See: Description
Interface | Description |
BaseUnivariateSolver<FUNC extends UnivariateFunction> |
Interface for (univariate real) rootfinding algorithms.
BracketedRealFieldUnivariateSolver<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
Interface for
(univariate real) root-finding
algorithms that maintain a bracketed solution. |
BracketedUnivariateSolver<FUNC extends UnivariateFunction> |
Interface for
(univariate real) root-finding
algorithms that maintain a bracketed solution. |
PolynomialSolver |
Interface for (polynomial) root-finding algorithms.
UnivariateDifferentiableSolver |
Interface for (univariate real) rootfinding algorithms.
UnivariateSolver |
Interface for (univariate real) root-finding algorithms.
Class | Description |
AbstractPolynomialSolver |
Base class for solvers.
AbstractUnivariateDifferentiableSolver |
Provide a default implementation for several functions useful to generic
AbstractUnivariateSolver |
Base class for solvers.
BaseAbstractUnivariateSolver<FUNC extends UnivariateFunction> |
Provide a default implementation for several functions useful to generic
BaseSecantSolver |
Base class for all bracketing Secant-based methods for root-finding
(approximating a zero of a univariate real function).
BisectionSolver |
Implements the
bisection algorithm for finding zeros of univariate real functions.
BracketedRealFieldUnivariateSolver.Interval<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
An interval of a function that brackets a root.
BracketedUnivariateSolver.Interval |
An interval of a function that brackets a root.
BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver |
This class implements a modification of the Brent algorithm.
BrentSolver |
This class implements the
Brent algorithm for finding zeros of real univariate functions.
FieldBracketingNthOrderBrentSolver<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
This class implements a modification of the Brent algorithm.
IllinoisSolver |
Implements the Illinois method for root-finding (approximating
a zero of a univariate real function).
LaguerreSolver |
Implements the
Laguerre's Method for root finding of real coefficient polynomials.
MullerSolver |
This class implements the
Muller's Method for root finding of real univariate functions.
MullerSolver2 |
This class implements the
Muller's Method for root finding of real univariate functions.
NewtonRaphsonSolver |
Newton's Method for finding zeros of real univariate differentiable
PegasusSolver |
Implements the Pegasus method for root-finding (approximating
a zero of a univariate real function).
RegulaFalsiSolver |
Implements the Regula Falsi or False position method for
root-finding (approximating a zero of a univariate real function).
RiddersSolver |
Implements the
Ridders' Method for root finding of real univariate functions.
SecantSolver |
Implements the Secant method for root-finding (approximating a
zero of a univariate real function).
UnivariateSolverUtils |
Utility routines for
UnivariateSolver objects. |
Enum | Description |
AllowedSolution |
The kinds of solutions that a
(bracketed univariate real) root-finding algorithm may accept as solutions. |
BaseSecantSolver.Method |
Secant-based root-finding methods.
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