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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  /*
19   * This is not the original file distributed by the Apache Software Foundation
20   * It has been modified by the Hipparchus project
21   */
22  package org.hipparchus.special;
24  import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
25  import org.hipparchus.Field;
26  import org.hipparchus.UnitTestUtils;
27  import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
28  import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalStateException;
29  import org.hipparchus.util.Binary64;
30  import org.hipparchus.util.Binary64Field;
31  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
32  import org.junit.Assert;
33  import org.junit.Test;
35  /**
36   */
37  public class GammaTest {
39      final Field<Binary64> field = Binary64Field.getInstance();
40      final Binary64 zero = field.getZero();
41      final Binary64 one = field.getOne();
43      private void testRegularizedGamma(double expected, double a, double x) {
44          double actualP = Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x);
45          double actualQ = Gamma.regularizedGammaQ(a, x);
46          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected, actualP, 10e-15);
47          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(actualP, 1.0 - actualQ, 10e-15);
48      }
50      private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void testRegularizedGammaField(double expected, T a, T x) {
51          T actualP = Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x);
52          T actualQ = Gamma.regularizedGammaQ(a, x);
53          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected, actualP.getReal(), 10e-15);
54          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(actualP.getReal(), actualQ.negate().add(1.0).getReal(), 10e-15);
55      }
57      private void testRegularizedGamma(double expected, double a, double x, double epsilon, int maxIterations) {
58          double actualP = Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x, epsilon, maxIterations);
59          double actualQ = Gamma.regularizedGammaQ(a, x, epsilon, maxIterations);
60          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected, actualP, epsilon);
61          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(actualP, 1.0 - actualQ, epsilon);
62      }
64      private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void testRegularizedGammaField(double expected, T a, T x, double epsilon, int maxIterations) {
65          T actualP = Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x, epsilon, maxIterations);
66          T actualQ = Gamma.regularizedGammaQ(a, x, epsilon, maxIterations);
67          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected, actualP.getReal(), epsilon);
68          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(actualP.getReal(), actualQ.negate().add(1.0).getReal(), epsilon);
69      }
71      private void testLogGamma(double expected, double x) {
72          double actual = Gamma.logGamma(x);
73          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected, actual, 10e-15);
74      }
76      private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void testLogGammaField(T expected, T x) {
77          T actual = Gamma.logGamma(x);
78          UnitTestUtils.assertEquals(expected.getReal(), actual.getReal(), 10e-15);
79      }
81      @Test
82      public void testRegularizedGammaNanPositive() {
83          testRegularizedGamma(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 1.0);
84      }
86      @Test
87      public void testRegularizedGammaNanPositiveField() {
88          testRegularizedGammaField(Double.NaN, new Binary64(Double.NaN), one);
89      }
91      @Test
92      public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveNan() {
93          testRegularizedGamma(Double.NaN, 1.0, Double.NaN);
94      }
96      @Test
97      public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveNanField() {
98          testRegularizedGammaField(Double.NaN, one, new Binary64(Double.NaN));
99      }
101     @Test
102     public void testRegularizedGammaNegativePositive() {
103         testRegularizedGamma(Double.NaN, -1.5, 1.0);
104     }
106     @Test
107     public void testRegularizedGammaNegativePositiveField() {
108         testRegularizedGammaField(Double.NaN, new Binary64(-1.5), one);
109     }
111     @Test
112     public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveNegative() {
113         testRegularizedGamma(Double.NaN, 1.0, -1.0);
114     }
116     @Test
117     public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveNegativeField() {
118         testRegularizedGammaField(Double.NaN, one, one.negate());
119     }
121     @Test
122     public void testRegularizedGammaZeroPositive() {
123         testRegularizedGamma(Double.NaN, 0.0, 1.0);
124     }
126     @Test
127     public void testRegularizedGammaZeroPositiveField() {
128         testRegularizedGammaField(Double.NaN, zero, one);
129     }
131     @Test
132     public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveZero() {
133         testRegularizedGamma(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
134     }
136     @Test
137     public void testRegularizedGammaPositiveZeroField() {
138         testRegularizedGammaField(0.0, one, zero);
139     }
141     @Test
142     public void testRegularizedGammaPositivePositive() {
143         testRegularizedGamma(0.632120558828558, 1.0, 1.0);
144     }
146     @Test
147     public void testRegularizedGammaPositivePositiveField() {
148         testRegularizedGammaField(0.632120558828558, one, one);
149     }
151     @Test(expected = MathIllegalStateException.class)
152     public void testRegularizedGammaPMaxNumberOfIterationsExceeded(){
153         testRegularizedGamma(0.632120558828558, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-15, 1);
154     }
156     @Test(expected = MathIllegalStateException.class)
157     public void testRegularizedGammaPMaxNumberOfIterationsExceededField(){
158         testRegularizedGammaField(0.632120558828558, one, one, 1e-15, 1);
159     }
161     @Test
162     public void testLogGammaNan() {
163         testLogGamma(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
164     }
166     @Test
167     public void testLogGammaNanField() {
168         testLogGammaField(new Binary64(Double.NaN), new Binary64(Double.NaN));
169     }
171     @Test
172     public void testLogGammaNegative() {
173         testLogGamma(Double.NaN, -1.0);
174     }
176     @Test
177     public void testLogGammaNegativeField() {
178         testLogGammaField(new Binary64(Double.NaN), one.negate());
179     }
181     @Test
182     public void testLogGammaZero() {
183         testLogGamma(Double.NaN, 0.0);
184     }
186     @Test
187     public void testLogGammaZeroField() {
188         testLogGammaField(new Binary64(Double.NaN), zero);
189     }
191     @Test
192     public void testLogGammaPositive() {
193         testLogGamma(0.6931471805599457, 3.0);
194     }
196     @Test
197     public void testLogGammaPositiveField() {
198         testLogGammaField(new Binary64(0.6931471805599457), new Binary64(3.0));
199     }
201     @Test
202     public void testDigammaLargeArgs() {
203         double eps = 1e-8;
204         Assert.assertEquals(4.6001618527380874002, Gamma.digamma(100), eps);
205         Assert.assertEquals(3.9019896734278921970, Gamma.digamma(50), eps);
206         Assert.assertEquals(2.9705239922421490509, Gamma.digamma(20.), eps);
207         Assert.assertEquals(2.9958363947076465821, Gamma.digamma(20.5), eps);
208         Assert.assertEquals(2.2622143570941481605, Gamma.digamma(10.1), eps);
209         Assert.assertEquals(2.1168588189004379233, Gamma.digamma(8.8), eps);
210         Assert.assertEquals(1.8727843350984671394, Gamma.digamma(7), eps);
211         Assert.assertEquals(0.42278433509846713939, Gamma.digamma(2), eps);
212         Assert.assertEquals(-100.56088545786867450, Gamma.digamma(0.01), eps);
213         Assert.assertEquals(-4.0390398965921882955, Gamma.digamma(-0.8), eps);
214         Assert.assertEquals(4.2003210041401844726, Gamma.digamma(-6.3), eps);
215     }
217     @Test
218     public void testDigammaLargeArgsField() {
219         double eps = 1e-8;
220         Assert.assertEquals(4.6001618527380874002, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(100)).getReal(), eps);
221         Assert.assertEquals(3.9019896734278921970, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(50)).getReal(), eps);
