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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  /*
19   * This is not the original file distributed by the Apache Software Foundation
20   * It has been modified by the Hipparchus project
21   */
22  package org.hipparchus.random;
24  import;
25  import java.util.ArrayList;
26  import java.util.Arrays;
27  import java.util.Collection;
28  import java.util.List;
29  import java.util.Map;
30  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
32  import org.hipparchus.distribution.EnumeratedDistribution;
33  import org.hipparchus.distribution.IntegerDistribution;
34  import org.hipparchus.distribution.RealDistribution;
35  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.BetaDistribution;
36  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.EnumeratedRealDistribution;
37  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.ExponentialDistribution;
38  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.GammaDistribution;
39  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.LogNormalDistribution;
40  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.NormalDistribution;
41  import org.hipparchus.distribution.continuous.UniformRealDistribution;
42  import org.hipparchus.distribution.discrete.EnumeratedIntegerDistribution;
43  import org.hipparchus.distribution.discrete.PoissonDistribution;
44  import org.hipparchus.distribution.discrete.UniformIntegerDistribution;
45  import org.hipparchus.distribution.discrete.ZipfDistribution;
46  import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
47  import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
48  import org.hipparchus.util.CombinatoricsUtils;
49  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
50  import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
51  import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
52  import org.hipparchus.util.Pair;
53  import org.hipparchus.util.Precision;
54  import org.hipparchus.util.ResizableDoubleArray;
56  /**
57   * A class for generating random data.
58   */
59  public class RandomDataGenerator extends ForwardingRandomGenerator
60      implements RandomGenerator, Serializable {
62      /** Serializable version identifier. */
63      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160529L;
65      /**
66       * Used when generating Exponential samples.
67       * Table containing the constants
68       * q_i = sum_{j=1}^i (ln 2)^j/j! = ln 2 + (ln 2)^2/2 + ... + (ln 2)^i/i!
69       * until the largest representable fraction below 1 is exceeded.
70       *
71       * Note that
72       * 1 = 2 - 1 = exp(ln 2) - 1 = sum_{n=1}^infty (ln 2)^n / n!
73       * thus q_i -> 1 as i -> +inf,
74       * so the higher i, the closer to one we get (the series is not alternating).
75       *
76       * By trying, n = 16 in Java is enough to reach 1.0.
77       */
78      private static final double[] EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI;
80      /** Map of <classname, switch constant> for continuous distributions */
81      private static final Map<Class<? extends RealDistribution>, RealDistributionSampler> CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
82      /** Map of <classname, switch constant> for discrete distributions */
83      private static final Map<Class<? extends IntegerDistribution>, IntegerDistributionSampler> DISCRETE_SAMPLERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
85      /** The default sampler for continuous distributions using the inversion technique. */
86      private static final RealDistributionSampler DEFAULT_REAL_SAMPLER =
87              (generator, dist) -> dist.inverseCumulativeProbability(generator.nextDouble());
89      /** The default sampler for discrete distributions using the inversion technique. */
90      private static final IntegerDistributionSampler DEFAULT_INTEGER_SAMPLER =
91              (generator, dist) -> dist.inverseCumulativeProbability(generator.nextDouble());
93      /** Source of random data */
94      private final RandomGenerator randomGenerator;
96      /** The sampler to be used for the nextZipF method */
97      private transient ZipfRejectionInversionSampler zipfSampler;
99      /**
100      * Interface for samplers of continuous distributions.
101      */
102     @FunctionalInterface
103     private interface RealDistributionSampler {
104         /**
105          * Return the next sample following the given distribution.
106          *
107          * @param generator the random data generator to use
108          * @param distribution the distribution to use
109          * @return the next sample
110          */
111         double nextSample(RandomDataGenerator generator, RealDistribution distribution);
112     }
114     /**
115      * Interface for samplers of discrete distributions.
116      */
117     @FunctionalInterface
118     private interface IntegerDistributionSampler {
119         /**
120          * Return the next sample following the given distribution.
121          *
122          * @param generator the random data generator to use
123          * @param distribution the distribution to use
124          * @return the next sample
125          */
126         int nextSample(RandomDataGenerator generator, IntegerDistribution distribution);
127     }
129     /**
130      * Initialize tables.
131      */
132     static {
133         /**
134          * Filling EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI table.
135          * Note that we don't want qi = 0 in the table.
136          */
137         final double LN2 = FastMath.log(2);
138         double qi = 0;
139         int i = 1;
141         /**
142          * ArithmeticUtils provides factorials up to 20, so let's use that
143          * limit together with Precision.EPSILON to generate the following
144          * code (a priori, we know that there will be 16 elements, but it is
145          * better to not hardcode it).
