Class DSCompiler

  • public class DSCompiler
    extends Object
    Class holding "compiled" computation rules for derivative structures.

    This class implements the computation rules described in Dan Kalman's paper Doubly Recursive Multivariate Automatic Differentiation, Mathematics Magazine, vol. 75, no. 3, June 2002. However, in order to avoid performances bottlenecks, the recursive rules are "compiled" once in an unfold form. This class does this recursion unrolling and stores the computation rules as simple loops with pre-computed indirection arrays.

    This class maps all derivative computation into single dimension arrays that hold the value and partial derivatives. The class does not hold these arrays, which remains under the responsibility of the caller. For each combination of number of free parameters and derivation order, only one compiler is necessary, and this compiler will be used to perform computations on all arrays provided to it, which can represent hundreds or thousands of different parameters kept together with all their partial derivatives.

    The arrays on which compilers operate contain only the partial derivatives together with the 0th derivative, i.e. the value. The partial derivatives are stored in a compiler-specific order, which can be retrieved using methods getPartialDerivativeIndex and getPartialDerivativeOrders(int). The value is guaranteed to be stored as the first element (i.e. the getPartialDerivativeIndex method returns 0 when called with 0 for all derivation orders and getPartialDerivativeOrders returns an array filled with 0 when called with 0 as the index).

    Note that the ordering changes with number of parameters and derivation order. For example given 2 parameters x and y, df/dy is stored at index 2 when derivation order is set to 1 (in this case the array has three elements: f, df/dx and df/dy). If derivation order is set to 2, then df/dy will be stored at index 3 (in this case the array has six elements: f, df/dx, d²f/dxdx, df/dy, d²f/dxdy and d²f/dydy).

    Given this structure, users can perform some simple operations like adding, subtracting or multiplying constants and negating the elements by themselves, knowing if they want to mutate their array or create a new array. These simple operations are not provided by the compiler. The compiler provides only the more complex operations between several arrays.

    This class is mainly used as the engine for scalar variable DerivativeStructure. It can also be used directly to hold several variables in arrays for more complex data structures. User can for example store a vector of n variables depending on three x, y and z free parameters in one array as follows:

       // parameter 0 is x, parameter 1 is y, parameter 2 is z
       int parameters = 3;
       DSCompiler compiler = DSCompiler.getCompiler(parameters, order);
       int size = compiler.getSize();
       // pack all elements in a single array
       double[] array = new double[n * size];
       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         // we know value is guaranteed to be the first element
         array[i * size] = v[i];
         // we don't know where first derivatives are stored, so we ask the compiler
         array[i * size + compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(1, 0, 0) = dvOnDx[i][0];
         array[i * size + compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 1, 0) = dvOnDy[i][0];
         array[i * size + compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 0, 1) = dvOnDz[i][0];
         // we let all higher order derivatives set to 0

    Then in another function, user can perform some operations on all elements stored in the single array, such as a simple product of all variables:

       // compute the product of all elements
       double[] product = new double[size];
       prod[0] = 1.0;
       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         double[] tmp = product.clone();
         compiler.multiply(tmp, 0, array, i * size, product, 0);
       // value
       double p = product[0];
       // first derivatives
       double dPdX = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(1, 0, 0)];
       double dPdY = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 1, 0)];
       double dPdZ = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 0, 1)];
       // cross derivatives (assuming order was at least 2)
       double dPdXdX = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(2, 0, 0)];
       double dPdXdY = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(1, 1, 0)];
       double dPdXdZ = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(1, 0, 1)];
       double dPdYdY = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 2, 0)];
       double dPdYdZ = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 1, 1)];
       double dPdZdZ = product[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(0, 0, 2)];
    See Also:
    DerivativeStructure, FieldDerivativeStructure
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void acos​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      acos​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc cosine of a derivative structure.
      void acosh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      acosh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
      void add​(double[] lhs, int lhsOffset, double[] rhs, int rhsOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform addition of two derivative structures.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      add​(T[] lhs, int lhsOffset, T[] rhs, int rhsOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform addition of two derivative structures.
      void asin​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc sine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      asin​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc sine of a derivative structure.
      void asinh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      asinh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
      void atan​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc tangent of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      atan​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute arc tangent of a derivative structure.
      void atan2​(double[] y, int yOffset, double[] x, int xOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute two arguments arc tangent of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      atan2​(T[] y, int yOffset, T[] x, int xOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute two arguments arc tangent of a derivative structure.
      void atanh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      atanh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
      void checkCompatibility​(DSCompiler compiler)
      Check rules set compatibility.
      void compose​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] f, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      compose​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] f, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      compose​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] f, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
      void cos​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      cos​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute cosine of a derivative structure.
      void cosh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      cosh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
      void divide​(double[] lhs, int lhsOffset, double[] rhs, int rhsOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform division of two derivative structures.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      divide​(T[] lhs, int lhsOffset, T[] rhs, int rhsOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform division of two derivative structures.
      void exp​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute exponential of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      exp​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute exponential of a derivative structure.
      void expm1​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute exp(x) - 1 of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      expm1​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute exp(x) - 1 of a derivative structure.
      static DSCompiler getCompiler​(int parameters, int order)
      Get the compiler for number of free parameters and order.
      int getFreeParameters()
      Get the number of free parameters.
      int getOrder()
      Get the derivation order.
      int getPartialDerivativeIndex​(int... orders)
      Get the index of a partial derivative in the array.
      int[] getPartialDerivativeOrders​(int index)
      Get the derivation orders for a specific index in the array.
      int getPartialDerivativeOrdersSum​(int index)
      Get the sum of derivation orders for a specific index in the array.
      int getSize()
      Get the array size required for holding partial derivatives data.
      void linearCombination​(double a1, double[] c1, int offset1, double a2, double[] c2, int offset2, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      void linearCombination​(double a1, double[] c1, int offset1, double a2, double[] c2, int offset2, double a3, double[] c3, int offset3, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      void linearCombination​(double a1, double[] c1, int offset1, double a2, double[] c2, int offset2, double a3, double[] c3, int offset3, double a4, double[] c4, int offset4, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(double a1, T[] c1, int offset1, double a2, T[] c2, int offset2, double a3, T[] c3, int offset3, double a4, T[] c4, int offset4, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(double a1, T[] c1, int offset1, double a2, T[] c2, int offset2, double a3, T[] c3, int offset3, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(double a1, T[] c1, int offset1, double a2, T[] c2, int offset2, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(T a1, T[] c1, int offset1, T a2, T[] c2, int offset2, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(T a1, T[] c1, int offset1, T a2, T[] c2, int offset2, T a3, T[] c3, int offset3, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      linearCombination​(T a1, T[] c1, int offset1, T a2, T[] c2, int offset2, T a3, T[] c3, int offset3, T a4, T[] c4, int offset4, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute linear combination.
      void log​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute natural logarithm of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      log​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute natural logarithm of a derivative structure.
      void log10​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Computes base 10 logarithm of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      log10​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Computes base 10 logarithm of a derivative structure.
      void log1p​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Computes shifted logarithm of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      log1p​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Computes shifted logarithm of a derivative structure.
      void multiply​(double[] lhs, int lhsOffset, double[] rhs, int rhsOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform multiplication of two derivative structures.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      multiply​(T[] lhs, int lhsOffset, T[] rhs, int rhsOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform multiplication of two derivative structures.
      void pow​(double[] x, int xOffset, double[] y, int yOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a derivative structure.
      void pow​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double p, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a derivative structure.
      void pow​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, int n, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute integer power of a derivative structure.
      void pow​(double a, double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a double to a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      pow​(double a, T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a double to a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      pow​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, double p, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      pow​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, int n, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute integer power of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      pow​(T[] x, int xOffset, T[] y, int yOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute power of a derivative structure.
      void rebase​(double[] ds, int dsOffset, DSCompiler baseCompiler, double[] p, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Rebase derivative structure with respect to low level parameter functions.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      rebase​(T[] ds, int dsOffset, DSCompiler baseCompiler, T[] p, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Rebase derivative structure with respect to low level parameter functions.
      void reciprocal​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute reciprocal of derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      reciprocal​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute reciprocal of derivative structure.
      void remainder​(double[] lhs, int lhsOffset, double[] rhs, int rhsOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform remainder of two derivative structures.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      remainder​(T[] lhs, int lhsOffset, T[] rhs, int rhsOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform remainder of two derivative structures.
      void rootN​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, int n, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute nth root of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      rootN​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, int n, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute nth root of a derivative structure.
      void sin​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute sine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      sin​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute sine of a derivative structure.
      void sinCos​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] sin, int sinOffset, double[] cos, int cosOffset)
      Compute combined sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      sinCos​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] sin, int sinOffset, T[] cos, int cosOffset)
      Compute combined sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
      void sinh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      sinh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
      void sinhCosh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] sinh, int sinhOffset, double[] cosh, int coshOffset)
      Compute combined hyperbolic sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      sinhCosh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] sinh, int sinhOffset, T[] cosh, int coshOffset)
      Compute combined hyperbolic sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
      void sqrt​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute square root of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      sqrt​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute square root of a derivative structure.
      void subtract​(double[] lhs, int lhsOffset, double[] rhs, int rhsOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform subtraction of two derivative structures.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      subtract​(T[] lhs, int lhsOffset, T[] rhs, int rhsOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Perform subtraction of two derivative structures.
      void tan​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute tangent of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      tan​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute tangent of a derivative structure.
      void tanh​(double[] operand, int operandOffset, double[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      tanh​(T[] operand, int operandOffset, T[] result, int resultOffset)
      Compute hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
      double taylor​(double[] ds, int dsOffset, double... delta)
      Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      taylor​(T[] ds, int dsOffset, double... delta)
      Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
      <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      taylor​(T[] ds, int dsOffset, T... delta)
      Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
    • Method Detail

