Package org.hipparchus.util
Class MerweUnscentedTransform
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Unscented transform as defined by Merwe and Wan.
The unscented transform uses three parameters: alpha, beta and kappa. Alpha determines the spread of the sigma points around the process state, kappa is a secondary scaling parameter, and beta is used to incorporate prior knowledge of the distribution of the process state.
- Since:
- 2.2
- See Also:
- "E. A. Wan and R. Van der Merwe, The unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear estimation, in Proc. Symp. Adaptive Syst. Signal Process., Commun. Contr., Lake Louise, AB, Canada, Oct. 2000."
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final double
Default value for alpha (0.5, see reference).static final double
Default value for beta (2.0, see reference).static final double
Default value for kappa, (0.0, see reference). -
Constructor Summary
(int stateDim) Default constructor.MerweUnscentedTransform
(int stateDim, double alpha, double beta, double kappa) Simple constructor. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.hipparchus.util.AbstractUnscentedTransform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hipparchus.util.UnscentedTransformProvider
getUnscentedCovariance, getUnscentedMeanState, inverseUnscentedTransform
Field Details
public static final double DEFAULT_ALPHADefault value for alpha (0.5, see reference).- See Also:
public static final double DEFAULT_BETADefault value for beta (2.0, see reference).- See Also:
public static final double DEFAULT_KAPPADefault value for kappa, (0.0, see reference).- See Also:
Constructor Details
public MerweUnscentedTransform(int stateDim) Default constructor.This constructor uses default values for alpha, beta, and kappa.
- Parameters:
- the dimension of the state- See Also:
public MerweUnscentedTransform(int stateDim, double alpha, double beta, double kappa) Simple constructor.- Parameters:
- the dimension of the statealpha
- scaling control parameter (determines the spread of the sigma points around the process state)beta
- free parameter (used to incorporate prior knowledge of the distribution of the process state)kappa
- secondary scaling factor (usually set to 0.0)
Method Details
Get the covariance weights.- Returns:
- the covariance weights
Get the mean weights.- Returns:
- the mean weights
protected double getMultiplicationFactor()Get the factor applied to the covariance matrix during the unscented transform.- Specified by:
in classAbstractUnscentedTransform
- Returns:
- the factor applied to the covariance matrix during the unscented transform