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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  /*
19   * This is not the original file distributed by the Apache Software Foundation
20   * It has been modified by the Hipparchus project
21   */
22  package org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers;
24  import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
25  import org.hipparchus.analysis.CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction;
26  import org.hipparchus.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
27  import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
28  import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
29  import org.hipparchus.exception.NullArgumentException;
30  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
31  import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
32  import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
34  /**
35   * Utility routines for {@link UnivariateSolver} objects.
36   *
37   */
38  public class UnivariateSolverUtils {
39      /**
40       * Class contains only static methods.
41       */
42      private UnivariateSolverUtils() {}
44      /**
45       * Convenience method to find a zero of a univariate real function.  A default
46       * solver is used.
47       *
48       * @param function Function.
49       * @param x0 Lower bound for the interval.
50       * @param x1 Upper bound for the interval.
51       * @return a value where the function is zero.
52       * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the function has the same sign at the
53       * endpoints.
54       * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
55       */
56      public static double solve(UnivariateFunction function, double x0, double x1)
57          throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
58          MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
59          final UnivariateSolver solver = new BrentSolver();
60          return solver.solve(Integer.MAX_VALUE, function, x0, x1);
61      }
63      /**
64       * Convenience method to find a zero of a univariate real function.  A default
65       * solver is used.
66       *
67       * @param function Function.
68       * @param x0 Lower bound for the interval.
69       * @param x1 Upper bound for the interval.
70       * @param absoluteAccuracy Accuracy to be used by the solver.
71       * @return a value where the function is zero.
72       * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the function has the same sign at the
73       * endpoints.
74       * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
75       */
76      public static double solve(UnivariateFunction function,
77                                 double x0, double x1,
78                                 double absoluteAccuracy)
79          throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
80          MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
81          final UnivariateSolver solver = new BrentSolver(absoluteAccuracy);
82          return solver.solve(Integer.MAX_VALUE, function, x0, x1);
83      }
85      /**
86       * Force a root found by a non-bracketing solver to lie on a specified side,
87       * as if the solver were a bracketing one.
88       *
89       * @param maxEval maximal number of new evaluations of the function
90       * (evaluations already done for finding the root should have already been subtracted
91       * from this number)
92       * @param f function to solve
93       * @param bracketing bracketing solver to use for shifting the root
94       * @param baseRoot original root found by a previous non-bracketing solver
95       * @param min minimal bound of the search interval
96       * @param max maximal bound of the search interval
97       * @param allowedSolution the kind of solutions that the root-finding algorithm may
98       * accept as solutions.
99       * @return a root approximation, on the specified side of the exact root
100      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the function has the same sign at the
101      * endpoints.
102      */
103     public static double forceSide(final int maxEval, final UnivariateFunction f,
104                                    final BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction> bracketing,
105                                    final double baseRoot, final double min, final double max,
106                                    final AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
107         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
109         if (allowedSolution == AllowedSolution.ANY_SIDE) {
110             // no further bracketing required
111             return baseRoot;
112         }
114         // find a very small interval bracketing the root
115         final double step = FastMath.max(bracketing.getAbsoluteAccuracy(),
116                                          FastMath.abs(baseRoot * bracketing.getRelativeAccuracy()));
117         double xLo        = FastMath.max(min, baseRoot - step);
118         double fLo        = f.value(xLo);
119         double xHi        = FastMath.min(max, baseRoot + step);
120         double fHi        = f.value(xHi);
121         int remainingEval = maxEval - 2;
122         while (remainingEval > 0) {
124             if ((fLo >= 0 && fHi <= 0) || (fLo <= 0 && fHi >= 0)) {
125                 // compute the root on the selected side
126                 return bracketing.solve(remainingEval, f, xLo, xHi, baseRoot, allowedSolution);
127             }
129             // try increasing the interval
130             boolean changeLo = false;
131             boolean changeHi = false;
132             if (fLo < fHi) {
133                 // increasing function
134                 if (fLo >= 0) {
135                     changeLo = true;
136                 } else {
137                     changeHi = true;
138                 }
139             } else if (fLo > fHi) {
140                 // decreasing function
