Package org.hipparchus.analysis
Interface UnivariateFunction
- All Known Subinterfaces:
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public interface UnivariateFunction
An interface representing a univariate real function.
When a user-defined function encounters an error during
evaluation, the value
method should throw a
user-defined unchecked exception.
The following code excerpt shows the recommended way to do that using a root solver as an example, but the same construct is applicable to ODE integrators or optimizers.
private static class LocalException extends RuntimeException { // The x value that caused the problem. private final double x; public LocalException(double x) { this.x = x; } public double getX() { return x; } } private static class MyFunction implements UnivariateFunction { public double value(double x) { double y = hugeFormula(x); if (somethingBadHappens) { throw new LocalException(x); } return y; } } public void compute() { try { solver.solve(maxEval, new MyFunction(a, b, c), min, max); } catch (LocalException le) { // Retrieve the x value. } }As shown, the exception is local to the user's code and it is guaranteed that Hipparchus will not catch it.
Method Details
double value(double x) Compute the value of the function.- Parameters:
- Point at which the function value should be computed.- Returns:
- the value of the function.
- Throws:
- when the activated method itself can ascertain that a precondition, specified in the API expressed at the level of the activated method, has been violated. When Hipparchus throws anIllegalArgumentException
, it is usually the consequence of checking the actual parameters passed to the method.