Class JacobiPreconditioner

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JacobiPreconditioner extends Object implements RealLinearOperator
This class implements the standard Jacobi (diagonal) preconditioner. For a matrix Aij, this preconditioner is M = diag(1 / A11, 1 / A22, …).
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • JacobiPreconditioner Link icon

      public JacobiPreconditioner(double[] diag, boolean deep)
      Creates a new instance of this class.
      diag - the diagonal coefficients of the linear operator to be preconditioned
      deep - true if a deep copy of the above array should be performed
  • Method Details Link icon

    • create Link icon

      Creates a new instance of this class. This method extracts the diagonal coefficients of the specified linear operator. If a does not extend AbstractRealMatrix, then the coefficients of the underlying matrix are not accessible, coefficient extraction is made by matrix-vector products with the basis vectors (and might therefore take some time). With matrices, direct entry access is carried out.
      a - the linear operator for which the preconditioner should be built
      the diagonal preconditioner made of the inverse of the diagonal coefficients of the specified linear operator
      MathIllegalArgumentException - if a is not square
    • getColumnDimension Link icon

      public int getColumnDimension()
      Returns the dimension of the domain of this operator.
      Specified by:
      getColumnDimension in interface RealLinearOperator
      the number of columns of the underlying matrix
    • getRowDimension Link icon

      public int getRowDimension()
      Returns the dimension of the codomain of this operator.
      Specified by:
      getRowDimension in interface RealLinearOperator
      the number of rows of the underlying matrix
    • operate Link icon

      public RealVector operate(RealVector x)
      Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector x.
      Specified by:
      operate in interface RealLinearOperator
      x - the vector to operate on
      the product of this instance with x
    • sqrt Link icon

      public RealLinearOperator sqrt()
      Returns the square root of this diagonal operator. More precisely, this method returns P = diag(1 / √A11, 1 / √A22, …).
      the square root of this preconditioner