141                 if (fLo <= 0) {
142                     changeLo = true;
143                 } else {
144                     changeHi = true;
145                 }
146             } else {
147                 // unknown variation
148                 changeLo = true;
149                 changeHi = true;
150             }
152             // update the lower bound
153             if (changeLo) {
154                 xLo = FastMath.max(min, xLo - step);
155                 fLo  = f.value(xLo);
156                 remainingEval--;
157             }
159             // update the higher bound
160             if (changeHi) {
161                 xHi = FastMath.min(max, xHi + step);
162                 fHi  = f.value(xHi);
163                 remainingEval--;
164             }
166         }
168         throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.FAILED_BRACKETING,
169                                                xLo, xHi, fLo, fHi,
170                                                maxEval - remainingEval, maxEval, baseRoot,
171                                                min, max);
173     }
175     /**
176      * This method simply calls {@link #bracket(UnivariateFunction, double, double, double,
177      * double, double, int) bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)}
178      * with {@code q} and {@code r} set to 1.0 and {@code maximumIterations} set to {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
179      * <p>
180      * <strong>Note: </strong> this method can take {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
181      * iterations to throw a {@code MathIllegalStateException.}  Unless you are
182      * confident that there is a root between {@code lowerBound} and
183      * {@code upperBound} near {@code initial}, it is better to use
184      * {@link #bracket(UnivariateFunction, double, double, double, double,double, int)
185      * bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)},
186      * explicitly specifying the maximum number of iterations.</p>
187      *
188      * @param function Function.
189      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
190      * bracket a root.
191      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value)
192      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
193      * value).
194      * @return a two-element array holding a and b.
195      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if a root cannot be bracketed.
196      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code maximumIterations <= 0}.
197      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
198      */
199     public static double[] bracket(UnivariateFunction function,
200                                    double initial,
201                                    double lowerBound, double upperBound)
202         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
203         return bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, 1.0, 1.0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
204     }
206      /**
207      * This method simply calls {@link #bracket(UnivariateFunction, double, double, double,
208      * double, double, int) bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)}
209      * with {@code q} and {@code r} set to 1.0.
210      * @param function Function.
211      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
212      * bracket a root.
213      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value).
214      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
215      * value).
216      * @param maximumIterations Maximum number of iterations to perform
217      * @return a two element array holding a and b.
218      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the algorithm fails to find a and b
219      * satisfying the desired conditions.
220      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code maximumIterations <= 0}.
221      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
222      */
223     public static double[] bracket(UnivariateFunction function,
224                                    double initial,
225                                    double lowerBound, double upperBound,
226                                    int maximumIterations)
227         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
228         return bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, 1.0, 1.0, maximumIterations);
229     }
231     /**
232      * This method attempts to find two values a and b satisfying <ul>
233      * <li> {@code lowerBound <= a < initial < b <= upperBound} </li>
234      * <li> {@code f(a) * f(b) <= 0} </li>
235      * </ul>
236      * If {@code f} is continuous on {@code [a,b]}, this means that {@code a}
237      * and {@code b} bracket a root of {@code f}.
238      * <p>
239      * The algorithm checks the sign of \( f(l_k) \) and \( f(u_k) \) for increasing
240      * values of k, where \( l_k = max(lower, initial - \delta_k) \),
241      * \( u_k = min(upper, initial + \delta_k) \), using recurrence
242      * \( \delta_{k+1} = r \delta_k + q, \delta_0 = 0\) and starting search with \( k=1 \).
243      * The algorithm stops when one of the following happens: <ul>
244      * <li> at least one positive and one negative value have been found --  success!</li>
245      * <li> both endpoints have reached their respective limits -- MathIllegalArgumentException </li>
246      * <li> {@code maximumIterations} iterations elapse -- MathIllegalArgumentException </li></ul>
247      * <p>
248      * If different signs are found at first iteration ({@code k=1}), then the returned
249      * interval will be \( [a, b] = [l_1, u_1] \). If different signs are found at a later
250      * iteration {@code k>1}, then the returned interval will be either
251      * \( [a, b] = [l_{k+1}, l_{k}] \) or \( [a, b] = [u_{k}, u_{k+1}] \). A root solver called
252      * with these parameters will therefore start with the smallest bracketing interval known
253      * at this step.