146          */
147         final ResizableDoubleArray ra = new ResizableDoubleArray(20);
149         while (qi < 1) {
150             qi += FastMath.pow(LN2, i) / CombinatoricsUtils.factorial(i);
151             ra.addElement(qi);
152             ++i;
153         }
155         EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI = ra.getElements();
157         // Continuous samplers
159         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(BetaDistribution.class,
160                                 (generator, dist) -> {
161                                     BetaDistribution beta = (BetaDistribution) dist;
162                                     return generator.nextBeta(beta.getAlpha(), beta.getBeta());
163                                 });
165         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(ExponentialDistribution.class,
166                                 (generator, dist) -> generator.nextExponential(dist.getNumericalMean()));
168         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(GammaDistribution.class,
169                                 (generator, dist) -> {
170                                     GammaDistribution gamma = (GammaDistribution) dist;
171                                     return generator.nextGamma(gamma.getShape(), gamma.getScale());
172                                 });
174         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(NormalDistribution.class,
175                                 (generator, dist) -> {
176                                     NormalDistribution normal = (NormalDistribution) dist;
177                                     return generator.nextNormal(normal.getMean(),
178                                                                 normal.getStandardDeviation());
179                                 });
181         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(LogNormalDistribution.class,
182                                 (generator, dist) -> {
183                                     LogNormalDistribution logNormal = (LogNormalDistribution) dist;
184                                     return generator.nextLogNormal(logNormal.getShape(),
185                                                                    logNormal.getLocation());
186                                 });
188         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(UniformRealDistribution.class,
189                                 (generator, dist) -> generator.nextUniform(dist.getSupportLowerBound(),
190                                                                            dist.getSupportUpperBound()));
192         CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.put(EnumeratedRealDistribution.class,
193                 (generator, dist) -> {
194                     final EnumeratedRealDistribution edist =
195                             (EnumeratedRealDistribution) dist;
196                     EnumeratedDistributionSampler<Double> sampler =
197                    EnumeratedDistributionSampler<Double>(edist.getPmf());
198                     return sampler.sample();
199                 });
201         // Discrete samplers
203         DISCRETE_SAMPLERS.put(PoissonDistribution.class,
204                               (generator, dist) -> generator.nextPoisson(dist.getNumericalMean()));
206         DISCRETE_SAMPLERS.put(UniformIntegerDistribution.class,
207                               (generator, dist) -> generator.nextInt(dist.getSupportLowerBound(),
208                                                                      dist.getSupportUpperBound()));
209         DISCRETE_SAMPLERS.put(ZipfDistribution.class,
210                               (generator, dist) -> {
211                                   ZipfDistribution zipfDist = (ZipfDistribution) dist;
212                                   return generator.nextZipf(zipfDist.getNumberOfElements(),
213                                                                  zipfDist.getExponent());
214                               });
216         DISCRETE_SAMPLERS.put(EnumeratedIntegerDistribution.class,
217                                 (generator, dist) -> {
218                                     final EnumeratedIntegerDistribution edist =
219                                             (EnumeratedIntegerDistribution) dist;
220                                     EnumeratedDistributionSampler<Integer> sampler =
221                                    EnumeratedDistributionSampler<Integer>(edist.getPmf());
222                                     return sampler.sample();
223                                 });
224     }
226     /**
227      * Construct a RandomDataGenerator with a default RandomGenerator as its source of random data.
228      */
229     public RandomDataGenerator() {
230         this(new Well19937c());
231     }
233     /**
234      * Construct a RandomDataGenerator with a default RandomGenerator as its source of random data, initialized
235      * with the given seed value.
236      *
237      * @param seed seed value
238      */
239     public RandomDataGenerator(long seed) {
240         this(new Well19937c(seed));
241     }
243     /**
244      * Construct a RandomDataGenerator using the given RandomGenerator as its source of random data.
245      *
246      * @param randomGenerator the underlying PRNG
247      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if randomGenerator is null
248      */
249     private RandomDataGenerator(RandomGenerator randomGenerator) {
250         MathUtils.checkNotNull(randomGenerator);
251         this.randomGenerator = randomGenerator;
252     }
254     /**
255      * Factory method to create a {@code RandomData} instance using the supplied
256      * {@code RandomGenerator}.
257      *
258      * @param randomGenerator source of random bits
259      * @return a RandomData using the given RandomGenerator to source bits
260      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if randomGenerator is null
261      */
262     public static RandomDataGenerator of(RandomGenerator randomGenerator) {
263         return new RandomDataGenerator(randomGenerator);
264     }
266     /** {@inheritDoc} */
267     @Override
268     protected RandomGenerator delegate() {
269         return randomGenerator;
270     }
272     /**
273      * Returns the next pseudo-random beta-distributed value with the given
274      * shape and scale parameters.
275      *
276      * @param alpha First shape parameter (must be positive).
277      * @param beta Second shape parameter (must be positive).
278      * @return beta-distributed random deviate
279      */
280     public double nextBeta(double alpha, double beta) {
281         return ChengBetaSampler.sample(randomGenerator, alpha, beta);
282     }
284     /**
285      * Returns the next pseudo-random, exponentially distributed deviate.
286      *
287      * @param mean mean of the exponential distribution
288      * @return exponentially distributed deviate about the given mean
289      */
290     public double nextExponential(double mean) {
291         if (mean <= 0) {
292             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.MEAN, mean);
293         }
294         // Step 1:
295         double a = 0;
296         double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
298         // Step 2 and 3:
299         while (u < 0.5) {
300             a += EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI[0];
301             u *= 2;
302         }
304         // Step 4 (now u >= 0.5):
305         u += u - 1;
307         // Step 5:
308         if (u <= EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI[0]) {
309             return mean * (a + u);
310         }
312         // Step 6:
313         int i = 0; // Should be 1, be we iterate before it in while using 0
314         double u2 = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
315         double umin = u2;
317         // Step 7 and 8:
318         do {
319             ++i;
320             u2 = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
322             if (u2 < umin) {
323                 umin = u2;
324             }
326             // Step 8:
327         } while (u > EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI[i]); // Ensured to exit since EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI[MAX] = 1
329         return mean * (a + umin * EXPONENTIAL_SA_QI[0]);
330     }
332     /**
333      * Returns the next pseudo-random gamma-distributed value with the given shape and scale parameters.
