Class InterpolatingMicrosphere2D

  • public class InterpolatingMicrosphere2D
    extends InterpolatingMicrosphere
    Utility class for the MicrosphereProjectionInterpolator algorithm. For 2D interpolation, this class constructs the microsphere as a series of evenly spaced facets (rather than generating random normals as in the base implementation).
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterpolatingMicrosphere2D

        public InterpolatingMicrosphere2D​(int size,
                                          double maxDarkFraction,
                                          double darkThreshold,
                                          double background)
        Create a sphere from vectors regularly sampled around a circle.
        size - Number of surface elements of the sphere.
        maxDarkFraction - Maximum fraction of the facets that can be dark. If the fraction of "non-illuminated" facets is larger, no estimation of the value will be performed, and the background value will be returned instead.
        darkThreshold - Value of the illumination below which a facet is considered dark.
        background - Value returned when the maxDarkFraction threshold is exceeded.
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if size <= 0.
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if darkThreshold < 0.
        MathIllegalArgumentException - if maxDarkFraction does not belong to the interval [0, 1].
      • InterpolatingMicrosphere2D

        protected InterpolatingMicrosphere2D​(InterpolatingMicrosphere2D other)
        Copy constructor.
        other - Instance to copy.