254      * </p>
255      * <p>
256      * Interval expansion rate is tuned by changing the recurrence parameters {@code r} and
257      * {@code q}. When the multiplicative factor {@code r} is set to 1, the sequence is a
258      * simple arithmetic sequence with linear increase. When the multiplicative factor {@code r}
259      * is larger than 1, the sequence has an asymptotically exponential rate. Note than the
260      * additive parameter {@code q} should never be set to zero, otherwise the interval would
261      * degenerate to the single initial point for all values of {@code k}.
262      * </p>
263      * <p>
264      * As a rule of thumb, when the location of the root is expected to be approximately known
265      * within some error margin, {@code r} should be set to 1 and {@code q} should be set to the
266      * order of magnitude of the error margin. When the location of the root is really a wild guess,
267      * then {@code r} should be set to a value larger than 1 (typically 2 to double the interval
268      * length at each iteration) and {@code q} should be set according to half the initial
269      * search interval length.
270      * </p>
271      * <p>
272      * As an example, if we consider the trivial function {@code f(x) = 1 - x} and use
273      * {@code initial = 4}, {@code r = 1}, {@code q = 2}, the algorithm will compute
274      * {@code f(4-2) = f(2) = -1} and {@code f(4+2) = f(6) = -5} for {@code k = 1}, then
275      * {@code f(4-4) = f(0) = +1} and {@code f(4+4) = f(8) = -7} for {@code k = 2}. Then it will
276      * return the interval {@code [0, 2]} as the smallest one known to be bracketing the root.
277      * As shown by this example, the initial value (here {@code 4}) may lie outside of the returned
278      * bracketing interval.
279      * </p>
280      * @param function function to check
281      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
282      * bracket a root.
283      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value).
284      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
285      * value).
286      * @param q additive offset used to compute bounds sequence (must be strictly positive)
287      * @param r multiplicative factor used to compute bounds sequence
288      * @param maximumIterations Maximum number of iterations to perform
289      * @return a two element array holding the bracketing values.
290      * @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if function cannot be bracketed in the search interval
291      */
292     public static double[] bracket(final UnivariateFunction function, final double initial,
293                                    final double lowerBound, final double upperBound,
294                                    final double q, final double r, final int maximumIterations)
295         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
297         MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
299         if (q <= 0)  {
300             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_SMALL_BOUND_EXCLUDED,
301                                                    q, 0);
302         }
303         if (maximumIterations <= 0)  {
304             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.INVALID_MAX_ITERATIONS, maximumIterations);
305         }
306         verifySequence(lowerBound, initial, upperBound);
308         // initialize the recurrence
309         double a     = initial;
310         double b     = initial;
311         double fa    = Double.NaN;
312         double fb    = Double.NaN;
313         double delta = 0;
315         for (int numIterations = 0;
316              (numIterations < maximumIterations) && (a > lowerBound || b < upperBound);
317              ++numIterations) {
319             final double previousA  = a;
320             final double previousFa = fa;
321             final double previousB  = b;
322             final double previousFb = fb;
324             delta = r * delta + q;
325             a     = FastMath.max(initial - delta, lowerBound);
326             b     = FastMath.min(initial + delta, upperBound);
327             fa    = function.value(a);
328             fb    = function.value(b);
330             if (numIterations == 0) {
331                 // at first iteration, we don't have a previous interval
332                 // we simply compare both sides of the initial interval
333                 if (fa * fb <= 0) {
334                     // the first interval already brackets a root
335                     return new double[] { a, b };
336                 }
337             } else {
338                 // we have a previous interval with constant sign and expand it,
339                 // we expect sign changes to occur at boundaries
340                 if (fa * previousFa <= 0) {
341                     // sign change detected at near lower bound
342                     return new double[] { a, previousA };
343                 } else if (fb * previousFb <= 0) {
344                     // sign change detected at near upper bound
345                     return new double[] { previousB, b };
346                 }
347             }
349         }
351         // no bracketing found
352         throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NOT_BRACKETING_INTERVAL,
353                                                a, b, fa, fb);
355     }
357     /**
358      * This method simply calls {@link #bracket(CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction,
359      * CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement,
360      * CalculusFieldElement, int) bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)}
361      * with {@code q} and {@code r} set to 1.0 and {@code maximumIterations} set to {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
362      * <p>
363      * <strong>Note: </strong> this method can take {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
364      * iterations to throw a {@code MathIllegalStateException.}  Unless you are
365      * confident that there is a root between {@code lowerBound} and
366      * {@code upperBound} near {@code initial}, it is better to use
367      * {@link #bracket(UnivariateFunction, double, double, double, double,double, int)
368      * bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)},
369      * explicitly specifying the maximum number of iterations.</p>
370      *
371      * @param function Function.