334      *
335      * @param shape shape parameter of the distribution
336      * @param scale scale parameter of the distribution
337      * @return gamma-distributed random deviate
338      */
339     public double nextGamma(double shape, double scale) {
340         if (shape < 1) {
341             // [1]: p. 228, Algorithm GS
343             while (true) {
344                 // Step 1:
345                 final double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
346                 final double bGS = 1 + shape / FastMath.E;
347                 final double p = bGS * u;
349                 if (p <= 1) {
350                     // Step 2:
352                     final double x = FastMath.pow(p, 1 / shape);
353                     final double u2 = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
355                     if (u2 > FastMath.exp(-x)) {
356                         // Reject
357                         continue;
358                     } else {
359                         return scale * x;
360                     }
361                 } else {
362                     // Step 3:
364                     final double x = -1 * FastMath.log((bGS - p) / shape);
365                     final double u2 = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
367                     if (u2 > FastMath.pow(x, shape - 1)) {
368                         // Reject
369                         continue;
370                     } else {
371                         return scale * x;
372                     }
373                 }
374             }
375         }
377         // Now shape >= 1
379         final double d = shape - 0.333333333333333333;
380         final double c = 1 / (3 * FastMath.sqrt(d));
382         while (true) {
383             final double x = randomGenerator.nextGaussian();
384             final double v = (1 + c * x) * (1 + c * x) * (1 + c * x);
386             if (v <= 0) {
387                 continue;
388             }
390             final double x2 = x * x;
391             final double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
393             // Squeeze
394             if (u < 1 - 0.0331 * x2 * x2) {
395                 return scale * d * v;
396             }
398             if (FastMath.log(u) < 0.5 * x2 + d * (1 - v + FastMath.log(v))) {
399                 return scale * d * v;
400             }
401         }
402     }
404     /**
405      * Returns the next normally-distributed pseudo-random deviate.
406      *
407      * @param mean mean of the normal distribution
408      * @param standardDeviation standard deviation of the normal distribution
409      * @return a random value, normally distributed with the given mean and standard deviation
410      */
411     public double nextNormal(double mean, double standardDeviation) {
412         if (standardDeviation <= 0) {
413             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException (LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_SMALL, standardDeviation, 0);
414         }
415         return standardDeviation * nextGaussian() + mean;
416     }
418     /**
419      * Returns the next log-normally-distributed pseudo-random deviate.
420      *
421      * @param shape shape parameter of the log-normal distribution
422      * @param scale scale parameter of the log-normal distribution
423      * @return a random value, normally distributed with the given mean and standard deviation
424      */
425     public double nextLogNormal(double shape, double scale) {
426         if (shape <= 0) {
427             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException (LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_SMALL, shape, 0);
428         }
429         return FastMath.exp(scale + shape * nextGaussian());
430     }
432     /**
433      * Returns a poisson-distributed deviate with the given mean.
434      *
435      * @param mean expected value
436      * @return poisson deviate
437      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if mean is not strictly positive
438      */
439     public int nextPoisson(double mean) {
440         if (mean <= 0) {
441             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_SMALL, mean, 0);
442         }
443         final double pivot = 40.0d;
444         if (mean < pivot) {
445             double p = FastMath.exp(-mean);
446             long n = 0;
447             double r = 1.0d;
448             double rnd;
450             while (n < 1000 * mean) {
451                 rnd = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
452                 r *= rnd;
453                 if (r >= p) {
454                     n++;
455                 } else {
456                     return (int) FastMath.min(n, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
457                 }
458             }
459             return (int) FastMath.min(n, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
460         } else {
461             final double lambda = FastMath.floor(mean);
462             final double lambdaFractional = mean - lambda;
463             final double logLambda = FastMath.log(lambda);
464             final double logLambdaFactorial = CombinatoricsUtils.factorialLog((int) lambda);
465             final long y2 = lambdaFractional < Double.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : nextPoisson(lambdaFractional);
466             final double delta = FastMath.sqrt(lambda * FastMath.log(32 * lambda / FastMath.PI + 1));
467             final double halfDelta = delta / 2;
468             final double twolpd = 2 * lambda + delta;
469             final double a1 = FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.PI * twolpd) * FastMath.exp(1 / (8 * lambda));
470             final double a2 = (twolpd / delta) * FastMath.exp(-delta * (1 + delta) / twolpd);
471             final double aSum = a1 + a2 + 1;
472             final double p1 = a1 / aSum;
473             final double p2 = a2 / aSum;
474             final double c1 = 1 / (8 * lambda);
476             double x;
477             double y = 0;
478             double v;
479             int a;
480             double t;
481             double qr;
482             double qa;
483             for (;;) {
484                 final double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
485                 if (u <= p1) {
486                     final double n = randomGenerator.nextGaussian();
487                     x = n * FastMath.sqrt(lambda + halfDelta) - 0.5d;
488                     if (x > delta || x < -lambda) {
489                         continue;
490                     }
491                     y = x < 0 ? FastMath.floor(x) : FastMath.ceil(x);
492                     final double e = nextExponential(1);
493                     v = -e - (n * n / 2) + c1;
494                 } else {
495                     if (u > p1 + p2) {
496                         y = lambda;
497                         break;
498                     } else {
499                         x = delta + (twolpd / delta) * nextExponential(1);
500                         y = FastMath.ceil(x);
501                         v = -nextExponential(1) - delta * (x + 1) / twolpd;
502                     }
503                 }
504                 a = x < 0 ? 1 : 0;
505                 t = y * (y + 1) / (2 * lambda);
506                 if (v < -t && a == 0) {
507                     y = lambda + y;
508                     break;
509                 }
510                 qr = t * ((2 * y + 1) / (6 * lambda) - 1);
511                 qa = qr - (t * t) / (3 * (lambda + a * (y + 1)));
512                 if (v < qa) {
513                     y = lambda + y;
514                     break;
515                 }
516                 if (v > qr) {
517                     continue;
518                 }
519                 if (v < y * logLambda - CombinatoricsUtils.factorialLog((int) (y + lambda)) + logLambdaFactorial) {
520                     y = lambda + y;
521                     break;
522                 }
523             }
524             return (int) FastMath.min(y2 + (long) y, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
525         }
526     }
528     /**
529      * Returns a random deviate from the given distribution.