222         Assert.assertEquals(2.9705239922421490509, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(20)).getReal(), eps);
223         Assert.assertEquals(2.9958363947076465821, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(20.5)).getReal(), eps);
224         Assert.assertEquals(2.2622143570941481605, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(10.1)).getReal(), eps);
225         Assert.assertEquals(2.1168588189004379233, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(8.8)).getReal(), eps);
226         Assert.assertEquals(1.8727843350984671394, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(7)).getReal(), eps);
227         Assert.assertEquals(0.42278433509846713939, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(2)).getReal(), eps);
228         Assert.assertEquals(-100.56088545786867450, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(0.01)).getReal(), eps);
229         Assert.assertEquals(-4.0390398965921882955, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(-0.8)).getReal(), eps);
230         Assert.assertEquals(4.2003210041401844726, Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(-6.3)).getReal(), eps);
231     }
233     @Test
234     public void testDigammaSmallArgs() {
235         // values for negative powers of 10 from 1 to 30 as computed by webMathematica with 20 digits
236         // see
237         double[] expected = {-10.423754940411076795, -100.56088545786867450, -1000.5755719318103005,
238                 -10000.577051183514335, -100000.57719921568107, -1.0000005772140199687e6, -1.0000000577215500408e7,
239                 -1.0000000057721564845e8, -1.0000000005772156633e9, -1.0000000000577215665e10, -1.0000000000057721566e11,
240                 -1.0000000000005772157e12, -1.0000000000000577216e13, -1.0000000000000057722e14, -1.0000000000000005772e15, -1e+16,
241                 -1e+17, -1e+18, -1e+19, -1e+20, -1e+21, -1e+22, -1e+23, -1e+24, -1e+25, -1e+26,
242                 -1e+27, -1e+28, -1e+29, -1e+30};
243         for (double n = 1; n < 30; n++) {
244             checkRelativeError(String.format("Test %.0f: ", n), expected[(int) (n - 1)], Gamma.digamma(FastMath.pow(10.0, -n)), 1e-8);
245         }
246     }
248     @Test
249     public void testDigammaSmallArgsField() {
250         // values for negative powers of 10 from 1 to 30 as computed by webMathematica with 20 digits
251         // see
252         double[] expected = {-10.423754940411076795, -100.56088545786867450, -1000.5755719318103005,
253                              -10000.577051183514335, -100000.57719921568107, -1.0000005772140199687e6, -1.0000000577215500408e7,
254                              -1.0000000057721564845e8, -1.0000000005772156633e9, -1.0000000000577215665e10, -1.0000000000057721566e11,
255                              -1.0000000000005772157e12, -1.0000000000000577216e13, -1.0000000000000057722e14, -1.0000000000000005772e15, -1e+16,
256                              -1e+17, -1e+18, -1e+19, -1e+20, -1e+21, -1e+22, -1e+23, -1e+24, -1e+25, -1e+26,
257                              -1e+27, -1e+28, -1e+29, -1e+30};
258         for (double n = 1; n < 30; n++) {
259             checkRelativeError(String.format("Test %.0f: ", n), expected[(int) (n - 1)], Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(FastMath.pow(10.0, -n))).getReal(), 1e-8);
260         }
261     }
263     @Test
264     public void testDigammaNonRealArgs() {
265         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Gamma.digamma(Double.NaN)));
266         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isInfinite(Gamma.digamma(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)));
267         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isInfinite(Gamma.digamma(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)));
268     }
270     @Test
271     public void testDigammaNonRealArgsField() {
272         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(Double.NaN)).isNaN());
273         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite());
274         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.digamma(new Binary64(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite());
275     }
277     @Test
278     public void testTrigamma() {
279         double eps = 1e-13;
280         // computed using webMathematica.  For example, to compute trigamma($i) = Polygamma(1, $i), use
281         //
282         //{%221%22,%22$i%22}&digits=20
283         double[] data = {
284                 1e-6, 1.0000000000016449316627376e12,
285                 1e-4, 1.0000000164469368793e8,
286                 1e-3, 1.0000016425331958690e6,
287                 1e-2, 10001.621213528313220,
288                 1e-1, 101.43329915079275882,
289                 1, 1.6449340668482264365,
290                 2, 0.64493406684822643647,
291                 3, 0.39493406684822643647,
292                 4, 0.28382295573711532536,
293                 5, 0.22132295573711532536,
294                 10, 0.10516633568168574612,
295                 20, 0.051270822935203119832,
296                 50, 0.020201333226697125806,
297                 100, 0.010050166663333571395
298         };
299         for (int i = data.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
300             Assert.assertEquals(String.format("trigamma %.0f", data[i]), data[i + 1], Gamma.trigamma(data[i]), eps);
301         }
302     }
304     @Test
305     public void testTrigammaField() {
306         double eps = 1e-13;
307         // computed using webMathematica.  For example, to compute trigamma($i) = Polygamma(1, $i), use
308         //
309         //{%221%22,%22$i%22}&digits=20
310         Binary64[] data = {
311                 new Binary64(1e-6), new Binary64(1.00000000000164493166e12) ,
312                 new Binary64(1e-4), new Binary64(1.0000000164469368793e8) ,
313                 new Binary64(1e-3), new Binary64(1.0000016425331958690e6),
314                 new Binary64(1e-2), new Binary64(10001.621213528313220),
315                 new Binary64(1e-1), new Binary64(101.43329915079275882),
316                 new Binary64(1), new Binary64(1.6449340668482264365),
317                 new Binary64(2), new Binary64(0.64493406684822643647),
318                 new Binary64(3), new Binary64(0.39493406684822643647),
319                 new Binary64(4), new Binary64(0.28382295573711532536),
320                 new Binary64(5), new Binary64(0.22132295573711532536),
321                 new Binary64(10), new Binary64(0.10516633568168574612),
322                 new Binary64(20), new Binary64(0.051270822935203119832),
323                 new Binary64(50), new Binary64(0.020201333226697125806),
324                 new Binary64(100), new Binary64(0.010050166663333571395)
325         };
326         for (int i = data.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
327             Assert.assertEquals(String.format("trigamma %.6f", data[i].getReal()), data[i + 1].getReal(),
328                                 Gamma.trigamma(data[i]).getReal(), eps);
329         }
330     }
332     @Test
333     public void testTrigammaSmallArg() {
334         double eps = 2;
335         Assert.assertEquals(String.format("trigamma %.8f", 1e-8), 1e16,
336                             Gamma.trigamma(1e-8), eps);
337     }
339     @Test
340     public void testTrigammaSmallArgField() {
341         double eps = 2;
342         Assert.assertEquals(String.format("trigamma %.8f", 1e-8), 1e16,
343                             Gamma.trigamma(new Binary64(1e-8)).getReal(), eps);
344     }
346     @Test
347     public void testTrigammaNonRealArgs() {
348         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Gamma.trigamma(Double.NaN)));
349         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isInfinite(Gamma.trigamma(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)));
350         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isInfinite(Gamma.trigamma(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)));
351     }
353     @Test
354     public void testTrigammaNonRealArgsField() {
355         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.trigamma(new Binary64(Double.NaN)).isNaN());
356         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.trigamma(new Binary64(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite());
357         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.trigamma(new Binary64(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite());
358     }
360     /**
361      * Reference data for the {@link Gamma#logGamma(double)} function. This data
362      * was generated with the following <a
363      * href="">Maxima</a> script.