372      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
373      * bracket a root.
374      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value)
375      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
376      * value).
377      * @param <T> type of the field elements
378      * @return a two-element array holding a and b.
379      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if a root cannot be bracketed.
380      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code maximumIterations <= 0}.
381      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
382      * @since 1.2
383      */
384     public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] bracket(CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction<T> function,
385                                                               T initial,
386                                                               T lowerBound, T upperBound)
387         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
388         return bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound,
389                        initial.getField().getOne(), initial.getField().getOne(),
390                        Integer.MAX_VALUE);
391     }
393      /**
394      * This method simply calls {@link #bracket(CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction,
395      * CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement, CalculusFieldElement,
396      * CalculusFieldElement, int) bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, q, r, maximumIterations)}
397      * with {@code q} and {@code r} set to 1.0.
398      * @param function Function.
399      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
400      * bracket a root.
401      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value).
402      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
403      * value).
404      * @param maximumIterations Maximum number of iterations to perform
405      * @param <T> type of the field elements
406      * @return a two element array holding a and b.
407      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the algorithm fails to find a and b
408      * satisfying the desired conditions.
409      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code maximumIterations <= 0}.
410      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
411      * @since 1.2
412      */
413     public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] bracket(CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction<T> function,
414                                                               T initial,
415                                                               T lowerBound, T upperBound,
416                                                               int maximumIterations)
417         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
418         return bracket(function, initial, lowerBound, upperBound,
419                        initial.getField().getOne(), initial.getField().getOne(),
420                        maximumIterations);
421     }
423     /**
424      * This method attempts to find two values a and b satisfying <ul>
425      * <li> {@code lowerBound <= a < initial < b <= upperBound} </li>
426      * <li> {@code f(a) * f(b) <= 0} </li>
427      * </ul>
428      * If {@code f} is continuous on {@code [a,b]}, this means that {@code a}
429      * and {@code b} bracket a root of {@code f}.
430      * <p>
431      * The algorithm checks the sign of \( f(l_k) \) and \( f(u_k) \) for increasing
432      * values of k, where \( l_k = max(lower, initial - \delta_k) \),
433      * \( u_k = min(upper, initial + \delta_k) \), using recurrence
434      * \( \delta_{k+1} = r \delta_k + q, \delta_0 = 0\) and starting search with \( k=1 \).
435      * The algorithm stops when one of the following happens: <ul>
436      * <li> at least one positive and one negative value have been found --  success!</li>
437      * <li> both endpoints have reached their respective limits -- MathIllegalArgumentException </li>
438      * <li> {@code maximumIterations} iterations elapse -- MathIllegalArgumentException </li></ul>
439      * <p>
440      * If different signs are found at first iteration ({@code k=1}), then the returned
441      * interval will be \( [a, b] = [l_1, u_1] \). If different signs are found at a later
442      * iteration {@code k>1}, then the returned interval will be either
443      * \( [a, b] = [l_{k+1}, l_{k}] \) or \( [a, b] = [u_{k}, u_{k+1}] \). A root solver called
444      * with these parameters will therefore start with the smallest bracketing interval known
445      * at this step.
446      * </p>
447      * <p>
448      * Interval expansion rate is tuned by changing the recurrence parameters {@code r} and
449      * {@code q}. When the multiplicative factor {@code r} is set to 1, the sequence is a
450      * simple arithmetic sequence with linear increase. When the multiplicative factor {@code r}
451      * is larger than 1, the sequence has an asymptotically exponential rate. Note than the
452      * additive parameter {@code q} should never be set to zero, otherwise the interval would
453      * degenerate to the single initial point for all values of {@code k}.
