Class Vector1D

    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final Vector1D ZERO
        Origin (coordinates: 0).
      • ONE

        public static final Vector1D ONE
        Unit (coordinates: 1).
      • NaN

        public static final Vector1D NaN
        A vector with all coordinates set to NaN.

        public static final Vector1D POSITIVE_INFINITY
        A vector with all coordinates set to positive infinity.

        public static final Vector1D NEGATIVE_INFINITY
        A vector with all coordinates set to negative infinity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vector1D

        public Vector1D​(double x)
        Simple constructor. Build a vector from its coordinates
        x - abscissa
        See Also:
      • Vector1D

        public Vector1D​(double a,
                        Vector1D u)
        Multiplicative constructor Build a vector from another one and a scale factor. The vector built will be a * u
        a - scale factor
        u - base (unscaled) vector
      • Vector1D

        public Vector1D​(double a1,
                        Vector1D u1,
                        double a2,
                        Vector1D u2)
        Linear constructor Build a vector from two other ones and corresponding scale factors. The vector built will be a1 * u1 + a2 * u2
        a1 - first scale factor
        u1 - first base (unscaled) vector
        a2 - second scale factor
        u2 - second base (unscaled) vector
      • Vector1D

        public Vector1D​(double a1,
                        Vector1D u1,
                        double a2,
                        Vector1D u2,
                        double a3,
                        Vector1D u3)
        Linear constructor Build a vector from three other ones and corresponding scale factors. The vector built will be a1 * u1 + a2 * u2 + a3 * u3
        a1 - first scale factor
        u1 - first base (unscaled) vector
        a2 - second scale factor
        u2 - second base (unscaled) vector
        a3 - third scale factor
        u3 - third base (unscaled) vector
      • Vector1D

        public Vector1D​(double a1,
                        Vector1D u1,
                        double a2,
                        Vector1D u2,
                        double a3,
                        Vector1D u3,
                        double a4,
                        Vector1D u4)
        Linear constructor Build a vector from four other ones and corresponding scale factors. The vector built will be a1 * u1 + a2 * u2 + a3 * u3 + a4 * u4
        a1 - first scale factor
        u1 - first base (unscaled) vector
        a2 - second scale factor
        u2 - second base (unscaled) vector
        a3 - third scale factor
        u3 - third base (unscaled) vector
        a4 - fourth scale factor
        u4 - fourth base (unscaled) vector
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        public double getX()
        Get the abscissa of the vector.
        abscissa of the vector
        See Also:
      • getSpace

        public Space getSpace()
        Get the space to which the point belongs.
        Specified by:
        getSpace in interface Point<Euclidean1D>
        containing space
      • getZero

        public Vector1D getZero()
        Get the null vector of the vectorial space or origin point of the affine space.
        Specified by:
        getZero in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        null vector of the vectorial space or origin point of the affine space
      • getNorm1

        public double getNorm1()
        Get the L1 norm for the vector.
        Specified by:
        getNorm1 in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        L1 norm for the vector
      • getNorm

        public double getNorm()
        Get the L2 norm for the vector.
        Specified by:
        getNorm in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        Euclidean norm for the vector
      • getNormSq

        public double getNormSq()
        Get the square of the norm for the vector.
        Specified by:
        getNormSq in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        square of the Euclidean norm for the vector
      • getNormInf

        public double getNormInf()
        Get the L norm for the vector.
        Specified by:
        getNormInf in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        L norm for the vector
      • add

        public Vector1D add​(double factor,
                            Vector<Euclidean1D> v)
        Add a scaled vector to the instance.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        factor - scale factor to apply to v before adding it
        v - vector to add
        a new vector
      • subtract

        public Vector1D subtract​(double factor,
                                 Vector<Euclidean1D> v)
        Subtract a scaled vector from the instance.
        Specified by:
        subtract in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        factor - scale factor to apply to v before subtracting it
        v - vector to subtract
        a new vector
      • negate

