Class SumOfClusterVariances<T extends Clusterable>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the clustered points

    public class SumOfClusterVariances<T extends Clusterable>
    extends ClusterEvaluator<T>
    Computes the sum of intra-cluster distance variances according to the formula: \] score = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \sigma_i^2 \] where n is the number of clusters and \( \sigma_i^2 \) is the variance of intra-cluster distances of cluster \( c_i \).
    • Constructor Detail

      • SumOfClusterVariances

        public SumOfClusterVariances​(DistanceMeasure measure)
        measure - the distance measure to use
    • Method Detail

      • score

        public double score​(List<? extends Cluster<T>> clusters)
        Computes the evaluation score for the given list of clusters.
        Specified by:
        score in class ClusterEvaluator<T extends Clusterable>
        clusters - the clusters to evaluate
        the computed score