      • getCompiler

        public static DSCompiler getCompiler​(int parameters,
                                             int order)
                                      throws MathIllegalArgumentException
        Get the compiler for number of free parameters and order.
        parameters - number of free parameters
        order - derivation order
        cached rules set
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if order is too large
      • getPartialDerivativeIndex

        public int getPartialDerivativeIndex​(int... orders)
                                      throws MathIllegalArgumentException
        Get the index of a partial derivative in the array.

        If all orders are set to 0, then the 0th order derivative is returned, which is the value of the function.

        The indices of derivatives are between 0 and getSize() - 1. Their specific order is fixed for a given compiler, but otherwise not publicly specified. There are however some simple cases which have guaranteed indices:

        • the index of 0th order derivative is always 0
        • if there is only 1 free parameter, then the derivatives are sorted in increasing derivation order (i.e. f at index 0, df/dp at index 1, d2f/dp2 at index 2 ... dkf/dpk at index k),
        • if the derivation order is 1, then the derivatives are sorted in increasing free parameter order (i.e. f at index 0, df/dx1 at index 1, df/dx2 at index 2 ... df/dxk at index k),
        • all other cases are not publicly specified

        This method is the inverse of method getPartialDerivativeOrders(int)

        orders - derivation orders with respect to each parameter
        index of the partial derivative
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if the numbers of parameters does not match the instance
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if sum of derivation orders is larger than the instance limits
        See Also:
      • getPartialDerivativeOrders

        public int[] getPartialDerivativeOrders​(int index)
        Get the derivation orders for a specific index in the array.

