Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hipparchus.geometry
This package is the top level package for geometry.
This package provides interfaces and classes related to the smallest enclosing ball problem.
This package provides basic 1D geometry components.
This package provides basic 3D geometry components.
This package provides basic 2D geometry components.
This package provides interfaces and classes related to the convex hull problem.
This package provides classes to implement Binary Space Partition trees.
This package provides basic geometry components on the 1-sphere.
This package provides basic geometry components on the 2-sphere.
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometryClassDescriptionEnumeration for localized messages formats used in exceptions messages.This interface represents a generic geometrical point.This interface represents a generic space, with affine and vectorial counterparts.This interface represents a generic vector in a vectorial space or a point in an affine space.
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.enclosing
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.onedClassDescriptionThis interface represents a generic geometrical point.This interface represents a generic space, with affine and vectorial counterparts.This interface represents a generic vector in a vectorial space or a point in an affine space.Formats a vector in components list format "{x; y; ...}".
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threedClassDescriptionThis interface represents a generic geometrical point.This interface represents a generic space, with affine and vectorial counterparts.This interface represents a generic vector in a vectorial space or a point in an affine space.Formats a vector in components list format "{x; y; ...}".
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twodClassDescriptionThis interface represents a generic geometrical point.This interface represents a generic space, with affine and vectorial counterparts.This interface represents a generic vector in a vectorial space or a point in an affine space.Formats a vector in components list format "{x; y; ...}".
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.hull
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.partitioning
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.oned
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry used by org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod