Class MathUtils


public final class MathUtils extends Object
Miscellaneous utility functions.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary Link icon

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    Result class for twoSum(FieldElement, FieldElement) containing the sum and the residual error in the sum.
    static final class 
    Result class for twoSum(double, double) containing the sum and the residual error in the sum.
  • Field Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static final double
    static final double
    static final double
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    checkDimension(int dimension, int otherDimension)
    Checks that the given dimensions match.
    static void
    checkFinite(double x)
    Check that the argument is a real number.
    static void
    checkFinite(double[] val)
    Check that all the elements are real numbers.
    static void
    Checks that an object is not null.
    static void
    checkNotNull(Object o, Localizable pattern, Object... args)
    Checks that an object is not null.
    static void
    checkRangeInclusive(double value, double lo, double hi)
    Checks that the given value is strictly within the range [lo, hi].
    static void
    checkRangeInclusive(long value, long lo, long hi)
    Checks that the given value is strictly within the range [lo, hi].
    static byte
    copySign(byte magnitude, byte sign)
    Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
    static int
    copySign(int magnitude, int sign)
    Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
    static long
    copySign(long magnitude, long sign)
    Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
    static short
    copySign(short magnitude, short sign)
    Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
    static boolean
    equals(double x, double y)
    Returns true if the values are equal according to semantics of Double.equals(Object).
    static String
    Get Hipparchus version.
    static int
    hash(double value)
    Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
    static int
    hash(double[] value)
    Returns an integer hash code representing the given double array.
    static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
    max(T e1, T e2)
    Find the maximum of two field elements.
    static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
    min(T e1, T e2)
    Find the minimum of two field elements.
    static double
    normalizeAngle(double a, double center)
    Normalize an angle in a 2π wide interval around a center value.
    static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
    normalizeAngle(T a, T center)
    Normalize an angle in a 2π wide interval around a center value.
    static double
    reduce(double a, double period, double offset)
    Reduce |a - offset| to the primary interval [0, |period|).
    twoSum(double a, double b)
    Sums a and b using Møller's 2Sum algorithm.
    twoSum(T a, T b)
    Sums a and b using Møller's 2Sum algorithm.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • hash Link icon

      public static int hash(double value)
      Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
      value - the value to be hashed
      the hash code
    • equals Link icon

      public static boolean equals(double x, double y)
      Returns true if the values are equal according to semantics of Double.equals(Object).
      x - Value
      y - Value
    • hash Link icon

      public static int hash(double[] value)
      Returns an integer hash code representing the given double array.
      value - the value to be hashed (may be null)
      the hash code
    • normalizeAngle Link icon

      public static double normalizeAngle(double a, double center)
      Normalize an angle in a 2π wide interval around a center value.

      This method has three main uses:

      • normalize an angle between 0 and 2π:
        a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, FastMath.PI);
      • normalize an angle between -π and +π
        a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, 0.0);
      • compute the angle between two defining angular positions:
        angle = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(end, start) - start;

      Note that due to numerical accuracy and since π cannot be represented exactly, the result interval is closed, it cannot be half-closed as would be more satisfactory in a purely mathematical view.

      a - angle to normalize
      center - center of the desired 2π interval for the result
      a-2kπ with integer k and center-π <= a-2kπ <= center+π
    • normalizeAngle Link icon

      public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T normalizeAngle(T a, T center)
      Normalize an angle in a 2π wide interval around a center value.

      This method has three main uses:

      • normalize an angle between 0 and 2π:
        a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, FastMath.PI);
      • normalize an angle between -π and +π
        a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, zero);
      • compute the angle between two defining angular positions:
        angle = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(end, start).subtract(start);

      Note that due to numerical accuracy and since π cannot be represented exactly, the result interval is closed, it cannot be half-closed as would be more satisfactory in a purely mathematical view.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the field elements
      a - angle to normalize
      center - center of the desired 2π interval for the result
      a-2kπ with integer k and center-π <= a-2kπ <= center+π
    • max Link icon

      public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T max(T e1, T e2)
      Find the maximum of two field elements.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the field elements
      e1 - first element
      e2 - second element
      max(a1, e2)
    • min Link icon

      public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T min(T e1, T e2)
      Find the minimum of two field elements.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the field elements
      e1 - first element
      e2 - second element
      min(a1, e2)
    • reduce Link icon

      public static double reduce(double a, double period, double offset)

      Reduce |a - offset| to the primary interval [0, |period|).

      Specifically, the value returned is
      a - |period| * floor((a - offset) / |period|) - offset.