364      *
365      * <pre>
366      * kill(all);
367      *
368      * fpprec : 64;
369      * gamln(x) := log(gamma(x));
370      * x : append(makelist(bfloat(i / 8), i, 1, 80),
371      *     [0.8b0, 1b2, 1b3, 1b4, 1b5, 1b6, 1b7, 1b8, 1b9, 1b10]);
372      *
373      * for i : 1 while i <= length(x) do
374      *     print("{", float(x[i]), ",", float(gamln(x[i])), "},");
375      * </pre>
376      */
377     private static final double[][] LOG_GAMMA_REF = {
378         { 0.125 , 2.019418357553796 },
379         { 0.25 , 1.288022524698077 },
380         { 0.375 , .8630739822706475 },
381         { 0.5 , .5723649429247001 },
382         { 0.625 , .3608294954889402 },
383         { 0.75 , .2032809514312954 },
384         { 0.875 , .08585870722533433 },
385         { 0.890625 , .07353860936979656 },
386         { 0.90625 , .06169536624059108 },
387         { 0.921875 , .05031670080005688 },
388         { 0.9375 , 0.0393909017345823 },
389         { 0.953125 , .02890678734595923 },
390         { 0.96875 , .01885367233441289 },
391         { 0.984375 , .009221337197578781 },
392         { 1.0 , 0.0 },
393         { 1.015625 , - 0.00881970970573307 },
394         { 1.03125 , - .01724677500176807 },
395         { 1.046875 , - .02528981394675729 },
396         { 1.0625 , - .03295710029357782 },
397         { 1.078125 , - .04025658272400143 },
398         { 1.09375 , - .04719590272716985 },
399         { 1.109375 , - .05378241123619192 },
400         { 1.125 , - .06002318412603958 },
401         { 1.25 , - .09827183642181316 },
402         { 1.375 , - .1177552707410788 },
403         { 1.5 , - .1207822376352452 },
404         { 1.625 , - .1091741337567954 },
405         { 1.75 , - .08440112102048555 },
406         { 1.875 , - 0.0476726853991883 },
407         { 1.890625 , - .04229320615532515 },
408         { 1.90625 , - .03674470657266143 },
409         { 1.921875 , - .03102893865389552 },
410         { 1.9375 , - .02514761940298887 },
411         { 1.953125 , - .01910243184040138 },
412         { 1.96875 , - .01289502598016741 },
413         { 1.984375 , - .006527019770560387 },
414         { 2.0 , 0.0 },
415         { 2.015625 , .006684476830232185 },
416         { 2.03125 , .01352488366498562 },
417         { 2.046875 , .02051972208453692 },
418         { 2.0625 , .02766752152285702 },
419         { 2.078125 , 0.0349668385135861 },
420         { 2.09375 , .04241625596251728 },
421         { 2.109375 , .05001438244545164 },
422         { 2.125 , .05775985153034387 },
423         { 2.25 , .1248717148923966 },
424         { 2.375 , .2006984603774558 },
425         { 2.5 , .2846828704729192 },
426         { 2.625 , .3763336820249054 },
427         { 2.75 , .4752146669149371 },
428         { 2.875 , .5809359740231859 },
429         { 2.890625 , .5946142560817441 },
430         { 2.90625 , .6083932548009232 },
431         { 2.921875 , .6222723333588501 },
432         { 2.9375 , .6362508628423761 },
433         { 2.953125 , .6503282221022278 },
434         { 2.96875 , .6645037976116387 },
435         { 2.984375 , 0.678776983328359 },
436         { 3.0 , .6931471805599453 },
437         { 3.015625 , .7076137978322324 },
438         { 3.03125 , .7221762507608962 },
439         { 3.046875 , .7368339619260166 },
440         { 3.0625 , 0.751586360749556 },
441         { 3.078125 , .7664328833756681 },
442         { 3.09375 , .7813729725537568 },
443         { 3.109375 , .7964060775242092 },
444         { 3.125 , 0.811531653906724 },
445         { 3.25 , .9358019311087253 },
446         { 3.375 , 1.06569589786406 },
447         { 3.5 , 1.200973602347074 },
448         { 3.625 , 1.341414578068493 },
449         { 3.75 , 1.486815578593417 },
450         { 3.875 , 1.6369886482725 },
451         { 4.0 , 1.791759469228055 },
452         { 4.125 , 1.950965937095089 },
453         { 4.25 , 2.114456927450371 },
454         { 4.375 , 2.282091222188554 },
455         { 4.5 , 2.453736570842442 },
456         { 4.625 , 2.62926886637513 },
457         { 4.75 , 2.808571418575736 },
458         { 4.875 , 2.99153431107781 },
459         { 5.0 , 3.178053830347946 },
460         { 5.125 , 3.368031956881733 },
461         { 5.25 , 3.561375910386697 },
462         { 5.375 , 3.757997741998131 },
463         { 5.5 , 3.957813967618717 },
464         { 5.625 , 4.160745237339519 },
465         { 5.75 , 4.366716036622286 },
466         { 5.875 , 4.57565441552762 },
467         { 6.0 , 4.787491742782046 },
468         { 6.125 , 5.002162481906205 },
469         { 6.25 , 5.219603986990229 },
470         { 6.375 , 5.439756316011858 },
471         { 6.5 , 5.662562059857142 },
472         { 6.625 , 5.887966185430003 },
473         { 6.75 , 6.115915891431546 },
474         { 6.875 , 6.346360475557843 },
475         { 7.0 , 6.579251212010101 },
476         { 7.125 , 6.814541238336996 },
477         { 7.25 , 7.05218545073854 },
478         { 7.375 , 7.292140407056348 },
479         { 7.5 , 7.534364236758733 },
480         { 7.625 , 7.778816557302289 },
481         { 7.75 , 8.025458396315983 },
482         { 7.875 , 8.274252119110479 },
483         { 8.0 , 8.525161361065415 },
484         { 8.125 , 8.77815096449171 },
485         { 8.25 , 9.033186919605123 },
486         { 8.375 , 9.290236309282232 },
487         { 8.5 , 9.549267257300997 },
488         { 8.625 , 9.810248879795765 },
489         { 8.75 , 10.07315123968124 },
490         { 8.875 , 10.33794530382217 },
491         { 9.0 , 10.60460290274525 },
492         { 9.125 , 10.87309669270751 },
493         { 9.25 , 11.14340011995171 },
494         { 9.375 , 11.41548738699336 },
495         { 9.5 , 11.68933342079727 },
496         { 9.625 , 11.96491384271319 },
497         { 9.75 , 12.24220494005076 },
498         { 9.875 , 12.52118363918365 },
499         { 10.0 , 12.80182748008147 },
500         { 0.8 , .1520596783998376 },
501         { 100.0 , 359.1342053695754 },
502         { 1000.0 , 5905.220423209181 },
503         { 10000.0 , 82099.71749644238 },
504         { 100000.0 , 1051287.708973657 },
505         { 1000000.0 , 1.2815504569147612e+7 },
506         { 10000000.0 , 1.511809493694739e+8 },
507         { 1.e+8 , 1.7420680661038346e+9 },
508         { 1.e+9 , 1.972326582750371e+10 },
509         { 1.e+10 , 2.202585092888106e+11 },
510     };
512     @Test
513     public void testLogGamma() {
514         final int ulps = 3;
515         for (int i = 0; i < LOG_GAMMA_REF.length; i++) {
516             final double[] data = LOG_GAMMA_REF[i];
517             final double x = data[0];
518             final double expected = data[1];
519             final double actual = Gamma.logGamma(x);
520             final double tol;
521             if (expected == 0.0) {
522                 tol = 1E-15;
523             } else {
524                 tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
525             }
526             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x), expected, actual, tol);
527         }
528     }
530     @Test
531     public void testLogGammaField() {
532         final int ulps = 3;
533         for (int i = 0; i < LOG_GAMMA_REF.length; i++) {
534             final double[] data = LOG_GAMMA_REF[i];
535             final Binary64 x = new Binary64(data[0]);
536             final double expected = data[1];
537             final double actual = Gamma.logGamma(x).getReal();
538             final double tol;
539             if (expected == 0.0) {
540                 tol = 1E-15;
541             } else {
542                 tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
543             }
544             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x.getReal()), expected, actual, tol);
545         }
546     }
548     @Test
549     public void testLogGammaPrecondition1() {
550         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Gamma.logGamma(0.0)));
551     }
553     @Test
554     public void testLogGammaPrecondition1Field() {
555         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.logGamma(new Binary64(0.0)).isNaN());
556     }
558     @Test
559     public void testLogGammaPrecondition2() {
560         Assert.assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Gamma.logGamma(-1.0)));
561     }
563     @Test
564     public void testLogGammaPrecondition2Field() {
565         Assert.assertTrue(Gamma.logGamma(new Binary64(-1.0)).isNaN());
566     }
568     /**
569      * <p>
570      * Reference values for the {@link Gamma#invGamma1pm1(double)} method.