454      * </p>
455      * <p>
456      * As a rule of thumb, when the location of the root is expected to be approximately known
457      * within some error margin, {@code r} should be set to 1 and {@code q} should be set to the
458      * order of magnitude of the error margin. When the location of the root is really a wild guess,
459      * then {@code r} should be set to a value larger than 1 (typically 2 to double the interval
460      * length at each iteration) and {@code q} should be set according to half the initial
461      * search interval length.
462      * </p>
463      * <p>
464      * As an example, if we consider the trivial function {@code f(x) = 1 - x} and use
465      * {@code initial = 4}, {@code r = 1}, {@code q = 2}, the algorithm will compute
466      * {@code f(4-2) = f(2) = -1} and {@code f(4+2) = f(6) = -5} for {@code k = 1}, then
467      * {@code f(4-4) = f(0) = +1} and {@code f(4+4) = f(8) = -7} for {@code k = 2}. Then it will
468      * return the interval {@code [0, 2]} as the smallest one known to be bracketing the root.
469      * As shown by this example, the initial value (here {@code 4}) may lie outside of the returned
470      * bracketing interval.
471      * </p>
472      * @param function function to check
473      * @param initial Initial midpoint of interval being expanded to
474      * bracket a root.
475      * @param lowerBound Lower bound (a is never lower than this value).
476      * @param upperBound Upper bound (b never is greater than this
477      * value).
478      * @param q additive offset used to compute bounds sequence (must be strictly positive)
479      * @param r multiplicative factor used to compute bounds sequence
480      * @param maximumIterations Maximum number of iterations to perform
481      * @param <T> type of the field elements
482      * @return a two element array holding the bracketing values.
483      * @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if function cannot be bracketed in the search interval
484      * @since 1.2
485      */
486     public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] bracket(final CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction<T> function,
487                                                               final T initial,
488                                                               final T lowerBound, final T upperBound,
489                                                               final T q, final T r,
490                                                               final int maximumIterations)
491         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
493         MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
495         if (q.getReal() <= 0)  {
496             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_SMALL_BOUND_EXCLUDED,
497                                                    q, 0);
498         }
499         if (maximumIterations <= 0)  {
500             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.INVALID_MAX_ITERATIONS, maximumIterations);
501         }
502         verifySequence(lowerBound.getReal(), initial.getReal(), upperBound.getReal());
504         // initialize the recurrence
505         T a     = initial;
506         T b     = initial;
507         T fa    = null;
508         T fb    = null;
509         T delta = initial.getField().getZero();
511         for (int numIterations = 0;
512              (numIterations < maximumIterations) &&
513              (a.getReal() > lowerBound.getReal() || b.getReal() < upperBound.getReal());
514              ++numIterations) {
516             final T previousA  = a;
517             final T previousFa = fa;
518             final T previousB  = b;
519             final T previousFb = fb;
521             delta = r.multiply(delta).add(q);
522             a     = max(initial.subtract(delta), lowerBound);
523             b     = min(initial.add(delta), upperBound);
524             fa    = function.value(a);
525             fb    = function.value(b);
527             if (numIterations == 0) {
528                 // at first iteration, we don't have a previous interval
529                 // we simply compare both sides of the initial interval
530                 if (fa.multiply(fb).getReal() <= 0) {
531                     // the first interval already brackets a root
532                     final T[] interval = MathArrays.buildArray(initial.getField(), 2);
533                     interval[0] = a;
534                     interval[1] = b;
535                     return interval;
536                 }
537             } else {
538                 // we have a previous interval with constant sign and expand it,
539                 // we expect sign changes to occur at boundaries
540                 if (fa.multiply(previousFa).getReal() <= 0) {
541                     // sign change detected at near lower bound
542                     final T[] interval = MathArrays.buildArray(initial.getField(), 2);
543                     interval[0] = a;
544                     interval[1] = previousA;
545                     return interval;
546                 } else if (fb.multiply(previousFb).getReal() <= 0) {
547                     // sign change detected at near upper bound
548                     final T[] interval = MathArrays.buildArray(initial.getField(), 2);
549                     interval[0] = previousB;
550                     interval[1] = b;
551                     return interval;
552                 }
553             }
555         }
557         // no bracketing found
558         throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NOT_BRACKETING_INTERVAL,
559                                                a.getReal(), b.getReal(), fa.getReal(), fb.getReal());
561     }
563     /** Compute the maximum of two values
564      * @param a first value
565      * @param b second value
566      * @param <T> type of the field elements
567      * @return b if a is lesser or equal to b, a otherwise
568      * @since 1.2
569      */
570     private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T max(final T a, final T b) {
571         return (a.subtract(b).getReal() <= 0) ? b : a;
572     }
574     /** Compute the minimum of two values
575      * @param a first value
576      * @param b second value
577      * @param <T> type of the field elements
578      * @return a if a is lesser or equal to b, b otherwise
579      * @since 1.2
580      */
581     private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T min(final T a, final T b) {
582         return (a.subtract(b).getReal() <= 0) ? a : b;
583     }
585     /**
586      * Compute the midpoint of two values.