530      *
531      * @param dist the distribution to sample from
532      * @return a random value following the given distribution
533      */
534     public double nextDeviate(RealDistribution dist) {
535         return getSampler(dist).nextSample(this, dist);
536     }
538     /**
539      * Returns an array of random deviates from the given distribution.
540      *
541      * @param dist the distribution to sample from
542      * @param size the number of values to return
543      *
544      * @return an array of {@code size} values following the given distribution
545      */
546     public double[] nextDeviates(RealDistribution dist, int size) {
547         //TODO: check parameters
549         RealDistributionSampler sampler = getSampler(dist);
550         double[] out = new double[size];
551         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
552             out[i] = sampler.nextSample(this, dist);
553         }
554         return out;
555     }
557     /**
558      * Returns a random deviate from the given distribution.
559      *
560      * @param dist the distribution to sample from
561      * @return a random value following the given distribution
562      */
563     public int nextDeviate(IntegerDistribution dist) {
564         return getSampler(dist).nextSample(this, dist);
565     }
567     /**
568      * Returns an array of random deviates from the given distribution.
569      *
570      * @param dist the distribution to sample from
571      * @param size the number of values to return
572      *
573      * @return an array of {@code size }values following the given distribution
574      */
575     public int[] nextDeviates(IntegerDistribution dist, int size) {
576         //TODO: check parameters
578         IntegerDistributionSampler sampler = getSampler(dist);
579         int[] out = new int[size];
580         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
581             out[i] = sampler.nextSample(this, dist);
582         }
583         return out;
584     }
586     /**
587      * Returns a sampler for the given continuous distribution.
588      * @param dist the distribution
589      * @return a sampler for the distribution
590      */
591     private RealDistributionSampler getSampler(RealDistribution dist) {
592         RealDistributionSampler sampler = CONTINUOUS_SAMPLERS.get(dist.getClass());
593         if (sampler != null) {
594             return sampler;
595         }
596         return DEFAULT_REAL_SAMPLER;
597     }
599     /**
600      * Returns a sampler for the given discrete distribution.
601      * @param dist the distribution
602      * @return a sampler for the distribution
603      */
604     private IntegerDistributionSampler getSampler(IntegerDistribution dist) {
605         IntegerDistributionSampler sampler = DISCRETE_SAMPLERS.get(dist.getClass());
606         if (sampler != null) {
607             return sampler;
608         }
609         return DEFAULT_INTEGER_SAMPLER;
610     }
612     /**
613      * Returns a uniformly distributed random integer between lower and upper (inclusive).
614      *
615      * @param lower lower bound for the generated value
616      * @param upper upper bound for the generated value
617      * @return a random integer value within the given bounds
618      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if lower is not strictly less than or equal to upper
619      */
620     public int nextInt(int lower, int upper) {
621         if (lower >= upper) {
622             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.LOWER_BOUND_NOT_BELOW_UPPER_BOUND,
623                                                    lower, upper);
624         }
625         final int max = (upper - lower) + 1;
626         if (max <= 0) {
627             // The range is too wide to fit in a positive int (larger
628             // than 2^31); as it covers more than half the integer range,
629             // we use a simple rejection method.
630             while (true) {
631                 final int r = nextInt();
632                 if (r >= lower &&
633                     r <= upper) {
634                     return r;
635                 }
636             }
637         } else {
638             // We can shift the range and directly generate a positive int.
639             return lower + nextInt(max);
640         }
641     }
643     /**
644      * Returns a uniformly distributed random long integer between lower and upper (inclusive).
645      *
646      * @param lower lower bound for the generated value
647      * @param upper upper bound for the generated value
648      * @return a random long integer value within the given bounds
649      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if lower is not strictly less than or equal to upper
650      */
651     public long nextLong(final long lower, final long upper) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
652         if (lower >= upper) {
653             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.LOWER_BOUND_NOT_BELOW_UPPER_BOUND,
654                                                    lower, upper);
655         }
656         final long max = (upper - lower) + 1;
657         if (max <= 0) {
658             // the range is too wide to fit in a positive long (larger than 2^63); as it covers
659             // more than half the long range, we use directly a simple rejection method
660             while (true) {
661                 final long r = randomGenerator.nextLong();
662                 if (r >= lower && r <= upper) {
663                     return r;
664                 }
665             }
666         } else if (max < Integer.MAX_VALUE){
667             // we can shift the range and generate directly a positive int
668             return lower + randomGenerator.nextInt((int) max);
669         } else {
670             // we can shift the range and generate directly a positive long
671             return lower + nextLong(max);
672         }
673     }
675     /**
676      * Returns a double value uniformly distributed over [lower, upper]
677      * @param lower lower bound
678      * @param upper upper bound
679      * @return uniform deviate
680      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if upper is less than or equal to upper
681      */
682     public double nextUniform(double lower, double upper) {
683         if (upper <= lower) {
684             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.LOWER_BOUND_NOT_BELOW_UPPER_BOUND, lower, upper);
685         }
686         if (Double.isInfinite(lower) || Double.isInfinite(upper)) {
687             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.INFINITE_BOUND);
688         }
689         if (Double.isNaN(lower) || Double.isNaN(upper)) {
690             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NAN_NOT_ALLOWED);
691         }
692         final double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
693         return u * upper + (1 - u) * lower;
694     }
696     /**
697      * Returns an integer value following a Zipf distribution with the given parameter.