571      * These values were generated with the following <a
572      * href="">Maxima</a> script
573      * </p>
574      *
575      * <pre>
576      * kill(all);
577      *
578      * fpprec : 64;
579      * gam1(x) := 1 / gamma(1 + x) - 1;
580      * x : makelist(bfloat(i / 8), i, -4, 12);
581      *
582      * for i : 1 while i <= length(x) do print("{",
583      *                                         float(x[i]),
584      *                                         ",",
585      *                                         float(gam1(x[i])),
586      *                                         "},");
587      * </pre>
588      */
589     private static final double[][] INV_GAMMA1P_M1_REF = {
590         { -0.5 , -.4358104164522437 },
591         { -0.375 , -.3029021533379859 },
592         { -0.25 , -0.183951060901737 },
593         { -0.125 , -.08227611018520711 },
594         { 0.0 , 0.0 },
595         { 0.125 , .06186116458306091 },
596         { 0.25 , .1032626513208373 },
597         { 0.375 , .1249687649039041 },
598         { 0.5 , .1283791670955126 },
599         { 0.625 , .1153565546592225 },
600         { 0.75 , 0.0880652521310173 },
601         { 0.875 , .04882730264547758 },
602         { 1.0 , 0.0 },
603         { 1.125 , -.05612340925950141 },
604         { 1.25 , -.1173898789433302 },
605         { 1.375 , -.1818408982517061 },
606         { 1.5 , -0.247747221936325 },
607     };
609     @Test
610     public void testInvGamma1pm1() {
612         final int ulps = 3;
613         for (int i = 0; i < INV_GAMMA1P_M1_REF.length; i++) {
614             final double[] ref = INV_GAMMA1P_M1_REF[i];
615             final double x = ref[0];
616             final double expected = ref[1];
617             final double actual = Gamma.invGamma1pm1(x);
618             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
619             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x), expected, actual, tol);
620         }
621     }
623     @Test
624     public void testInvGamma1pm1Field() {
626         final int ulps = 3;
627         for (int i = 0; i < INV_GAMMA1P_M1_REF.length; i++) {
628             final double[] ref = INV_GAMMA1P_M1_REF[i];
629             final Binary64 x = new Binary64(ref[0]);
630             final double expected = ref[1];
631             final double actual = Gamma.invGamma1pm1(x).getReal();
632             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
633             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x.getReal()), expected, actual, tol);
634         }
635     }
637     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
638     public void testInvGamma1pm1Precondition1() {
640         Gamma.invGamma1pm1(-0.51);
641     }
643     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
644     public void testInvGamma1pm1Precondition2() {
646         Gamma.invGamma1pm1(1.51);
647     }
649     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
650     public void testInvGamma1pm1Precondition1Field() {
652         Gamma.invGamma1pm1(new Binary64(-0.51));
653     }
655     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
656     public void testInvGamma1pm1Precondition2Field() {
658         Gamma.invGamma1pm1(new Binary64(1.51));
659     }
661     private static final double[][] LOG_GAMMA1P_REF = {
662         { - 0.5 , .5723649429247001 },
663         { - 0.375 , .3608294954889402 },
664         { - 0.25 , .2032809514312954 },
665         { - 0.125 , .08585870722533433 },
666         { 0.0 , 0.0 },
667         { 0.125 , - .06002318412603958 },
668         { 0.25 , - .09827183642181316 },
669         { 0.375 , - .1177552707410788 },
670         { 0.5 , - .1207822376352452 },
671         { 0.625 , - .1091741337567954 },
672         { 0.75 , - .08440112102048555 },
673         { 0.875 , - 0.0476726853991883 },
674         { 1.0 , 0.0 },
675         { 1.125 , .05775985153034387 },
676         { 1.25 , .1248717148923966 },
677         { 1.375 , .2006984603774558 },
678         { 1.5 , .2846828704729192 },
679     };
681     @Test
682     public void testLogGamma1p() {
684         final int ulps = 3;
685         for (int i = 0; i < LOG_GAMMA1P_REF.length; i++) {
686             final double[] ref = LOG_GAMMA1P_REF[i];
687             final double x = ref[0];
688             final double expected = ref[1];
689             final double actual = Gamma.logGamma1p(x);
690             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
691             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x), expected, actual, tol);
692         }
693     }
695     @Test
696     public void testLogGamma1pField() {
698         final int ulps = 3;
699         for (int i = 0; i < LOG_GAMMA1P_REF.length; i++) {
700             final double[] ref = LOG_GAMMA1P_REF[i];
701             final Binary64 x = new Binary64(ref[0]);
702             final double expected = ref[1];
703             final double actual = Gamma.logGamma1p(x).getReal();
704             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
705             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x.getReal()), expected, actual, tol);
706         }
707     }
709     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
710     public void testLogGamma1pPrecondition1() {
712         Gamma.logGamma1p(-0.51);
713     }
715     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
716     public void testLogGamma1pPrecondition1Field() {
718         Gamma.logGamma1p(new Binary64(-0.51));
719     }
721     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
722     public void testLogGamma1pPrecondition2() {
724         Gamma.logGamma1p(1.51);
725     }
727     @Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
728     public void testLogGamma1pPrecondition2Field() {
730         Gamma.logGamma1p(new Binary64(1.51));
731     }
733     /**
734      * Reference data for the {@link Gamma#gamma(double)} function. This
735      * data was generated with the following <a
736      * href="">Maxima</a> script.