      If any of the parameters are NaN or infinite, the result is NaN.

      a - Value to reduce.
      period - Period.
      offset - Value that will be mapped to 0.
      the value, within the interval [0 |period|), that corresponds to a.
    • copySign Link icon

      public static byte copySign(byte magnitude, byte sign) throws MathRuntimeException
      Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
      magnitude - Magnitude of the returned value.
      sign - Sign of the returned value.
      a value with magnitude equal to magnitude and with the same sign as the sign argument.
      MathRuntimeException - if magnitude == Byte.MIN_VALUE and sign >= 0.
    • copySign Link icon

      public static short copySign(short magnitude, short sign) throws MathRuntimeException
      Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
      magnitude - Magnitude of the returned value.
      sign - Sign of the returned value.
      a value with magnitude equal to magnitude and with the same sign as the sign argument.
      MathRuntimeException - if magnitude == Short.MIN_VALUE and sign >= 0.
    • copySign Link icon

      public static int copySign(int magnitude, int sign) throws MathRuntimeException
      Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
      magnitude - Magnitude of the returned value.
      sign - Sign of the returned value.
      a value with magnitude equal to magnitude and with the same sign as the sign argument.
      MathRuntimeException - if magnitude == Integer.MIN_VALUE and sign >= 0.
    • copySign Link icon

      public static long copySign(long magnitude, long sign) throws MathRuntimeException
      Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
      magnitude - Magnitude of the returned value.
      sign - Sign of the returned value.
      a value with magnitude equal to magnitude and with the same sign as the sign argument.
      MathRuntimeException - if magnitude == Long.MIN_VALUE and sign >= 0.
    • checkFinite Link icon

      public static void checkFinite(double x) throws MathIllegalArgumentException
      Check that the argument is a real number.
      x - Argument.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if x is not a finite real number.
    • checkFinite Link icon

      public static void checkFinite(double[] val) throws MathIllegalArgumentException
      Check that all the elements are real numbers.
      val - Arguments.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if any values of the array is not a finite real number.
    • checkNotNull Link icon

      public static void checkNotNull(Object o, Localizable pattern, Object... args) throws NullArgumentException
      Checks that an object is not null.
      o - Object to be checked.
      pattern - Message pattern.
      args - Arguments to replace the placeholders in pattern.
      NullArgumentException - if o is null.
    • checkNotNull Link icon

      public static void checkNotNull(Object o) throws NullArgumentException
      Checks that an object is not null.
      o - Object to be checked.
      NullArgumentException - if o is null.
    • checkRangeInclusive Link icon

      public static void checkRangeInclusive(long value, long lo, long hi)
      Checks that the given value is strictly within the range [lo, hi].
      value - value to be checked.
      lo - the lower bound (inclusive).
      hi - the upper bound (inclusive).
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if value is strictly outside [lo, hi].
    • checkRangeInclusive Link icon

      public static void checkRangeInclusive(double value, double lo, double hi)
      Checks that the given value is strictly within the range [lo, hi].
      value - value to be checked.
      lo - the lower bound (inclusive).
      hi - the upper bound (inclusive).
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if value is strictly outside [lo, hi].
    • checkDimension Link icon

      public static void checkDimension(int dimension, int otherDimension)
      Checks that the given dimensions match.
      dimension - the first dimension.
      otherDimension - the second dimension.
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if length != otherLength.
    • getHipparchusVersion Link icon

      public static String getHipparchusVersion()
      Get Hipparchus version.

      The version is automatically retrieved from a properties file generated at maven compilation time. When using an IDE not configured to use maven, then a default value "unknown" will be returned.

      hipparchus version
    • twoSum Link icon

      public static MathUtils.SumAndResidual twoSum(double a, double b)
      Sums a and b using Møller's 2Sum algorithm.


      • Møller, Ole. "Quasi double-precision in floating point addition." BIT 5, 37–50 (1965).
      • Shewchuk, Richard J. "Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates." Discrete & Computational Geometry 18, 305–363 (1997).
      a - first summand
      b - second summand
      sum and residual error in the sum
    • twoSum Link icon

      public static <T extends FieldElement<T>> MathUtils.FieldSumAndResidual<T> twoSum(T a, T b)
      Sums a and b using Møller's 2Sum algorithm.


      • Møller, Ole. "Quasi double-precision in floating point addition." BIT 5, 37–50 (1965).
      • Shewchuk, Richard J. "Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates." Discrete & Computational Geometry 18, 305–363 (1997).
      Type Parameters:
      T - field element type
      a - first summand
      b - second summand
      sum and residual error in the sum