Interface RealTransformer

All Known Implementing Classes:
FastCosineTransformer, FastHadamardTransformer, FastSineTransformer

public interface RealTransformer
Interface for one-dimensional data sets transformations producing real results.

Such transforms include sine transform, cosine transform or Hadamard transform. Fourier transform is of a different kind and does not implement this interface since it produces Complex results instead of real ones.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    transform(double[] f, TransformType type)
    Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real data set.
    transform(UnivariateFunction f, double min, double max, int n, TransformType type)
    Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real function, sampled on the specified interval.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • transform Link icon

      double[] transform(double[] f, TransformType type) throws MathIllegalArgumentException
      Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real data set.
      f - the real data array to be transformed (signal)
      type - the type of transform (forward, inverse) to be performed
      the real transformed array (spectrum)
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if the array cannot be transformed with the given type (this may be for example due to array size, which is constrained in some transforms)
    • transform Link icon

      double[] transform(UnivariateFunction f, double min, double max, int n, TransformType type) throws MathIllegalArgumentException
      Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real function, sampled on the specified interval.
      f - the function to be sampled and transformed
      min - the (inclusive) lower bound for the interval
      max - the (exclusive) upper bound for the interval
      n - the number of sample points
      type - the type of transform (forward, inverse) to be performed
      the real transformed array
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if the lower bound is greater than, or equal to the upper bound
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if the number of sample points is negative
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if the sample cannot be transformed with the given type (this may be for example due to sample size, which is constrained in some transforms)