        This method is the inverse of getPartialDerivativeIndex(int...).

        index - of the partial derivative
        derivation orders with respect to each parameter
        See Also:
      • getPartialDerivativeOrdersSum

        public int getPartialDerivativeOrdersSum​(int index)
        Get the sum of derivation orders for a specific index in the array.

        This method return the sum of the elements returned by getPartialDerivativeIndex(int...), using precomputed values

        index - of the partial derivative
        sum of derivation orders with respect to each parameter
        See Also:
      • getFreeParameters

        public int getFreeParameters()
        Get the number of free parameters.
        number of free parameters
      • getOrder

        public int getOrder()
        Get the derivation order.
        derivation order
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Get the array size required for holding partial derivatives data.

        This number includes the single 0 order derivative element, which is guaranteed to be stored in the first element of the array.

        array size required for holding partial derivatives data
      • linearCombination

        public void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                      double[] c1,
                                      int offset1,
                                      double a2,
                                      double[] c2,
                                      int offset2,
                                      double[] result,
                                      int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(T a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          T a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          double a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                      double[] c1,
                                      int offset1,
                                      double a2,
                                      double[] c2,
                                      int offset2,
                                      double a3,
                                      double[] c3,
                                      int offset3,
                                      double[] result,
                                      int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(T a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          T a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          T a3,
                                                                          T[] c3,
                                                                          int offset3,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          double a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          double a3,
                                                                          T[] c3,
                                                                          int offset3,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                      double[] c1,
                                      int offset1,
                                      double a2,
                                      double[] c2,
                                      int offset2,
                                      double a3,
                                      double[] c3,
                                      int offset3,
                                      double a4,
                                      double[] c4,
                                      int offset4,
                                      double[] result,
                                      int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        a4 - fourth scale factor
        c4 - fourth base (unscaled) component
        offset4 - offset of fourth operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(T a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          T a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          T a3,
                                                                          T[] c3,
                                                                          int offset3,
                                                                          T a4,
                                                                          T[] c4,
                                                                          int offset4,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        a4 - fourth scale factor
        c4 - fourth base (unscaled) component
        offset4 - offset of fourth operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • linearCombination

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void linearCombination​(double a1,
                                                                          T[] c1,
                                                                          int offset1,
                                                                          double a2,
                                                                          T[] c2,
                                                                          int offset2,
                                                                          double a3,
                                                                          T[] c3,
                                                                          int offset3,
                                                                          double a4,
                                                                          T[] c4,
                                                                          int offset4,
                                                                          T[] result,
                                                                          int resultOffset)
        Compute linear combination. The derivative structure built will be a1 * ds1 + a2 * ds2 + a3 * ds3 + a4 * ds4
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a1 - first scale factor
        c1 - first base (unscaled) component
        offset1 - offset of first operand in its array
        a2 - second scale factor
        c2 - second base (unscaled) component
        offset2 - offset of second operand in its array
        a3 - third scale factor
        c3 - third base (unscaled) component
        offset3 - offset of third operand in its array
        a4 - fourth scale factor
        c4 - fourth base (unscaled) component
        offset4 - offset of fourth operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • add

        public void add​(double[] lhs,
                        int lhsOffset,
                        double[] rhs,
                        int rhsOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Perform addition of two derivative structures.
        lhs - array holding left hand side of addition
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of addition
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • add

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void add​(T[] lhs,
                                                            int lhsOffset,
                                                            T[] rhs,
                                                            int rhsOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Perform addition of two derivative structures.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        lhs - array holding left hand side of addition
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of addition
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • subtract

        public void subtract​(double[] lhs,
                             int lhsOffset,
                             double[] rhs,
                             int rhsOffset,
                             double[] result,
                             int resultOffset)
        Perform subtraction of two derivative structures.
        lhs - array holding left hand side of subtraction
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of subtraction
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • subtract