737      *
738      * <pre>
739      * kill(all);
740      *
741      * fpprec : 64;
742      *
743      * EPSILON : 10**(-fpprec + 1);
744      * isInteger(x) := abs(x - floor(x)) <= EPSILON * abs(x);
745      *
746      * x : makelist(bfloat(i / 8), i, -160, 160);
747      * x : append(x, makelist(bfloat(i / 2), i, 41, 200));
748      *
749      * for i : 1 while i <= length(x) do if not(isInteger(x[i])) then
750      *     print("{", float(x[i]), ",", float(gamma(x[i])), "},");
751      * </pre>
752      */
753     private static final double[][] GAMMA_REF = {
754         { - 19.875 , 4.920331854832504e-18 },
755         { - 19.75 , 3.879938752480031e-18 },
756         { - 19.625 , 4.323498423815027e-18 },
757         { - 19.5 , 5.811045977502237e-18 },
758         { - 19.375 , 9.14330910942125e-18 },
759         { - 19.25 , 1.735229114436739e-17 },
760         { - 19.125 , 4.653521565668223e-17 },
761         { - 18.875 , - 9.779159561479603e-17 },
762         { - 18.75 , - 7.662879036148061e-17 },
763         { - 18.625 , - 8.484865656736991e-17 },
764         { - 18.5 , - 1.133153965612936e-16 },
765         { - 18.375 , - 1.771516139950367e-16 },
766         { - 18.25 , - 3.340316045290721e-16 },
767         { - 18.125 , - 8.899859994340475e-16 },
768         { - 17.875 , 1.845816367229275e-15 },
769         { - 17.75 , 1.436789819277761e-15 },
770         { - 17.625 , 1.580306228567265e-15 },
771         { - 17.5 , 2.096334836383932e-15 },
772         { - 17.375 , 3.255160907158799e-15 },
773         { - 17.25 , 6.096076782655566e-15 },
774         { - 17.125 , 1.613099623974211e-14 },
775         { - 16.875 , - 3.29939675642233e-14 },
776         { - 16.75 , - 2.550301929218027e-14 },
777         { - 16.625 , - 2.785289727849803e-14 },
778         { - 16.5 , - 3.66858596367188e-14 },
779         { - 16.375 , - 5.655842076188414e-14 },
780         { - 16.25 , - 1.051573245008085e-13 },
781         { - 16.125 , - 2.762433106055837e-13 },
782         { - 15.875 , 5.567732026462681e-13 },
783         { - 15.75 , 4.271755731440195e-13 },
784         { - 15.625 , 4.630544172550298e-13 },
785         { - 15.5 , 6.053166840058604e-13 },
786         { - 15.375 , 9.261441399758529e-13 },
787         { - 15.25 , 1.708806523138138e-12 },
788         { - 15.125 , 4.454423383515037e-12 },
789         { - 14.875 , - 8.838774592009505e-12 },
790         { - 14.75 , - 6.728015277018307e-12 },
791         { - 14.625 , - 7.235225269609841e-12 },
792         { - 14.5 , - 9.382408602090835e-12 },
793         { - 14.375 , - 1.423946615212874e-11 },
794         { - 14.25 , - 2.605929947785661e-11 },
795         { - 14.125 , - 6.737315367566492e-11 },
796         { - 13.875 , 1.314767720561414e-10 },
797         { - 13.75 , 9.923822533602004e-11 },
798         { - 13.625 , 1.058151695680439e-10 },
799         { - 13.5 , 1.360449247303171e-10 },
800         { - 13.375 , 2.046923259368506e-10 },
801         { - 13.25 , 3.713450175594567e-10 },
802         { - 13.125 , 9.516457956687671e-10 },
803         { - 12.875 , - 1.8242402122789617e-9 },
804         { - 12.75 , - 1.3645255983702756e-9 },
805         { - 12.625 , - 1.4417316853645984e-9 },
806         { - 12.5 , - 1.836606483859281e-9 },
807         { - 12.375 , - 2.7377598594053765e-9 },
808         { - 12.25 , - 4.9203214826628017e-9 },
809         { - 12.125 , - 1.2490351068152569e-8 },
810         { - 11.875 , 2.3487092733091633e-8 },
811         { - 11.75 , 1.7397701379221012e-8 },
812         { - 11.625 , 1.8201862527728055e-8 },
813         { - 11.5 , 2.295758104824101e-8 },
814         { - 11.375 , 3.3879778260141535e-8 },
815         { - 11.25 , 6.027393816261931e-8 },
816         { - 11.125 , 1.5144550670134987e-7 },
817         { - 10.875 , - 2.7890922620546316e-7 },
818         { - 10.75 , - 2.044229912058469e-7 },
819         { - 10.625 , - 2.1159665188483867e-7 },
820         { - 10.5 , - 2.640121820547716e-7 },
821         { - 10.375 , - 3.8538247770911e-7 },
822         { - 10.25 , - 6.780818043294673e-7 },
823         { - 10.125 , - 1.6848312620525174e-6 },
824         { - 9.875 , 3.0331378349844124e-6 },
825         { - 9.75 , 2.1975471554628537e-6 },
826         { - 9.625 , 2.2482144262764103e-6 },
827         { - 9.5 , 2.772127911575102e-6 },
828         { - 9.375 , 3.998343206232017e-6 },
829         { - 9.25 , 6.95033849437704e-6 },
830         { - 9.125 , 1.7058916528281737e-5 },
831         { - 8.875 , - 2.9952236120471065e-5 },
832         { - 8.75 , - 2.1426084765762826e-5 },
833         { - 8.625 , - 2.163906385291045e-5 },
834         { - 8.5 , - 2.633521515996347e-5 },
835         { - 8.375 , - 3.748446755842515e-5 },
836         { - 8.25 , - 6.429063107298763e-5 },
837         { - 8.125 , - 1.5566261332057085e-4 },
838         { - 7.875 , 2.658260955691807e-4 },
839         { - 7.75 , 1.874782417004247e-4 },
840         { - 7.625 , 1.8663692573135265e-4 },
841         { - 7.5 , 2.238493288596895e-4 },
842         { - 7.375 , 3.1393241580181064e-4 },
843         { - 7.25 , 5.303977063521479e-4 },
844         { - 7.125 , .001264758733229638 },
845         { - 6.875 , - .002093380502607298 },
846         { - 6.75 , - .001452956373178292 },
847         { - 6.625 , - .001423106558701564 },
848         { - 6.5 , - .001678869966447671 },
849         { - 6.375 , - .002315251566538353 },
850         { - 6.25 , - .003845383371053072 },
851         { - 6.125 , - .009011405974261174 },
852         { - 5.875 , .01439199095542518 },
853         { - 5.75 , .009807455518953468 },
854         { - 5.625 , .009428080951397862 },
855         { - 5.5 , .01091265478190986 },
856         { - 5.375 , 0.014759728736682 },
857         { - 5.25 , 0.0240336460690817 },
858         { - 5.125 , .05519486159234969 },
859         { - 4.875 , - 0.0845529468631229 },
860         { - 4.75 , - .05639286923398244 },
861         { - 4.625 , - .05303295535161297 },
862         { - 4.5 , - .06001960130050425 },
863         { - 4.375 , - .07933354195966577 },
864         { - 4.25 , - .1261766418626789 },
865         { - 4.125 , - .2828736656607921 },
866         { - 3.875 , .4121956159577241 },
867         { - 3.75 , .2678661288614166 },
868         { - 3.625 , 0.24527741850121 },
869         { - 3.5 , .2700882058522691 },
870         { - 3.375 , .3470842460735378 },
871         { - 3.25 , .5362507279163854 },
872         { - 3.125 , 1.166853870850768 },
873         { - 2.875 , - 1.597258011836181 },
