Interface UnscentedTransformProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUnscentedTransform, JulierUnscentedTransform, MerweUnscentedTransform

public interface UnscentedTransformProvider
Provider for unscented transform.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • unscentedTransform Link icon

      RealVector[] unscentedTransform(RealVector state, RealMatrix covariance)
      Perform the unscented transform from a state and its covariance.
      state - process state
      covariance - covariance associated with the process state
      an array containing the sigma points of the unscented transform
    • getUnscentedMeanState Link icon

      default RealVector getUnscentedMeanState(RealVector[] sigmaPoints)
      Computes a weighted mean state from a given set of sigma points.

      This method can be used for computing both the mean state and the mean measurement in an Unscented Kalman filter.

      It corresponds to Equation 17 of "Wan, E. A., & Van Der Merwe, R. The unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear estimation"

      sigmaPoints - input samples
      weighted mean state
    • getUnscentedCovariance Link icon

      default RealMatrix getUnscentedCovariance(RealVector[] sigmaPoints, RealVector meanState)
      Computes the unscented covariance matrix from a weighted mean state and a set of sigma points.

      This method can be used for computing both the predicted state covariance matrix and the innovation covariance matrix in an Unscented Kalman filter.

      It corresponds to Equation 18 of "Wan, E. A., & Van Der Merwe, R. The unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear estimation"

      sigmaPoints - input sigma points
      meanState - weighted mean state
      the unscented covariance matrix
    • inverseUnscentedTransform Link icon

      default Pair<RealVector,RealMatrix> inverseUnscentedTransform(RealVector[] sigmaPoints)
      Perform the inverse unscented transform from an array of sigma points.
      sigmaPoints - array containing the sigma points of the unscented transform
      mean state and associated covariance
    • getWc Link icon

      RealVector getWc()
      Get the covariance weights.
      the covariance weights
    • getWm Link icon

      RealVector getWm()
      Get the mean weights.
      the mean weights