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void subtract​(T[] lhs,
                                                                 int lhsOffset,
                                                                 T[] rhs,
                                                                 int rhsOffset,
                                                                 T[] result,
                                                                 int resultOffset)
        Perform subtraction of two derivative structures.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        lhs - array holding left hand side of subtraction
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of subtraction
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • multiply

        public void multiply​(double[] lhs,
                             int lhsOffset,
                             double[] rhs,
                             int rhsOffset,
                             double[] result,
                             int resultOffset)
        Perform multiplication of two derivative structures.
        lhs - array holding left hand side of multiplication
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of multiplication
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for multiplication the result array cannot be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • multiply

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void multiply​(T[] lhs,
                                                                 int lhsOffset,
                                                                 T[] rhs,
                                                                 int rhsOffset,
                                                                 T[] result,
                                                                 int resultOffset)
        Perform multiplication of two derivative structures.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        lhs - array holding left hand side of multiplication
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of multiplication
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for multiplication the result array cannot be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • divide

        public void divide​(double[] lhs,
                           int lhsOffset,
                           double[] rhs,
                           int rhsOffset,
                           double[] result,
                           int resultOffset)
        Perform division of two derivative structures. Based on the multiplication operator.
        lhs - array holding left hand side of division
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of division
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for division the result array cannot be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • divide

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void divide​(T[] lhs,
                                                               int lhsOffset,
                                                               T[] rhs,
                                                               int rhsOffset,
                                                               T[] result,
                                                               int resultOffset)
        Perform division of two derivative structures. Based on the multiplication operator.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        lhs - array holding left hand side of division
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of division
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for division the result array cannot be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • reciprocal

        public void reciprocal​(double[] operand,
                               int operandOffset,
                               double[] result,
                               int resultOffset)
        Compute reciprocal of derivative structure. Based on the multiplication operator.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • reciprocal

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void reciprocal​(T[] operand,
                                                                   int operandOffset,
                                                                   T[] result,
                                                                   int resultOffset)
        Compute reciprocal of derivative structure. Based on the multiplication operator.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • remainder

        public void remainder​(double[] lhs,
                              int lhsOffset,
                              double[] rhs,
                              int rhsOffset,
                              double[] result,
                              int resultOffset)
        Perform remainder of two derivative structures.
        lhs - array holding left hand side of remainder
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of remainder
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • remainder

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void remainder​(T[] lhs,
                                                                  int lhsOffset,
                                                                  T[] rhs,
                                                                  int rhsOffset,
                                                                  T[] result,
                                                                  int resultOffset)
        Perform remainder of two derivative structures.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        lhs - array holding left hand side of remainder
        lhsOffset - offset of the left hand side in its array
        rhs - array right hand side of remainder
        rhsOffset - offset of the right hand side in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (it may be one of the input arrays)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public void pow​(double a,
                        double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a double to a derivative structure.
        a - number to exponentiate
        operand - array holding the power
        operandOffset - offset of the power in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void pow​(double a,
                                                            T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a double to a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        a - number to exponentiate
        operand - array holding the power
        operandOffset - offset of the power in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public void pow​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double p,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        p - power to apply
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void pow​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            double p,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        p - power to apply
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public void pow​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        int n,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute integer power of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        n - power to apply
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void pow​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            int n,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute integer power of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        n - power to apply
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public void pow​(double[] x,
                        int xOffset,
                        double[] y,
                        int yOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a derivative structure.
        x - array holding the base
        xOffset - offset of the base in its array
        y - array holding the exponent
        yOffset - offset of the exponent in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • pow

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void pow​(T[] x,
                                                            int xOffset,
                                                            T[] y,
                                                            int yOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute power of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        x - array holding the base
        xOffset - offset of the base in its array
        y - array holding the exponent
        yOffset - offset of the exponent in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for power the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sqrt

        public void sqrt​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute square root of a derivative structure. Based on the multiplication operator.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for square root the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sqrt

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void sqrt​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute square root of a derivative structure. Based on the multiplication operator.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for square root the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • rootN

        public void rootN​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          int n,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute nth root of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        n - order of the root
        result - array where result must be stored (for nth root the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • rootN