874         { - 2.75 , - 1.004497983230312 },
875         { - 2.625 , - .8891306420668862 },
876         { - 2.5 , - .9453087204829419 },
877         { - 2.375 , - 1.17140933049819 },
878         { - 2.25 , - 1.742814865728253 },
879         { - 2.125 , - 3.646418346408649 },
880         { - 1.875 , 4.59211678402902 },
881         { - 1.75 , 2.762369453883359 },
882         { - 1.625 , 2.333967935425576 },
883         { - 1.5 , 2.363271801207355 },
884         { - 1.375 , 2.782097159933201 },
885         { - 1.25 , 3.921333447888569 },
886         { - 1.125 , 7.748638986118379 },
887         { - 0.875 , - 8.610218970054413 },
888         { - 0.75 , - 4.834146544295877 },
889         { - 0.625 , - 3.792697895066561 },
890         { - 0.5 , - 3.544907701811032 },
891         { - 0.375 , - 3.825383594908152 },
892         { - 0.25 , - 4.901666809860711 },
893         { - 0.125 , - 8.717218859383175 },
894         { 0.125 , 7.533941598797612 },
895         { 0.25 , 3.625609908221908 },
896         { 0.375 , 2.370436184416601 },
897         { 0.5 , 1.772453850905516 },
898         { 0.625 , 1.434518848090557 },
899         { 0.75 , 1.225416702465178 },
900         { 0.875 , 1.089652357422897 },
901         { 1.0 , 1.0 },
902         { 1.125 , .9417426998497015 },
903         { 1.25 , 0.906402477055477 },
904         { 1.375 , .8889135691562253 },
905         { 1.5 , 0.886226925452758 },
906         { 1.625 , 0.896574280056598 },
907         { 1.75 , .9190625268488832 },
908         { 1.875 , .9534458127450348 },
909         { 2.0 , 1.0 },
910         { 2.125 , 1.059460537330914 },
911         { 2.25 , 1.133003096319346 },
912         { 2.375 , 1.22225615758981 },
913         { 2.5 , 1.329340388179137 },
914         { 2.625 , 1.456933205091972 },
915         { 2.75 , 1.608359421985546 },
916         { 2.875 , 1.78771089889694 },
917         { 3.0 , 2.0 },
918         { 3.125 , 2.251353641828193 },
919         { 3.25 , 2.549256966718529 },
920         { 3.375 , 2.902858374275799 },
921         { 3.5 , 3.323350970447843 },
922         { 3.625 , 3.824449663366426 },
923         { 3.75 , 4.422988410460251 },
924         { 3.875 , 5.139668834328703 },
925         { 4.0 , 6.0 },
926         { 4.125 , 7.035480130713102 },
927         { 4.25 , 8.28508514183522 },
928         { 4.375 , 9.797147013180819 },
929         { 4.5 , 11.63172839656745 },
930         { 4.625 , 13.86363002970329 },
931         { 4.75 , 16.58620653922594 },
932         { 4.875 , 19.91621673302373 },
933         { 5.0 , 24.0 },
934         { 5.125 , 29.02135553919155 },
935         { 5.25 , 35.21161185279968 },
936         { 5.375 , 42.86251818266609 },
937         { 5.5 , 52.34277778455352 },
938         { 5.625 , 64.11928888737773 },
939         { 5.75 , 78.78448106132322 },
940         { 5.875 , 97.09155657349066 },
941         { 6.0 , 120.0 },
942         { 6.125 , 148.7344471383567 },
943         { 6.25 , 184.8609622271983 },
944         { 6.375 , 230.3860352318302 },
945         { 6.5 , 287.8852778150443 },
946         { 6.625 , 360.6709999914997 },
947         { 6.75 , 453.0107661026085 },
948         { 6.875 , 570.4128948692577 },
949         { 7.0 , 720.0 },
950         { 7.125 , 910.9984887224346 },
951         { 7.25 , 1155.38101391999 },
952         { 7.375 , 1468.710974602918 },
953         { 7.5 , 1871.254305797788 },
954         { 7.625 , 2389.445374943686 },
955         { 7.75 , 3057.822671192607 },
956         { 7.875 , 3921.588652226146 },
957         { 8.0 , 5040.0 },
958         { 8.125 , 6490.864232147346 },
959         { 8.25 , 8376.512350919926 },
960         { 8.375 , 10831.74343769652 },
961         { 8.5 , 14034.40729348341 },
962         { 8.625 , 18219.5209839456 },
963         { 8.75 , 23698.12570174271 },
964         { 8.875 , 30882.5106362809 },
965         { 9.0 , 40320.0 },
966         { 9.125 , 52738.27188619719 },
967         { 9.25 , 69106.22689508938 },
968         { 9.375 , 90715.85129070834 },
969         { 9.5 , 119292.461994609 },
970         { 9.625 , 157143.3684865308 },
971         { 9.75 , 207358.5998902487 },
972         { 9.875 , 274082.281896993 },
973         { 10.0 , 362880.0 },
974         { 10.125 , 481236.7309615494 },
975         { 10.25 , 639232.5987795768 },
976         { 10.375 , 850461.1058503906 },
977         { 10.5 , 1133278.388948786 },
978         { 10.625 , 1512504.921682859 },
979         { 10.75 , 2021746.348929925 },
980         { 10.875 , 2706562.533732806 },
981         { 11.0 , 3628800.0 },
982         { 11.125 , 4872521.900985687 },
983         { 11.25 , 6552134.137490662 },
984         { 11.375 , 8823533.973197803 },
985         { 11.5 , 1.1899423083962249e+7 },
986         { 11.625 , 1.6070364792880382e+7 },
987         { 11.75 , 2.1733773250996688e+7 },
988         { 11.875 , 2.943386755434427e+7 },
989         { 12.0 , 3.99168e+7 },
990         { 12.125 , 5.420680614846578e+7 },
991         { 12.25 , 7.371150904676994e+7 },
992         { 12.375 , 1.0036769894512501e+8 },
993         { 12.5 , 1.3684336546556586e+8 },
994         { 12.625 , 1.8681799071723443e+8 },
995         { 12.75 , 2.5537183569921107e+8 },
996         { 12.875 , 3.4952717720783816e+8 },
997         { 13.0 , 4.790016e+8 },
998         { 13.125 , 6.572575245501475e+8 },
999         { 13.25 , 9.029659858229319e+8 },
1000         { 13.375 , 1.2420502744459219e+9 },
1001         { 13.5 , 1.7105420683195732e+9 },
1002         { 13.625 , 2.3585771328050845e+9 },
1003         { 13.75 , 3.2559909051649416e+9 },
1004         { 13.875 , 4.500162406550916e+9 },
1005         { 14.0 , 6.2270208e+9 },
1006         { 14.125 , 8.626505009720685e+9 },
1007         { 14.25 , 1.196429931215385e+10 },
1008         { 14.375 , 1.66124224207142e+10 },
1009         { 14.5 , 2.309231792231424e+10 },
1010         { 14.625 , 3.213561343446927e+10 },
1011         { 14.75 , 4.476987494601794e+10 },
1012         { 14.875 , 6.243975339089396e+10 },
1013         { 15.0 , 8.71782912e+10 },
1014         { 15.125 , 1.218493832623047e+11 },
1015         { 15.25 , 1.704912651981923e+11 },
1016         { 15.375 , 2.388035722977667e+11 },
1017         { 15.5 , 3.348386098735565e+11 },
1018         { 15.625 , 4.699833464791132e+11 },
1019         { 15.75 , 6.603556554537646e+11 },
1020         { 15.875 , 9.287913316895475e+11 },
1021         { 16.0 , 1.307674368e+12 },
1022         { 16.125 , 1.842971921842358e+12 },