698      *
699      * @param numberOfElements number of elements of the distribution
700      * @param exponent exponent of the distribution
701      * @return random Zipf value
702      */
703     public int nextZipf(int numberOfElements, double exponent) {
704         if (zipfSampler == null || zipfSampler.getExponent() != exponent || zipfSampler.getNumberOfElements() != numberOfElements) {
705             zipfSampler = new ZipfRejectionInversionSampler(numberOfElements, exponent);
706         }
707         return zipfSampler.sample(randomGenerator);
708     }
710     /**
711      * Generates a random string of hex characters of length {@code len}.
712      * <p>
713      * The generated string will be random, but not cryptographically secure.
714      * <p>
715      * <strong>Algorithm Description:</strong> hex strings are generated using a
716      * 2-step process.
717      * </p>
718      * <ol>
719      * <li>{@code len / 2 + 1} binary bytes are generated using the underlying
720      * Random</li>
721      * <li>Each binary byte is translated into 2 hex digits</li>
722      * </ol>
723      *
724      * @param len the desired string length.
725      * @return the random string.
726      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code len <= 0}.
727      */
728     public String nextHexString(int len) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
729         if (len <= 0) {
730             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.LENGTH, len);
731         }
733         // Initialize output buffer
734         StringBuilder outBuffer = new StringBuilder();
736         // Get int(len/2)+1 random bytes
737         byte[] randomBytes = new byte[(len / 2) + 1];
738         randomGenerator.nextBytes(randomBytes);
740         // Convert each byte to 2 hex digits
741         for (int i = 0; i < randomBytes.length; i++) {
742             Integer c = Integer.valueOf(randomBytes[i]);
744             /*
745              * Add 128 to byte value to make interval 0-255 before doing hex
746              * conversion. This guarantees <= 2 hex digits from toHexString()
747              * toHexString would otherwise add 2^32 to negative arguments.
748              */
749             String hex = Integer.toHexString(c.intValue() + 128);
751             // Make sure we add 2 hex digits for each byte
752             if (hex.length() == 1) {
753                 outBuffer.append('0');
754             }
755             outBuffer.append(hex);
756         }
757         return outBuffer.toString().substring(0, len);
758     }
760     /**
761      * Generates an integer array of length {@code k} whose entries are selected
762      * randomly, without repetition, from the integers {@code 0, ..., n - 1}
763      * (inclusive).
764      * <p>
765      * Generated arrays represent permutations of {@code n} taken {@code k} at a
766      * time.</p>
767      * This method calls {@link MathArrays#shuffle(int[],RandomGenerator)
768      * MathArrays.shuffle} in order to create a random shuffle of the set
769      * of natural numbers {@code { 0, 1, ..., n - 1 }}.
770      *
771      *
772      * @param n the domain of the permutation
773      * @param k the size of the permutation
774      * @return a random {@code k}-permutation of {@code n}, as an array of
775      * integers
776      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k > n}.
777      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k <= 0}.
778      */
779     public int[] nextPermutation(int n, int k)
780         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
781         if (k > n) {
782             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.PERMUTATION_EXCEEDS_N,
783                                                    k, n, true);
784         }
785         if (k <= 0) {
786             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.PERMUTATION_SIZE,
787                                                    k);
788         }
790         final int[] index = MathArrays.natural(n);
791         MathArrays.shuffle(index, randomGenerator);
793         // Return a new array containing the first "k" entries of "index".
794         return Arrays.copyOf(index, k);
795     }
797     /**
798      * Returns an array of {@code k} objects selected randomly from the
799      * Collection {@code c}.
800      * <p>
801      * Sampling from {@code c} is without replacement; but if {@code c} contains
802      * identical objects, the sample may include repeats.  If all elements of
803      * {@code c} are distinct, the resulting object array represents a
804      * <a href="">
805      * Simple Random Sample</a> of size {@code k} from the elements of
806      * {@code c}.</p>
807      * <p>This method calls {@link #nextPermutation(int,int) nextPermutation(c.size(), k)}
808      * in order to sample the collection.
809      * </p>
810      *
811      * @param c the collection to be sampled
812      * @param k the size of the sample
813      * @return a random sample of {@code k} elements from {@code c}
814      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k > c.size()}.
815      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k <= 0}.
816      */
817     public Object[] nextSample(Collection<?> c, int k) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
819         int len = c.size();
820         if (k > len) {
821             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.SAMPLE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_COLLECTION_SIZE,
822                                                    k, len, true);
823         }
824         if (k <= 0) {
825             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, k);
826         }
828         Object[] objects = c.toArray();
829         int[] index = nextPermutation(len, k);
830         Object[] result = new Object[k];
831         for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
832             result[i] = objects[index[i]];
833         }
834         return result;
835     }
837     /**
838      * Returns an array of {@code k} double values selected randomly from the
839      * double array {@code a}.
840      * <p>
841      * Sampling from {@code a} is without replacement; but if {@code a} contains
842      * identical objects, the sample may include repeats.  If all elements of
843      * {@code a} are distinct, the resulting object array represents a
844      * <a href="">
845      * Simple Random Sample</a> of size {@code k} from the elements of
846      * {@code a}.</p>
847      *
848      * @param a the array to be sampled
849      * @param k the size of the sample
850      * @return a random sample of {@code k} elements from {@code a}
851      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k > c.size()}.
852      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code k <= 0}.