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void rootN​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              int n,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute nth root of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        n - order of the root
        result - array where result must be stored (for nth root the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • exp

        public void exp​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute exponential of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for exponential the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • exp

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void exp​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute exponential of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for exponential the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • expm1

        public void expm1​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute exp(x) - 1 of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for exponential the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • expm1

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void expm1​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute exp(x) - 1 of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for exponential the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log

        public void log​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute natural logarithm of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void log​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute natural logarithm of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log1p

        public void log1p​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Computes shifted logarithm of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for shifted logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log1p

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void log1p​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Computes shifted logarithm of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for shifted logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log10

        public void log10​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Computes base 10 logarithm of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for base 10 logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • log10

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void log10​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Computes base 10 logarithm of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for base 10 logarithm the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • cos

        public void cos​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • cos

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void cos​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sin

        public void sin​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute sine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sin

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void sin​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute sine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinCos

        public void sinCos​(double[] operand,
                           int operandOffset,
                           double[] sin,
                           int sinOffset,
                           double[] cos,
                           int cosOffset)
        Compute combined sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        sin - array where sine must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        sinOffset - offset of the result in its array
        cos - array where cosine must be stored (for cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        cosOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinCos

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void sinCos​(T[] operand,
                                                               int operandOffset,
                                                               T[] sin,
                                                               int sinOffset,
                                                               T[] cos,
                                                               int cosOffset)
        Compute combined sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        sin - array where sine must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        sinOffset - offset of the result in its array
        cos - array where cosine must be stored (for cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        cosOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • tan

        public void tan​(double[] operand,
                        int operandOffset,
                        double[] result,
                        int resultOffset)
        Compute tangent of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • tan

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void tan​(T[] operand,
                                                            int operandOffset,
                                                            T[] result,
                                                            int resultOffset)
        Compute tangent of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • acos

        public void acos​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute arc cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • acos

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void acos​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute arc cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • asin

        public void asin​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute arc sine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • asin

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void asin​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute arc sine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atan

        public void atan​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute arc tangent of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atan

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void atan​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute arc tangent of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for arc tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atan2

        public void atan2​(double[] y,
                          int yOffset,
                          double[] x,
                          int xOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute two arguments arc tangent of a derivative structure.
        y - array holding the first operand
        yOffset - offset of the first operand in its array
        x - array holding the second operand
        xOffset - offset of the second operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for two arguments arc tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atan2

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void atan2​(T[] y,
                                                              int yOffset,
                                                              T[] x,
                                                              int xOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute two arguments arc tangent of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        y - array holding the first operand
        yOffset - offset of the first operand in its array
        x - array holding the second operand
        xOffset - offset of the second operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for two arguments arc tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • cosh

        public void cosh​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • cosh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void cosh​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinh

        public void sinh​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void sinh​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinhCosh

        public void sinhCosh​(double[] operand,
                             int operandOffset,
                             double[] sinh,
                             int sinhOffset,
                             double[] cosh,
                             int coshOffset)
        Compute combined hyperbolic sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        sinh - array where hyperbolic sine must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        sinhOffset - offset of the result in its array
        cosh - array where hyperbolic cannot be the input array)
        coshOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • sinhCosh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void sinhCosh​(T[] operand,
                                                                 int operandOffset,
                                                                 T[] sinh,
                                                                 int sinhOffset,
                                                                 T[] cosh,
                                                                 int coshOffset)
        Compute combined hyperbolic sine and cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        sinh - array where hyperbolic sine must be stored (for sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        sinhOffset - offset of the result in its array
        cosh - array where hyperbolic cosine must be stored (for cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        coshOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • tanh

        public void tanh​(double[] operand,
                         int operandOffset,
                         double[] result,
                         int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • tanh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void tanh​(T[] operand,
                                                             int operandOffset,
                                                             T[] result,
                                                             int resultOffset)
        Compute hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for hyperbolic tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • acosh

        public void acosh​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • acosh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void acosh​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic cosine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • asinh

        public void asinh​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • asinh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void asinh​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic sine of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic sine the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atanh

        public void atanh​(double[] operand,
                          int operandOffset,
                          double[] result,
                          int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • atanh