1023         { 16.25 , 2.599991794272433e+12 },
1024         { 16.375 , 3.671604924078163e+12 },
1025         { 16.5 , 5.189998453040126e+12 },
1026         { 16.625 , 7.343489788736144e+12 },
1027         { 16.75 , 1.040060157339679e+13 },
1028         { 16.875 , 1.474456239057157e+13 },
1029         { 17.0 , 2.0922789888e+13 },
1030         { 17.125 , 2.971792223970803e+13 },
1031         { 17.25 , 4.224986665692704e+13 },
1032         { 17.375 , 6.012253063177992e+13 },
1033         { 17.5 , 8.563497447516206e+13 },
1034         { 17.625 , 1.220855177377384e+14 },
1035         { 17.75 , 1.742100763543963e+14 },
1036         { 17.875 , 2.488144903408952e+14 },
1037         { 18.0 , 3.55687428096e+14 },
1038         { 18.125 , 5.08919418355e+14 },
1039         { 18.25 , 7.288101998319914e+14 },
1040         { 18.375 , 1.044628969727176e+15 },
1041         { 18.5 , 1.498612053315336e+15 },
1042         { 18.625 , 2.151757250127639e+15 },
1043         { 18.75 , 3.092228855290534e+15 },
1044         { 18.875 , 4.447559014843502e+15 },
1045         { 19.0 , 6.402373705728e+15 },
1046         { 19.125 , 9.224164457684374e+15 },
1047         { 19.25 , 1.330078614693384e+16 },
1048         { 19.375 , 1.919505731873686e+16 },
1049         { 19.5 , 2.772432298633372e+16 },
1050         { 19.625 , 4.007647878362728e+16 },
1051         { 19.75 , 5.797929103669752e+16 },
1052         { 19.875 , 8.39476764051711e+16 },
1053         { 20.0 , 1.21645100408832e+17 },
1054         { 20.5 , 5.406242982335075e+17 },
1055         { 21.0 , 2.43290200817664e+18 },
1056         { 21.5 , 1.10827981137869e+19 },
1057         { 22.0 , 5.109094217170944e+19 },
1058         { 22.5 , 2.382801594464184e+20 },
1059         { 23.0 , 1.124000727777608e+21 },
1060         { 23.5 , 5.361303587544415e+21 },
1061         { 24.0 , 2.585201673888498e+22 },
1062         { 24.5 , 1.259906343072938e+23 },
1063         { 25.0 , 6.204484017332395e+23 },
1064         { 25.5 , 3.086770540528697e+24 },
1065         { 26.0 , 1.551121004333099e+25 },
1066         { 26.5 , 7.871264878348176e+25 },
1067         { 27.0 , 4.032914611266056e+26 },
1068         { 27.5 , 2.085885192762267e+27 },
1069         { 28.0 , 1.088886945041835e+28 },
1070         { 28.5 , 5.736184280096234e+28 },
1071         { 29.0 , 3.048883446117139e+29 },
1072         { 29.5 , 1.634812519827427e+30 },
1073         { 30.0 , 8.841761993739702e+30 },
1074         { 30.5 , 4.822696933490909e+31 },
1075         { 31.0 , 2.65252859812191e+32 },
1076         { 31.5 , 1.470922564714727e+33 },
1077         { 32.0 , 8.222838654177922e+33 },
1078         { 32.5 , 4.633406078851391e+34 },
1079         { 33.0 , 2.631308369336935e+35 },
1080         { 33.5 , 1.505856975626702e+36 },
1081         { 34.0 , 8.683317618811885e+36 },
1082         { 34.5 , 5.044620868349451e+37 },
1083         { 35.0 , 2.952327990396041e+38 },
1084         { 35.5 , 1.740394199580561e+39 },
1085         { 36.0 , 1.033314796638614e+40 },
1086         { 36.5 , 6.178399408510991e+40 },
1087         { 37.0 , 3.719933267899013e+41 },
1088         { 37.5 , 2.255115784106512e+42 },
1089         { 38.0 , 1.376375309122634e+43 },
1090         { 38.5 , 8.456684190399419e+43 },
1091         { 39.0 , 5.230226174666011e+44 },
1092         { 39.5 , 3.255823413303776e+45 },
1093         { 40.0 , 2.039788208119745e+46 },
1094         { 40.5 , 1.286050248254992e+47 },
1095         { 41.0 , 8.159152832478976e+47 },
1096         { 41.5 , 5.208503505432716e+48 },
1097         { 42.0 , 3.345252661316381e+49 },
1098         { 42.5 , 2.161528954754577e+50 },
1099         { 43.0 , 1.40500611775288e+51 },
1100         { 43.5 , 9.186498057706953e+51 },
1101         { 44.0 , 6.041526306337383e+52 },
1102         { 44.5 , 3.996126655102524e+53 },
1103         { 45.0 , 2.658271574788449e+54 },
1104         { 45.5 , 1.778276361520623e+55 },
1105         { 46.0 , 1.196222208654802e+56 },
1106         { 46.5 , 8.091157444918836e+56 },
1107         { 47.0 , 5.502622159812088e+57 },
1108         { 47.5 , 3.762388211887259e+58 },
1109         { 48.0 , 2.586232415111682e+59 },
1110         { 48.5 , 1.787134400646448e+60 },
1111         { 49.0 , 1.241391559253607e+61 },
1112         { 49.5 , 8.667601843135273e+61 },
1113         { 50.0 , 6.082818640342675e+62 },
1114         { 50.5 , 4.290462912351959e+63 },
1115         { 51.0 , 3.041409320171338e+64 },
1116         { 51.5 , 2.16668377073774e+65 },
1117         { 52.0 , 1.551118753287382e+66 },
1118         { 52.5 , 1.115842141929936e+67 },
1119         { 53.0 , 8.065817517094388e+67 },
1120         { 53.5 , 5.858171245132164e+68 },
1121         { 54.0 , 4.274883284060025e+69 },
1122         { 54.5 , 3.134121616145708e+70 },
1123         { 55.0 , 2.308436973392413e+71 },
1124         { 55.5 , 1.70809628079941e+72 },
1125         { 56.0 , 1.269640335365828e+73 },
1126         { 56.5 , 9.479934358436728e+73 },
1127         { 57.0 , 7.109985878048635e+74 },
1128         { 57.5 , 5.356162912516752e+75 },
1129         { 58.0 , 4.052691950487721e+76 },
1130         { 58.5 , 3.079793674697132e+77 },
1131         { 59.0 , 2.350561331282878e+78 },
1132         { 59.5 , 1.801679299697822e+79 },
1133         { 60.0 , 1.386831185456898e+80 },
1134         { 60.5 , 1.071999183320204e+81 },
1135         { 61.0 , 8.320987112741391e+81 },
1136         { 61.5 , 6.485595059087236e+82 },
1137         { 62.0 , 5.075802138772249e+83 },
1138         { 62.5 , 3.98864096133865e+84 },
1139         { 63.0 , 3.146997326038794e+85 },
1140         { 63.5 , 2.492900600836656e+86 },
1141         { 64.0 , 1.98260831540444e+87 },
1142         { 64.5 , 1.582991881531277e+88 },
1143         { 65.0 , 1.268869321858841e+89 },
1144         { 65.5 , 1.021029763587673e+90 },
1145         { 66.0 , 8.247650592082472e+90 },
1146         { 66.5 , 6.687744951499262e+91 },
1147         { 67.0 , 5.443449390774431e+92 },
1148         { 67.5 , 4.447350392747009e+93 },
1149         { 68.0 , 3.647111091818868e+94 },
1150         { 68.5 , 3.001961515104231e+95 },
1151         { 69.0 , 2.48003554243683e+96 },
1152         { 69.5 , 2.056343637846398e+97 },
1153         { 70.0 , 1.711224524281413e+98 },
1154         { 70.5 , 1.429158828303247e+99 },
1155         { 71.0 , 1.19785716699699e+100 },
1156         { 71.5 , 1.00755697395379e+101 },
1157         { 72.0 , 8.50478588567862e+101 },
1158         { 72.5 , 7.20403236376959e+102 },
1159         { 73.0 , 6.12344583768861e+103 },