853      */
854     public double[] nextSample(double[] a, int k) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
855         int len = a.length;
856         if (k > len) {
857             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.SAMPLE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_COLLECTION_SIZE,
858                                                    k, len, true);
859         }
860         if (k <= 0) {
861             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, k);
862         }
863         int[] index = nextPermutation(len, k);
864         double[] result = new double[k];
865         for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
866             result[i] = a[index[i]];
867         }
868         return result;
869     }
871     /**
872      * Generates a random sample of size sampleSize from {0, 1, ... , weights.length - 1},
873      * using weights as probabilities.
874      * <p>
875      * For 0 &lt; i &lt; weights.length, the probability that i is selected (on any draw) is weights[i].
876      * If necessary, the weights array is normalized to sum to 1 so that weights[i] is a probability
877      * and the array sums to 1.
878      * <p>
879      * Weights can be 0, but must not be negative, infinite or NaN.
880      * At least one weight must be positive.
881      *
882      * @param sampleSize size of sample to generate
883      * @param weights probability sampling weights
884      * @return an array of integers between 0 and weights.length - 1
885      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if weights contains negative, NaN or infinite values or only 0s or sampleSize is less than 0
886      */
887     public int[] nextSampleWithReplacement(int sampleSize, double[] weights) {
889         // Check sample size
890         if (sampleSize < 0) {
891             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NOT_POSITIVE_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
892         }
894         // Check and normalize weights
895         double[] normWt = EnumeratedDistribution.checkAndNormalize(weights);
897         // Generate sample values by dividing [0,1] into subintervals corresponding to weights.
898         final int[] out = new int[sampleSize];
899         final int len = normWt.length;
900         for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
901             final double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
902             double cum = normWt[0];
903             int j = 1;
904             while (cum < u && j < len) {
905                 cum += normWt[j++];
906             }
907             out[i] = --j;
908         }
909         return out;
910     }
912     /**
913      * Utility class implementing Cheng's algorithms for beta distribution sampling.
914      *
915      * <blockquote>
916      * <pre>
917      * R. C. H. Cheng,
918      * "Generating beta variates with nonintegral shape parameters",
919      * Communications of the ACM, 21, 317-322, 1978.
920      * </pre>
921      * </blockquote>
922      */
923     private static class ChengBetaSampler {
925         /** Private constructor for utility class. */
926         private ChengBetaSampler() { // NOPMD - PMD fails to detect this is a utility class
927             // not called
928         }
930         /**
931          * Returns the next sample following a beta distribution
932          * with given alpha and beta parameters.
933          *
934          * @param generator the random generator to use
935          * @param alpha the alpha parameter
936          * @param beta the beta parameter
937          * @return the next sample
938          */
939         public static double sample(RandomGenerator generator,
940                                     double alpha,
941                                     double beta) {
942             // TODO: validate parameters
943             final double a = FastMath.min(alpha, beta);
944             final double b = FastMath.max(alpha, beta);
946             if (a > 1) {
947                 return algorithmBB(generator, alpha, a, b);
948             } else {
949                 return algorithmBC(generator, alpha, b, a);
950             }
951         }
953         /**
954          * Returns one Beta sample using Cheng's BB algorithm,
955          * when both &alpha; and &beta; are greater than 1.
956          *
957          * @param generator the random generator to use
958          * @param a0 distribution first shape parameter (&alpha;)
959          * @param a min(&alpha;, &beta;) where &alpha;, &beta; are the two distribution shape parameters
960          * @param b max(&alpha;, &beta;) where &alpha;, &beta; are the two distribution shape parameters
961          * @return sampled value
962          */
963         private static double algorithmBB(final RandomGenerator generator,
964                                           final double a0,
965                                           final double a,
966                                           final double b) {
967             final double alpha = a + b;
968             final double beta = FastMath.sqrt((alpha - 2.) / (2. * a * b - alpha));
969             final double gamma = a + 1. / beta;
971             double r;
972             double w;
973             double t;
974             do {
975                 final double u1 = generator.nextDouble();
976                 final double u2 = generator.nextDouble();
977                 final double v = beta * (FastMath.log(u1) - FastMath.log1p(-u1));
978                 w = a * FastMath.exp(v);
979                 final double z = u1 * u1 * u2;
980                 r = gamma * v - 1.3862944;
981                 final double s = a + r - w;
982                 if (s + 2.609438 >= 5 * z) {
983                     break;
984                 }
986                 t = FastMath.log(z);
987                 if (s >= t) {
988                     break;
989                 }
990             } while (r + alpha * (FastMath.log(alpha) - FastMath.log(b + w)) < t);
992             w = FastMath.min(w, Double.MAX_VALUE);
993             return Precision.equals(a, a0) ? w / (b + w) : b / (b + w);
994         }
996         /**
997          * Returns a Beta-distribute value using Cheng's BC algorithm,
998          * when at least one of &alpha; and &beta; is smaller than 1.
