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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Hipparchus project under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The Hipparchus project licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.hipparchus.analysis.interpolation;
19  import;
20  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
22  import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
23  import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
24  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
25  import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
27  /**
28   * Helper for finding interpolation nodes along one axis of grid data.
29   * <p>
30   * This class is intended to be used for interpolating inside grids.
31   * It works on any sorted data without duplication and size at least
32   * {@code n} where {@code n} is the number of points required for
33   * interpolation (i.e. 2 for linear interpolation, 3 for quadratic...)
34   * </p>
35   * <p>
36   * The method uses linear interpolation to select the nodes indices.
37   * It should be O(1) for sufficiently regular data, therefore much faster
38   * than bisection. It also features caching, which improves speed when
39   * interpolating several points in raw in the close locations, i.e. when
40   * successive calls have a high probability to return the same interpolation
41   * nodes. This occurs for example when scanning with small steps a loose
42   * grid. The method also works on non-regular grids, but may be slower in
43   * this case.
44   * </p>
45   * <p>
46   * This class is thread-safe.
47   * </p>
48   * @since 1.4
49   */
50  public class GridAxis implements Serializable {
52      /** Serializable UID. */
53      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20180926L;
55      /** All the coordinates of the interpolation points, sorted in increasing order. */
56      private final double[] grid;
58      /** Number of points required for interpolation. */
59      private int n;
61      /** Cached value of last x index. */
62      private final AtomicInteger cache;
64      /** Simple constructor.
65       * @param grid coordinates of the interpolation points, sorted in increasing order
66       * @param n number of points required for interpolation, i.e. 2 for linear, 3
67       * for quadratic...
68       * @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if grid size is smaller than {@code n}
69       * or if the grid is not sorted in strict increasing order
70       */
71      public GridAxis(final double[] grid, final int n)
72          throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
74          // safety checks
75          if (grid.length < n) {
76              throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.INSUFFICIENT_DIMENSION,
77                                                     grid.length, n);
78          }
79          MathArrays.checkOrder(grid);
81          this.grid  = grid.clone();
82          this.n     = n;
83          this.cache = new AtomicInteger(0);
85      }
87      /** Get the number of points of the grid.
88       * @return number of points of the grid
89       */
90      public int size() {
91          return grid.length;
92      }
94      /** Get the number of points required for interpolation.
95       * @return number of points required for interpolation
96       */
97      public int getN() {
98          return n;
99      }
101     /** Get the interpolation node at specified index.
102      * @param index node index
103      * @return coordinate of the node at specified index
104      */
105     public double node(final int index) {
106         return grid[index];
107     }
109     /** Get the index of the first interpolation node for some coordinate along the grid.
110      * <p>
111      * The index return is the one for the lowest interpolation node suitable for
112      * {@code t}. This means that if {@code i} is returned the nodes to use for
113      * interpolation at coordinate {@code t} are at indices {@code i}, {@code i+1},
114      * ..., {@code i+n-1}, where {@code n} is the number of points required for
115      * interpolation passed at construction.
116      * </p>
117      * <p>
118      * The index is selected in order to have the subset of nodes from {@code i} to
119      * {@code i+n-1} as balanced as possible around {@code t}:
120      * </p>
121      * <ul>
122      *   <li>
123      *     if {@code t} is inside the grid and sufficiently far from the endpoints
124      *     <ul>
125      *       <li>
126      *         if {@code n} is even, the returned nodes will be perfectly balanced:
127      *         there will be {@code n/2} nodes smaller than {@code t} and {@code n/2}
128      *         nodes larger than {@code t}
129      *       </li>
130      *       <li>
131      *         if {@code n} is odd, the returned nodes will be slightly unbalanced by
132      *         one point: there will be {@code (n+1)/2} nodes smaller than {@code t}
133      *         and {@code (n-1)/2} nodes larger than {@code t}
134      *       </li>
135      *     </ul>
136      *   </li>
137      *   <li>
138      *     if {@code t} is inside the grid and close to endpoints, the returned nodes
139      *     will be unbalanced: there will be less nodes on the endpoints side and
140      *     more nodes on the interior side
141      *   </li>
142      *   <li>
143      *     if {@code t} is outside of the grid, the returned nodes will completely
144      *     off balance: all nodes will be on the same side with respect to {@code t}
145      *   </li>
146      * </ul>
147      * <p>
148      * It is <em>not</em> an error to call this method with {@code t} outside of the grid,
149      * it simply implies that the interpolation will become an extrapolation and accuracy
150      * will decrease as {@code t} goes farther from the grid points. This is intended so
151      * interpolation does not fail near the end of the grid.
152      * </p>
153      * @param t coordinate of the point to interpolate
154      * @return index {@code i} such {@link #node(int) node(i)}, {@link #node(int) node(i+1)},
155      * ... {@link #node(int) node(i+n-1)} can be used for interpolating a value at
156      * coordinate {@code t}
157      * @since 1.4
158      */
159     public int interpolationIndex(final double t) {
161         final int middleOffset = (n - 1) / 2;
162         int iInf = middleOffset;
163         int iSup = grid.length - (n - 1) + middleOffset;
165         // first try to simply reuse the cached index,
166         // for faster return in a common case
167         final int    cached = cache.get();
168         final int    middle = cached + middleOffset;
169         final double aMid0  = grid[middle];
170         final double aMid1  = grid[middle + 1];
171         if (t < aMid0) {
172             if (middle == iInf) {
173                 // we are in the unbalanced low area
174                 return cached;
175             }
176         } else if (t < aMid1) {
177             // we are in the balanced middle area
178             return cached;
179         } else {
180             if (middle == iSup - 1) {
181                 // we are in the unbalanced high area
182                 return cached;
183             }
184         }
186         // we need to find a new index
187         double aInf = grid[iInf];
188         double aSup = grid[iSup];
189         while (iSup - iInf > 1) {
190             final int iInterp = (int) ((iInf * (aSup - t) + iSup * (t - aInf)) / (aSup - aInf));
191             final int iMed    = FastMath.max(iInf + 1, FastMath.min(iInterp, iSup - 1));
192             if (t < grid[iMed]) {
193                 // keeps looking in the lower part of the grid
194                 iSup = iMed;
195                 aSup = grid[iSup];
196             } else {
197                 // keeps looking in the upper part of the grid
198                 iInf = iMed;
199                 aInf = grid[iInf];
200             }
201         }
203        final int newCached = iInf - middleOffset;
204        cache.compareAndSet(cached, newCached);
205        return newCached;
207     }
209 }