1160         { 73.5 , 5.22292346373295e+104 },
1161         { 74.0 , 4.47011546151268e+105 },
1162         { 74.5 , 3.83884874584372e+106 },
1163         { 75.0 , 3.30788544151939e+107 },
1164         { 75.5 , 2.85994231565357e+108 },
1165         { 76.0 , 2.48091408113954e+109 },
1166         { 76.5 , 2.15925644831845e+110 },
1167         { 77.0 , 1.88549470166605e+111 },
1168         { 77.5 , 1.65183118296361e+112 },
1169         { 78.0 , 1.45183092028286e+113 },
1170         { 78.5 , 1.2801691667968e+114 },
1171         { 79.0 , 1.13242811782063e+115 },
1172         { 79.5 , 1.00493279593549e+116 },
1173         { 80.0 , 8.94618213078298e+116 },
1174         { 80.5 , 7.98921572768712e+117 },
1175         { 81.0 , 7.15694570462638e+118 },
1176         { 81.5 , 6.43131866078814e+119 },
1177         { 82.0 , 5.79712602074737e+120 },
1178         { 82.5 , 5.24152470854233e+121 },
1179         { 83.0 , 4.75364333701284e+122 },
1180         { 83.5 , 4.32425788454742e+123 },
1181         { 84.0 , 3.94552396972066e+124 },
1182         { 84.5 , 3.6107553335971e+125 },
1183         { 85.0 , 3.31424013456535e+126 },
1184         { 85.5 , 3.05108825688955e+127 },
1185         { 86.0 , 2.81710411438055e+128 },
1186         { 86.5 , 2.60868045964056e+129 },
1187         { 87.0 , 2.42270953836727e+130 },
1188         { 87.5 , 2.25650859758909e+131 },
1189         { 88.0 , 2.10775729837953e+132 },
1190         { 88.5 , 1.97444502289045e+133 },
1191         { 89.0 , 1.85482642257398e+134 },
1192         { 89.5 , 1.74738384525805e+135 },
1193         { 90.0 , 1.65079551609085e+136 },
1194         { 90.5 , 1.56390854150595e+137 },
1195         { 91.0 , 1.48571596448176e+138 },
1196         { 91.5 , 1.41533723006289e+139 },
1197         { 92.0 , 1.3520015276784e+140 },
1198         { 92.5 , 1.29503356550754e+141 },
1199         { 93.0 , 1.24384140546413e+142 },
1200         { 93.5 , 1.19790604809448e+143 },
1201         { 94.0 , 1.15677250708164e+144 },
1202         { 94.5 , 1.12004215496834e+145 },
1203         { 95.0 , 1.08736615665674e+146 },
1204         { 95.5 , 1.05843983644508e+147 },
1205         { 96.0 , 1.03299784882391e+148 },
1206         { 96.5 , 1.01081004380505e+149 },
1207         { 97.0 , 9.9167793487095e+149 },
1208         { 97.5 , 9.75431692271873e+150 },
1209         { 98.0 , 9.61927596824821e+151 },
1210         { 98.5 , 9.51045899965076e+152 },
1211         { 99.0 , 9.42689044888325e+153 },
1212         { 99.5 , 9.367802114656e+154 },
1213         { 100.0 , 9.33262154439441e+155 },
1214     };
1216     @Test
1217     public void testGamma() {
1219         for (int i = 0; i < GAMMA_REF.length; i++) {
1220             final double[] ref = GAMMA_REF[i];
1221             final double x = ref[0];
1222             final double expected = ref[1];
1223             final double actual = Gamma.gamma(x);
1224             final double absX = FastMath.abs(x);
1225             final int ulps;
1226             if (absX <= 8.0) {
1227                 ulps = 3;
1228             } else if (absX <= 20.0) {
1229                 ulps = 5;
1230             } else if (absX <= 30.0) {
1231                 ulps = 50;
1232             } else if (absX <= 50.0) {
1233                 ulps = 180;
1234             } else {
1235                 ulps = 500;
1236             }
1237             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
1238             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x), expected, actual, tol);
1239         }
1240     }
1242     @Test
1243     public void testGammaField() {
1245         for (int i = 0; i < GAMMA_REF.length; i++) {
1246             final double[] ref = GAMMA_REF[i];
1247             final Binary64 x = new Binary64(ref[0]);
1248             final double expected = ref[1];
1249             final double actual = Gamma.gamma(x).getReal();
1250             final Binary64 absX = x.abs();
1251             final int ulps;
1252             if (absX.getReal() <= 8.0) {
1253                 ulps = 3;
1254             } else if (absX.getReal() <= 20.0) {
1255                 ulps = 5;
1256             } else if (absX.getReal() <= 30.0) {
1257                 ulps = 50;
1258             } else if (absX.getReal() <= 50.0) {
1259                 ulps = 180;
1260             } else {
1261                 ulps = 500;
1262             }
1263             final double tol = ulps * FastMath.ulp(expected);
1264             Assert.assertEquals(Double.toString(x.getReal()), expected, actual, tol);
1265         }
1266     }
1268     @Test
1269     public void testGammaNegativeInteger() {
1271         for (int i = -100; i <= 0; i++) {
1272             Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(i), Double.isNaN(Gamma.gamma(i)));
1273         }
1274     }
1276     @Test
1277     public void testGammaNegativeIntegerField() {
1279         for (int i = -100; i <= 0; i++) {
1280             Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(i), Gamma.gamma(new Binary64(i)).isNaN());
1281         }
1282     }
1284     @Test
1285     public void testGammaNegativeDouble() {
1286         // check that the gamma function properly switches sign
1287         // see:
1289         double previousGamma = Gamma.gamma(-18.5);
1290         for (double x = -19.5; x > -25; x -= 1.0) {
1291             double gamma = Gamma.gamma(x);
1292             Assert.assertEquals(  (int) FastMath.signum(previousGamma),
1293                                 - (int) FastMath.signum(gamma));
1295             previousGamma = gamma;
1296         }
1297     }
1299     @Test
1300     public void testGammaNegativeDoubleField() {
1301         // check that the gamma function properly switches sign
1302         // see:
1304         Binary64 previousGamma = Gamma.gamma(new Binary64(-18.5));
1305         for (Binary64 x = new Binary64(-19.5); x.getReal() > -25; x = x.subtract(1.0)) {
1306             Binary64 gamma = Gamma.gamma(x);
1307             Assert.assertEquals(  (int) FastMath.signum(previousGamma.getReal()),
1308                                   - (int) FastMath.signum(gamma.getReal()));
1310             previousGamma = gamma;
1311         }
1312     }
1314     private void checkRelativeError(String msg, double expected, double actual,
1315                                     double tolerance) {
1317         Assert.assertEquals(msg, expected, actual, FastMath.abs(tolerance * actual));
1318     }
1319 }