D,​Vector3D> vector)
        Transform a space point into a sub-space point.
        vector - n-dimension point of the space
        (n-1)-dimension point of the sub-space corresponding to the specified space point
      • toSpace

        public Vector3D toSpace​(Vector<Euclidean2D,​Vector2D> vector)
        Transform a sub-space point into a space point.
        vector - (n-1)-dimension point of the sub-space
        n-dimension point of the space corresponding to the specified sub-space point
      • getPointAt

        public Vector3D getPointAt​(Vector2D inPlane,
                                   double offset)
        Get one point from the 3D-space.
        inPlane - desired in-plane coordinates for the point in the plane
        offset - desired offset for the point
        one point in the 3D-space, with given coordinates and offset relative to the plane
      • isSimilarTo

        public boolean isSimilarTo​(Plane plane)
        Check if the instance is similar to another plane.

        Planes are considered similar if they contain the same points. This does not mean they are equal since they can have opposite normals.

        plane - plane to which the instance is compared
        true if the planes are similar
      • rotate

        public Plane rotate​(Vector3D center,
                            Rotation rotation)
        Rotate the plane around the specified point.

        The instance is not modified, a new instance is created.

        center - rotation center
        rotation - vectorial rotation operator
        a new plane
      • translate

        public Plane translate​(Vector3D translation)
        Translate the plane by the specified amount.

        The instance is not modified, a new instance is created.

        translation - translation to apply
        a new plane
      • intersection

        public Vector3D intersection​(Line line)
        Get the intersection of a line with the instance.
        line - line intersecting the instance
        intersection point between between the line and the instance (null if the line is parallel to the instance)
      • intersection

        public Line intersection​(Plane other)
        Build the line shared by the instance and another plane.
        other - other plane
        line at the intersection of the instance and the other plane (really a Line instance)
      • intersection

        public static Vector3D intersection​(Plane plane1,
                                            Plane plane2,
                                            Plane plane3)
        Get the intersection point of three planes.
        plane1 - first plane1
        plane2 - second plane2
        plane3 - third plane2
        intersection point of three planes, null if some planes are parallel
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Vector3D p)
        Check if the instance contains a point.
        p - point to check
        true if p belongs to the plane
      • getOffset

        public double getOffset​(Plane plane)
        Get the offset (oriented distance) of a parallel plane.

        This method should be called only for parallel planes otherwise the result is not meaningful.

        The offset is 0 if both planes are the same, it is positive if the plane is on the plus side of the instance and negative if it is on the minus side, according to its natural orientation.

        plane - plane to check
        offset of the plane
      • getOffset

        public double getOffset​(Vector<Euclidean3D,​Vector3D> vector)
        Get the offset (oriented distance) of a vector.
        vector - vector to check
        offset of the vector
      • getOffset

        public double getOffset​(Point<Euclidean3D> point)
        Get the offset (oriented distance) of a point.

        The offset is 0 if the point is on the underlying hyperplane, it is positive if the point is on one particular side of the hyperplane, and it is negative if the point is on the other side, according to the hyperplane natural orientation.

        Specified by:
        getOffset in interface Hyperplane<Euclidean3D>
        point - point to check
        offset of the point
      • sameOrientationAs

        public boolean sameOrientationAs​(Hyperplane<Euclidean3D> other)
        Check if the instance has the same orientation as another hyperplane.
        Specified by:
        sameOrientationAs in interface Hyperplane<Euclidean3D>
        other - other hyperplane to check against the instance
        true if the instance and the other hyperplane have the same orientation