999          *
1000          * @param generator the random generator to use
1001          * @param a0 distribution first shape parameter (&alpha;)
1002          * @param a max(&alpha;, &beta;) where &alpha;, &beta; are the two distribution shape parameters
1003          * @param b min(&alpha;, &beta;) where &alpha;, &beta; are the two distribution shape parameters
1004          * @return sampled value
1005          */
1006         private static double algorithmBC(final RandomGenerator generator,
1007                                           final double a0,
1008                                           final double a,
1009                                           final double b) {
1010             final double alpha = a + b;
1011             final double beta = 1. / b;
1012             final double delta = 1. + a - b;
1013             final double k1 = delta * (0.0138889 + 0.0416667 * b) / (a * beta - 0.777778);
1014             final double k2 = 0.25 + (0.5 + 0.25 / delta) * b;
1016             double w;
1017             for (;;) {
1018                 final double u1 = generator.nextDouble();
1019                 final double u2 = generator.nextDouble();
1020                 final double y = u1 * u2;
1021                 final double z = u1 * y;
1022                 if (u1 < 0.5) {
1023                     if (0.25 * u2 + z - y >= k1) {
1024                         continue;
1025                     }
1026                 } else {
1027                     if (z <= 0.25) {
1028                         final double v = beta * (FastMath.log(u1) - FastMath.log1p(-u1));
1029                         w = a * FastMath.exp(v);
1030                         break;
1031                     }
1033                     if (z >= k2) {
1034                         continue;
1035                     }
1036                 }
1038                 final double v = beta * (FastMath.log(u1) - FastMath.log1p(-u1));
1039                 w = a * FastMath.exp(v);
1040                 if (alpha * (FastMath.log(alpha) - FastMath.log(b + w) + v) - 1.3862944 >= FastMath.log(z)) {
1041                     break;
1042                 }
1043             }
1045             w = FastMath.min(w, Double.MAX_VALUE);
1046             return Precision.equals(a, a0) ? w / (b + w) : b / (b + w);
1047         }
1048     }
1050     /**
1051      * Utility class implementing a rejection inversion sampling method for a discrete,
1052      * bounded Zipf distribution that is based on the method described in
1053      * <p>
1054      * Wolfgang Hörmann and Gerhard Derflinger
1055      * "Rejection-inversion to generate variates from monotone discrete distributions."
1056      * ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 6.3 (1996): 169-184.
1057      * <p>
1058      * The paper describes an algorithm for exponents larger than 1 (Algorithm ZRI).
1059      * The original method uses {@code H(x) := (v + x)^(1 - q) / (1 - q)}
1060      * as the integral of the hat function. This function is undefined for
1061      * q = 1, which is the reason for the limitation of the exponent.
1062      * If instead the integral function
1063      * {@code H(x) := ((v + x)^(1 - q) - 1) / (1 - q)} is used,
1064      * for which a meaningful limit exists for q = 1,
1065      * the method works for all positive exponents.
1066      * <p>
1067      * The following implementation uses v := 0 and generates integral numbers
1068      * in the range [1, numberOfElements]. This is different to the original method
1069      * where v is defined to be positive and numbers are taken from [0, i_max].
1070      * This explains why the implementation looks slightly different.
1071      *
1072      */
1073     static final class ZipfRejectionInversionSampler {
1075         /** Exponent parameter of the distribution. */
1076         private final double exponent;
1077         /** Number of elements. */
1078         private final int numberOfElements;
1079         /** Constant equal to {@code hIntegral(1.5) - 1}. */
1080         private final double hIntegralX1;
1081         /** Constant equal to {@code hIntegral(numberOfElements + 0.5)}. */
1082         private final double hIntegralNumberOfElements;
1083         /** Constant equal to {@code 2 - hIntegralInverse(hIntegral(2.5) - h(2)}. */
1084         private final double s;
1086         /** Simple constructor.
1087          * @param numberOfElements number of elements
1088          * @param exponent exponent parameter of the distribution
1089          */
1090         ZipfRejectionInversionSampler(final int numberOfElements, final double exponent) {
1091             this.exponent = exponent;
1092             this.numberOfElements = numberOfElements;
1093             this.hIntegralX1 = hIntegral(1.5) - 1d;
1094             this.hIntegralNumberOfElements = hIntegral(numberOfElements + 0.5);
1095             this.s = 2d - hIntegralInverse(hIntegral(2.5) - h(2));
1096         }
1098         /** Generate one integral number in the range [1, numberOfElements].
1099          * @param random random generator to use
1100          * @return generated integral number in the range [1, numberOfElements]
1101          */
1102         int sample(final RandomGenerator random) {
1103             while(true) {
1105                 final double u = hIntegralNumberOfElements + random.nextDouble() * (hIntegralX1 - hIntegralNumberOfElements);
1106                 // u is uniformly distributed in (hIntegralX1, hIntegralNumberOfElements]
1108                 double x = hIntegralInverse(u);
1110                 int k = (int)(x + 0.5);
1112                 // Limit k to the range [1, numberOfElements]
1113                 // (k could be outside due to numerical inaccuracies)
1114                 if (k < 1) {
1115                     k = 1;
1116                 }
1117                 else if (k > numberOfElements) {
1118                     k = numberOfElements;
1119                 }
1121                 // Here, the distribution of k is given by:
1122                 //
1123                 //   P(k = 1) = C * (hIntegral(1.5) - hIntegralX1) = C
1124                 //   P(k = m) = C * (hIntegral(m + 1/2) - hIntegral(m - 1/2)) for m >= 2
1125                 //
1126                 //   where C := 1 / (hIntegralNumberOfElements - hIntegralX1)
1128                 if (k - x <= s || u >= hIntegral(k + 0.5) - h(k)) {
1130                     // Case k = 1:
1131                     //
1132                     //   The right inequality is always true, because replacing k by 1 gives
1133                     //   u >= hIntegral(1.5) - h(1) = hIntegralX1 and u is taken from
1134                     //   (hIntegralX1, hIntegralNumberOfElements].
1135                     //
1136                     //   Therefore, the acceptance rate for k = 1 is P(accepted | k = 1) = 1
1137                     //   and the probability that 1 is returned as random value is
1138                     //   P(k = 1 and accepted) = P(accepted | k = 1) * P(k = 1) = C = C / 1^exponent
1139                     //
1140                     // Case k >= 2:
1141                     //
1142                     //   The left inequality (k - x <= s) is just a short cut
1143                     //   to avoid the more expensive evaluation of the right inequality
1144                     //   (u >= hIntegral(k + 0.5) - h(k)) in many cases.