        public Vector1D negate()
        Get the opposite of the instance.
        Specified by:
        negate in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        a new vector which is opposite to the instance
      • scalarMultiply

        public Vector1D scalarMultiply​(double a)
        Multiply the instance by a scalar.
        Specified by:
        scalarMultiply in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        a - scalar
        a new vector
      • isNaN

        public boolean isNaN()
        Returns true if any coordinate of this point is NaN; false otherwise
        Specified by:
        isNaN in interface Point<Euclidean1D>
        true if any coordinate of this point is NaN; false otherwise
      • isInfinite

        public boolean isInfinite()
        Returns true if any coordinate of this vector is infinite and none are NaN; false otherwise
        Specified by:
        isInfinite in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        true if any coordinate of this vector is infinite and none are NaN; false otherwise
      • distance1

        public double distance1​(Vector<Euclidean1D> p)
        Compute the distance between the instance and another vector according to the L1 norm.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: q.subtract(p).getNorm1() except that no intermediate vector is built

        Specified by:
        distance1 in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        p - second vector
        the distance between the instance and p according to the L1 norm
      • distance

        public double distance​(Point<Euclidean1D> p)
        Compute the distance between the instance and another point.
        Specified by:
        distance in interface Point<Euclidean1D>
        p - second point
        the distance between the instance and p
      • distanceInf

        public double distanceInf​(Vector<Euclidean1D> p)
        Compute the distance between the instance and another vector according to the L norm.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: q.subtract(p).getNormInf() except that no intermediate vector is built

        Specified by:
        distanceInf in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        p - second vector
        the distance between the instance and p according to the L norm
      • distanceSq

        public double distanceSq​(Vector<Euclidean1D> p)
        Compute the square of the distance between the instance and another vector.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: q.subtract(p).getNormSq() except that no intermediate vector is built

        Specified by:
        distanceSq in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        p - second vector
        the square of the distance between the instance and p
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(Vector<Euclidean1D> v)
        Compute the dot-product of the instance and another vector.
        Specified by:
        dotProduct in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        v - second vector
        the dot product this.v
      • distance

        public static double distance​(Vector1D p1,
                                      Vector1D p2)
        Compute the distance between two vectors according to the L2 norm.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: p1.subtract(p2).getNorm() except that no intermediate vector is built

        p1 - first vector
        p2 - second vector
        the distance between p1 and p2 according to the L2 norm
      • distanceInf

        public static double distanceInf​(Vector1D p1,
                                         Vector1D p2)
        Compute the distance between two vectors according to the L norm.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: p1.subtract(p2).getNormInf() except that no intermediate vector is built

        p1 - first vector
        p2 - second vector
        the distance between p1 and p2 according to the L norm
      • distanceSq

        public static double distanceSq​(Vector1D p1,
                                        Vector1D p2)
        Compute the square of the distance between two vectors.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling: p1.subtract(p2).getNormSq() except that no intermediate vector is built

        p1 - first vector
        p2 - second vector
        the square of the distance between p1 and p2
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Test for the equality of two 1D vectors.

        If all coordinates of two 1D vectors are exactly the same, and none are Double.NaN, the two 1D vectors are considered to be equal.

        NaN coordinates are considered to affect globally the vector and be equals to each other - i.e, if either (or all) coordinates of the 1D vector are equal to Double.NaN, the 1D vector is equal to NaN.

        equals in class Object
        other - Object to test for equality to this
        true if two 1D vector objects are equal, false if object is null, not an instance of Vector1D, or not equal to this Vector1D instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Get a hashCode for the 1D vector.

        All NaN values have the same hash code.

        hashCode in class Object
        a hash code value for this object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Get a string representation of this vector.
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of this vector
      • toString

        public String toString​(NumberFormat format)
        Get a string representation of this vector.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Vector<Euclidean1D>
        format - the custom format for components
        a string representation of this vector