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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Hipparchus project under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The Hipparchus project licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff;
19  import org.hipparchus.ode.ExpandableODE;
20  import org.hipparchus.ode.ODEIntegrator;
21  import org.hipparchus.ode.ODEState;
22  import org.hipparchus.ode.OrdinaryDifferentialEquation;
25  /**
26   * This interface implements the part of Runge-Kutta
27   * integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations
28   * common to fixed- and adaptive steps.
29   *
30   * <p>These methods are explicit Runge-Kutta methods, their Butcher
31   * arrays are as follows :</p>
32   * <pre>
33   *    0  |
34   *   c2  | a21
35   *   c3  | a31  a32
36   *   ... |        ...
37   *   cs  | as1  as2  ...  ass-1
38   *       |--------------------------
39   *       |  b1   b2  ...   bs-1  bs
40   * </pre>
41   *
42   * @see ButcherArrayProvider
43   * @see RungeKuttaIntegrator
44   * @see EmbeddedRungeKuttaIntegrator
45   * @since 3.1
46   */
48  public interface ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator extends ButcherArrayProvider, ODEIntegrator {
50      /**
51       * Getter for the number of stages corresponding to the Butcher array.
52       *
53       * @return number of stages
54       */
55      default int getNumberOfStages() {
56          return getB().length;
57      }
59      /** Fast computation of a single step of ODE integration.
60       * <p>This method is intended for the limited use case of
61       * very fast computation of only one step without using any of the
62       * rich features of general integrators that may take some time
63       * to set up (i.e. no step handlers, no events handlers, no additional
64       * states, no interpolators, no error control, no evaluations count,
65       * no sanity checks ...). It handles the strict minimum of computation,
66       * so it can be embedded in outer loops.</p>
67       * <p>
68       * This method is <em>not</em> used at all by the {@link #integrate(ExpandableODE, ODEState, double)}
69       * method. It also completely ignores the step set at construction time, and
70       * uses only a single step to go from {@code t0} to {@code t}.
71       * </p>
72       * <p>
73       * As this method does not use any of the state-dependent features of the integrator,
74       * it should be reasonably thread-safe <em>if and only if</em> the provided differential
75       * equations are themselves thread-safe.
76       * </p>
77       * @param equations differential equations to integrate
78       * @param t0 initial time
79       * @param y0 initial value of the state vector at t0
80       * @param t target time for the integration
81       * (can be set to a value smaller than {@code t0} for backward integration)
82       * @return state vector at {@code t}
83       */
84      default double[] singleStep(final OrdinaryDifferentialEquation equations, final double t0, final double[] y0,
85                                  final double t) {
87          // create some internal working arrays
88          final int stages       = getNumberOfStages();
89          final double[][] yDotK = new double[stages][];
91          // first stage
92          final double h = t - t0;
93          final ExpandableODE expandableODE = new ExpandableODE(equations);
94          yDotK[0] = expandableODE.computeDerivatives(t0, y0);
96          // next stages
97          ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator.applyInternalButcherWeights(expandableODE, t0, y0, h, getA(), getC(), yDotK);
99          // estimate the state at the end of the step
100         return ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator.applyExternalButcherWeights(y0, yDotK, h, getB());
102     }
104     /**
105      * Apply internal weights of Butcher array, with corresponding times.
106      * @param equations differential equations to integrate
107      * @param t0        initial time
108      * @param y0        initial value of the state vector at t0
109      * @param h         step size
110      * @param a         internal weights of Butcher array
111      * @param c         times of Butcher array
112      * @param yDotK     array where to store result
113      */
114     static void applyInternalButcherWeights(final ExpandableODE equations, final double t0, final double[] y0,
115                                             final double h, final double[][] a, final double[] c,
116                                             final double[][] yDotK) {
117         // create some internal working arrays
118         final int stages = c.length + 1;
119         final double[] yTmp = y0.clone();
121         for (int k = 1; k < stages; ++k) {
123             for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
124                 double sum = yDotK[0][j] * a[k - 1][0];
125                 for (int l = 1; l < k; ++l) {
126                     sum += yDotK[l][j] * a[k - 1][l];
127                 }
128                 yTmp[j] = y0[j] + h * sum;
129             }
131             yDotK[k] = equations.computeDerivatives(t0 + h * c[k - 1], yTmp);
132         }
133     }
135     /** Apply external weights of Butcher array, assuming internal ones have been applied.
136      * @param yDotK output of stages
137      * @param y0 initial value of the state vector at t0
138      * @param h step size
139      * @param b external weights of Butcher array
140      * @return state vector
141      */
142     static double[] applyExternalButcherWeights(final double[] y0, final double[][] yDotK, final double h,
143                                                 final double[] b) {
144         final double[] y = y0.clone();
145         final int stages = b.length;
146         for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
147             double sum = yDotK[0][j] * b[0];
148             for (int l = 1; l < stages; ++l) {
149                 sum += yDotK[l][j] * b[l];
150             }
151             y[j] += h * sum;
152         }
153         return y;
154     }
155 }