587      *
588      * @param a first value.
589      * @param b second value.
590      * @return the midpoint.
591      */
592     public static double midpoint(double a, double b) {
593         return (a + b) * 0.5;
594     }
596     /**
597      * Check whether the interval bounds bracket a root. That is, if the
598      * values at the endpoints are not equal to zero, then the function takes
599      * opposite signs at the endpoints.
600      *
601      * @param function Function.
602      * @param lower Lower endpoint.
603      * @param upper Upper endpoint.
604      * @return {@code true} if the function values have opposite signs at the
605      * given points.
606      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
607      */
608     public static boolean isBracketing(UnivariateFunction function,
609                                        final double lower,
610                                        final double upper)
611         throws NullArgumentException {
612         MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
613         final double fLo = function.value(lower);
614         final double fHi = function.value(upper);
615         return (fLo >= 0 && fHi <= 0) || (fLo <= 0 && fHi >= 0);
616     }
618     /**
619      * Check whether the arguments form a (strictly) increasing sequence.
620      *
621      * @param start First number.
622      * @param mid Second number.
623      * @param end Third number.
624      * @return {@code true} if the arguments form an increasing sequence.
625      */
626     public static boolean isSequence(final double start,
627                                      final double mid,
628                                      final double end) {
629         return (start < mid) && (mid < end);
630     }
632     /**
633      * Check that the endpoints specify an interval.
634      *
635      * @param lower Lower endpoint.
636      * @param upper Upper endpoint.
637      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code lower >= upper}.
638      */
639     public static void verifyInterval(final double lower,
640                                       final double upper)
641         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
642         if (lower >= upper) {
643             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.ENDPOINTS_NOT_AN_INTERVAL,
644                                                 lower, upper, false);
645         }
646     }
648     /**
649      * Check that {@code lower < initial < upper}.
650      *
651      * @param lower Lower endpoint.
652      * @param initial Initial value.
653      * @param upper Upper endpoint.
654      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if {@code lower >= initial} or
655      * {@code initial >= upper}.
656      */
657     public static void verifySequence(final double lower,
658                                       final double initial,
659                                       final double upper)
660         throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
661         verifyInterval(lower, initial);
662         verifyInterval(initial, upper);
663     }
665     /**
666      * Check that the endpoints specify an interval and the end points
667      * bracket a root.
668      *
669      * @param function Function.
670      * @param lower Lower endpoint.
671      * @param upper Upper endpoint.
672      * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the function has the same sign at the
673      * endpoints.
674      * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code function} is {@code null}.
675      */
676     public static void verifyBracketing(UnivariateFunction function,
677                                         final double lower,
678                                         final double upper)
679         throws MathIllegalArgumentException, NullArgumentException {
680         MathUtils.checkNotNull(function, LocalizedCoreFormats.FUNCTION);
681         verifyInterval(lower, upper);
682         if (!isBracketing(function, lower, upper)) {
683             throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NOT_BRACKETING_INTERVAL,
684                                                    lower, upper,
685                                                    function.value(lower), function.value(upper));
686         }
687     }
688 }