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void atanh​(T[] operand,
                                                              int operandOffset,
                                                              T[] result,
                                                              int resultOffset)
        Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        result - array where result must be stored (for inverse hyperbolic tangent the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • compose

        public void compose​(double[] operand,
                            int operandOffset,
                            double[] f,
                            double[] result,
                            int resultOffset)
        Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        f - array of value and derivatives of the function at the current point (i.e. at operand[operandOffset]).
        result - array where result must be stored (for composition the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • compose

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void compose​(T[] operand,
                                                                int operandOffset,
                                                                T[] f,
                                                                T[] result,
                                                                int resultOffset)
        Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        f - array of value and derivatives of the function at the current point (i.e. at operand[operandOffset]).
        result - array where result must be stored (for composition the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • compose

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void compose​(T[] operand,
                                                                int operandOffset,
                                                                double[] f,
                                                                T[] result,
                                                                int resultOffset)
        Compute composition of a derivative structure by a function.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        operand - array holding the operand
        operandOffset - offset of the operand in its array
        f - array of value and derivatives of the function at the current point (i.e. at operand[operandOffset]).
        result - array where result must be stored (for composition the result array cannot be the input array)
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • taylor

        public double taylor​(double[] ds,
                             int dsOffset,
                             double... delta)
                      throws MathRuntimeException
        Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
        ds - array holding the derivative structure
        dsOffset - offset of the derivative structure in its array
        delta - parameters offsets (Δx, Δy, ...)
        value of the Taylor expansion at x + Δx, y + Δy, ...
        MathRuntimeException - if factorials becomes too large
      • taylor

        public final <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T taylor​(T[] ds,
                                                                  int dsOffset,
                                                                  T... delta)
                                                           throws MathRuntimeException
        Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        ds - array holding the derivative structure
        dsOffset - offset of the derivative structure in its array
        delta - parameters offsets (Δx, Δy, ...)
        value of the Taylor expansion at x + Δx, y + Δy, ...
        MathRuntimeException - if factorials becomes too large
      • taylor

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T taylor​(T[] ds,
                                                            int dsOffset,
                                                            double... delta)
                                                     throws MathRuntimeException
        Evaluate Taylor expansion of a derivative structure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the function parameters and value
        ds - array holding the derivative structure
        dsOffset - offset of the derivative structure in its array
        delta - parameters offsets (Δx, Δy, ...)
        value of the Taylor expansion at x + Δx, y + Δy, ...
        MathRuntimeException - if factorials becomes too large
      • rebase

        public void rebase​(double[] ds,
                           int dsOffset,
                           DSCompiler baseCompiler,
                           double[] p,
                           double[] result,
                           int resultOffset)
        Rebase derivative structure with respect to low level parameter functions.
        ds - array holding the derivative structure
        dsOffset - offset of the derivative structure in its array
        baseCompiler - compiler associated with the low level parameter functions
        p - array holding the low level parameter functions (one flat array)
        result - array where result must be stored (for composition the result array cannot be the input
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array
      • rebase

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void rebase​(T[] ds,
                                                               int dsOffset,
                                                               DSCompiler baseCompiler,
                                                               T[] p,
                                                               T[] result,
                                                               int resultOffset)
        Rebase derivative structure with respect to low level parameter functions.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the field elements
        ds - array holding the derivative structure
        dsOffset - offset of the derivative structure in its array
        baseCompiler - compiler associated with the low level parameter functions
        p - array holding the low level parameter functions (one flat array)
        result - array where result must be stored (for composition the result array cannot be the input
        resultOffset - offset of the result in its array