1145                     //
1146                     //   If the left inequality is true, the right inequality is also true:
1147                     //     Theorem 2 in the paper is valid for all positive exponents, because
1148                     //     the requirements h'(x) = -exponent/x^(exponent + 1) < 0 and
1149                     //     (-1/hInverse'(x))'' = (1+1/exponent) * x^(1/exponent-1) >= 0
1150                     //     are both fulfilled.
1151                     //     Therefore, f(x) := x - hIntegralInverse(hIntegral(x + 0.5) - h(x))
1152                     //     is a non-decreasing function. If k - x <= s holds,
1153                     //     k - x <= s + f(k) - f(2) is obviously also true which is equivalent to
1154                     //     -x <= -hIntegralInverse(hIntegral(k + 0.5) - h(k)),
1155                     //     -hIntegralInverse(u) <= -hIntegralInverse(hIntegral(k + 0.5) - h(k)),
1156                     //     and finally u >= hIntegral(k + 0.5) - h(k).
1157                     //
1158                     //   Hence, the right inequality determines the acceptance rate:
1159                     //   P(accepted | k = m) = h(m) / (hIntegrated(m+1/2) - hIntegrated(m-1/2))
1160                     //   The probability that m is returned is given by
1161                     //   P(k = m and accepted) = P(accepted | k = m) * P(k = m) = C * h(m) = C / m^exponent.
1162                     //
1163                     // In both cases the probabilities are proportional to the probability mass function
1164                     // of the Zipf distribution.
1166                     return k;
1167                 }
1168             }
1169         }
1171         /**
1172          * {@code H(x) :=}
1173          * <ul>
1174          * <li>{@code (x^(1-exponent) - 1)/(1 - exponent)}, if {@code exponent != 1}</li>
1175          * <li>{@code log(x)}, if {@code exponent == 1}</li>
1176          * </ul>
1177          * H(x) is an integral function of h(x),
1178          * the derivative of H(x) is h(x).
1179          *
1180          * @param x free parameter
1181          * @return {@code H(x)}
1182          */
1183         private double hIntegral(final double x) {
1184             final double logX = FastMath.log(x);
1185             return helper2((1d-exponent)*logX)*logX;
1186         }
1188         /**
1189          * {@code h(x) := 1/x^exponent}
1190          *
1191          * @param x free parameter
1192          * @return h(x)
1193          */
1194         private double h(final double x) {
1195             return FastMath.exp(-exponent * FastMath.log(x));
1196         }
1198         /**
1199          * The inverse function of H(x).
1200          *
1201          * @param x free parameter
1202          * @return y for which {@code H(y) = x}
1203          */
1204         private double hIntegralInverse(final double x) {
1205             double t = x*(1d-exponent);
1206             if (t < -1d) {
1207                 // Limit value to the range [-1, +inf).
1208                 // t could be smaller than -1 in some rare cases due to numerical errors.
1209                 t = -1;
1210             }
1211             return FastMath.exp(helper1(t)*x);
1212         }
1214         /**
1215          * @return the exponent of the distribution being sampled
1216          */
1217         public double getExponent() {
1218             return exponent;
1219         }
1221         /**
1222          * @return the number of elements of the distribution being sampled
1223          */
1224         public int getNumberOfElements() {
1225             return numberOfElements;
1226         }
1228         /**
1229          * Helper function that calculates {@code log(1+x)/x}.
1230          * <p>
1231          * A Taylor series expansion is used, if x is close to 0.
1232          *
1233          * @param x a value larger than or equal to -1
1234          * @return {@code log(1+x)/x}
1235          */
1236         static double helper1(final double x) {
1237             if (FastMath.abs(x)>1e-8) {
1238                 return FastMath.log1p(x)/x;
1239             }
1240             else {
1241                 return 1.-x*((1./2.)-x*((1./3.)-x*(1./4.)));
1242             }
1243         }
1245         /**
1246          * Helper function to calculate {@code (exp(x)-1)/x}.
1247          * <p>
1248          * A Taylor series expansion is used, if x is close to 0.
1249          *
1250          * @param x free parameter
1251          * @return {@code (exp(x)-1)/x} if x is non-zero, or 1 if x=0
1252          */
1253         static double helper2(final double x) {
1254             if (FastMath.abs(x)>1e-8) {
1255                 return FastMath.expm1(x)/x;
1256             }
1257             else {
1258                 return 1.+x*(1./2.)*(1.+x*(1./3.)*(1.+x*(1./4.)));
1259             }
1260         }
1261     }
1263     /**
1264      * Sampler for enumerated distributions.
1265      *
1266      * @param <T> type of sample space objects
1267      */
1268     private final class EnumeratedDistributionSampler<T> {
1269         /** Probabilities */
1270         private final double[] weights;
1271         /** Values */
1272         private final List<T> values;
1273         /**
1274          * Create an EnumeratedDistributionSampler from the provided pmf.
1275          *
1276          * @param pmf probability mass function describing the distribution
1277          */
1278         EnumeratedDistributionSampler(List<Pair<T, Double>> pmf) {
1279             final int numMasses = pmf.size();
1280             weights = new double[numMasses];
1281             values = new ArrayList<>();
1282             for (int i = 0; i < numMasses; i++) {
1283                 weights[i] = pmf.get(i).getSecond();
1284                 values.add(pmf.get(i).getFirst());
1285             }
1286         }
1287         /**
1288          * @return a random value from the distribution
1289          */
1290         public T sample() {
1291             int[] chosen = nextSampleWithReplacement(1, weights);
1292             return values.get(chosen[0]);
1293         }
1294     }
1295 }