Class DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the field elements
All Implemented Interfaces:
FieldODEIntegrator<T>, FieldButcherArrayProvider<T>, FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator<T>

public class DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> extends EmbeddedRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator<T>
This class implements the 5(4) Dormand-Prince integrator for Ordinary Differential Equations.

This integrator is an embedded Runge-Kutta integrator of order 5(4) used in local extrapolation mode (i.e. the solution is computed using the high order formula) with stepsize control (and automatic step initialization) and continuous output. This method uses 7 functions evaluations per step. However, since this is an fsal, the last evaluation of one step is the same as the first evaluation of the next step and hence can be avoided. So the cost is really 6 functions evaluations per step.

This method has been published (whithout the continuous output that was added by Shampine in 1986) in the following article :

  A family of embedded Runge-Kutta formulae
  J. R. Dormand and P. J. Prince
  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  volume 6, no 1, 1980, pp. 19-26
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator

      public DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator(Field<T> field, double minStep, double maxStep, double scalAbsoluteTolerance, double scalRelativeTolerance)
      Simple constructor. Build a fifth order Dormand-Prince integrator with the given step bounds
      field - field to which the time and state vector elements belong
      minStep - minimal step (sign is irrelevant, regardless of integration direction, forward or backward), the last step can be smaller than this
      maxStep - maximal step (sign is irrelevant, regardless of integration direction, forward or backward), the last step can be smaller than this
      scalAbsoluteTolerance - allowed absolute error
      scalRelativeTolerance - allowed relative error
    • DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator

      public DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator(Field<T> field, double minStep, double maxStep, double[] vecAbsoluteTolerance, double[] vecRelativeTolerance)
      Simple constructor. Build a fifth order Dormand-Prince integrator with the given step bounds
      field - field to which the time and state vector elements belong
      minStep - minimal step (sign is irrelevant, regardless of integration direction, forward or backward), the last step can be smaller than this
      maxStep - maximal step (sign is irrelevant, regardless of integration direction, forward or backward), the last step can be smaller than this
      vecAbsoluteTolerance - allowed absolute error
      vecRelativeTolerance - allowed relative error
  • Method Details

    • getC

      public T[] getC()
      Get the time steps from Butcher array (without the first zero).
      time steps from Butcher array (without the first zero
    • getA

      public T[][] getA()
      Get the internal weights from Butcher array (without the first empty row).
      internal weights from Butcher array (without the first empty row)
    • getB

      public T[] getB()
      Get the external weights for the high order method from Butcher array.
      external weights for the high order method from Butcher array
    • createInterpolator

      protected org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince54FieldStateInterpolator<T> createInterpolator(boolean forward, T[][] yDotK, FieldODEStateAndDerivative<T> globalPreviousState, FieldODEStateAndDerivative<T> globalCurrentState, FieldEquationsMapper<T> mapper)
      Create an interpolator.
      Specified by:
      createInterpolator in class EmbeddedRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      forward - integration direction indicator
      yDotK - slopes at the intermediate points
      globalPreviousState - start of the global step
      globalCurrentState - end of the global step
      mapper - equations mapper for the all equations
      external weights for the high order method from Butcher array
    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
      Get the order of the method.
      Specified by:
      getOrder in class EmbeddedRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      order of the method
    • estimateError

      protected double estimateError(T[][] yDotK, T[] y0, T[] y1, T h)
      Compute the error ratio.
      Specified by:
      estimateError in class EmbeddedRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
      yDotK - derivatives computed during the first stages
      y0 - estimate of the step at the start of the step
      y1 - estimate of the step at the end of the step
      h - current step
      error ratio, greater than 1 if step should be rejected