 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This is not the original file distributed by the Apache Software Foundation
 * It has been modified by the Hipparchus project

package org.hipparchus.ode;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalStateException;
import org.hipparchus.ode.sampling.ODEStateInterpolator;
import org.hipparchus.ode.sampling.ODEStepHandler;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;

 * This class stores all information provided by an ODE integrator
 * during the integration process and build a continuous model of the
 * solution from this.
 * <p>This class act as a step handler from the integrator point of
 * view. It is called iteratively during the integration process and
 * stores a copy of all steps information in a sorted collection for
 * later use. Once the integration process is over, the user can use
 * the {@link #getInterpolatedState(double) getInterpolatedState}
 * method to retrieve this information at any time. It is important
 * to wait for the integration to be over before attempting to call
 * {@link #getInterpolatedState(double) getInterpolatedState} because
 * some internal variables are set only once the last step has been
 * handled.</p>
 * <p>This is useful for example if the main loop of the user
 * application should remain independent from the integration process
 * or if one needs to mimic the behaviour of an analytical model
 * despite a numerical model is used (i.e. one needs the ability to
 * get the model value at any time or to navigate through the
 * data).</p>
 * <p>If problem modeling is done with several separate
 * integration phases for contiguous intervals, the same
 * DenseOutputModel can be used as step handler for all
 * integration phases as long as they are performed in order and in
 * the same direction. As an example, one can extrapolate the
 * trajectory of a satellite with one model (i.e. one set of
 * differential equations) up to the beginning of a maneuver, use
 * another more complex model including thrusters modeling and
 * accurate attitude control during the maneuver, and revert to the
 * first model after the end of the maneuver. If the same continuous
 * output model handles the steps of all integration phases, the user
 * do not need to bother when the maneuver begins or ends, he has all
 * the data available in a transparent manner.</p>
 * <p>An important feature of this class is that it implements the
 * <code>Serializable</code> interface. This means that the result of
 * an integration can be serialized and reused later (if stored into a
 * persistent medium like a filesystem or a database) or elsewhere (if
 * sent to another application). Only the result of the integration is
 * stored, there is no reference to the integrated problem by
 * itself.</p>
 * <p>One should be aware that the amount of data stored in a
 * DenseOutputModel instance can be important if the state vector
 * is large, if the integration interval is long or if the steps are
 * small (which can result from small tolerance settings in {@link
 * org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator adaptive
 * step size integrators}).</p>
 * @see ODEStepHandler
 * @see ODEStateInterpolator

public class DenseOutputModel implements ODEStepHandler, Serializable {

    /** Serializable version identifier */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160328L;

    /** Initial integration time. */
    private double initialTime;

    /** Final integration time. */
    private double finalTime;

    /** Integration direction indicator. */
    private boolean forward;

    /** Current interpolator index. */
    private int index;

    /** Steps table. */
    private List<ODEStateInterpolator> steps;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * Build an empty continuous output model.
    public DenseOutputModel() {
        steps       = new ArrayList<>();
        initialTime = Double.NaN;
        finalTime   = Double.NaN;
        forward     = true;
        index       = 0;

    /** Append another model at the end of the instance.
     * @param model model to add at the end of the instance
     * @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if the model to append is not
     * compatible with the instance (dimension of the state vector,
     * propagation direction, hole between the dates)
     * @exception MathIllegalStateException if the number of functions evaluations is exceeded
     * during step finalization
    public void append(final DenseOutputModel model)
        throws MathIllegalArgumentException, MathIllegalStateException {

        if (model.steps.isEmpty()) {

        if (steps.isEmpty()) {
            initialTime = model.initialTime;
            forward     = model.forward;
        } else {

            final ODEStateAndDerivative s1 = steps.get(0).getPreviousState();
            final ODEStateAndDerivative s2 = model.steps.get(0).getPreviousState();
            checkDimensionsEquality(s1.getPrimaryStateDimension(), s2.getPrimaryStateDimension());
            checkDimensionsEquality(s1.getNumberOfSecondaryStates(), s2.getNumberOfSecondaryStates());
            for (int i = 0; i < s1.getNumberOfSecondaryStates(); ++i) {
                checkDimensionsEquality(s1.getSecondaryStateDimension(i), s2.getSecondaryStateDimension(i));

            if (forward ^ model.forward) {
                throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedODEFormats.PROPAGATION_DIRECTION_MISMATCH);

            final ODEStateInterpolator lastInterpolator = steps.get(index);
            final double current  = lastInterpolator.getCurrentState().getTime();
            final double previous = lastInterpolator.getPreviousState().getTime();
            final double step = current - previous;
            final double gap = model.getInitialTime() - current;
            if (FastMath.abs(gap) > 1.0e-3 * FastMath.abs(step)) {
                throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedODEFormats.HOLE_BETWEEN_MODELS_TIME_RANGES,


        for (ODEStateInterpolator interpolator : model.steps) {

        index = steps.size() - 1;
        finalTime = (steps.get(index)).getCurrentState().getTime();


    /** Check dimensions equality.
     * @param d1 first dimension
     * @param d2 second dimansion
     * @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if dimensions do not match
    private void checkDimensionsEquality(final int d1, final int d2)
        throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
        if (d1 != d2) {
            throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.DIMENSIONS_MISMATCH,
                                                   d2, d1);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void init(final ODEStateAndDerivative initialState, final double targetTime) {
        initialTime    = initialState.getTime();
        this.finalTime = targetTime;
        forward        = true;
        index          = 0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void handleStep(final ODEStateInterpolator interpolator) {
        if (steps.isEmpty()) {
            initialTime = interpolator.getPreviousState().getTime();
            forward     = interpolator.isForward();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void finish(final ODEStateAndDerivative finalState) {
        finalTime = finalState.getTime();
        index     = steps.size() - 1;

     * Get the initial integration time.
     * @return initial integration time
    public double getInitialTime() {
        return initialTime;

     * Get the final integration time.
     * @return final integration time
    public double getFinalTime() {
        return finalTime;

     * Get the state at interpolated time.
     * @param time time of the interpolated point
     * @return state at interpolated time
    public ODEStateAndDerivative getInterpolatedState(final double time) {

        // initialize the search with the complete steps table
        int iMin = 0;
        final ODEStateInterpolator sMin = steps.get(iMin);
        double tMin = 0.5 * (sMin.getPreviousState().getTime() + sMin.getCurrentState().getTime());

        int iMax = steps.size() - 1;
        final ODEStateInterpolator sMax = steps.get(iMax);
        double tMax = 0.5 * (sMax.getPreviousState().getTime() + sMax.getCurrentState().getTime());

        // handle points outside of the integration interval
        // or in the first and last step
        if (locatePoint(time, sMin) <= 0) {
            index = iMin;
            return sMin.getInterpolatedState(time);
        if (locatePoint(time, sMax) >= 0) {
            index = iMax;
            return sMax.getInterpolatedState(time);

        // reduction of the table slice size
        while (iMax - iMin > 5) {

            // use the last estimated index as the splitting index
            final ODEStateInterpolator si = steps.get(index);
            final int location = locatePoint(time, si);
            if (location < 0) {
                iMax = index;
                tMax = 0.5 * (si.getPreviousState().getTime() + si.getCurrentState().getTime());
            } else if (location > 0) {
                iMin = index;
                tMin = 0.5 * (si.getPreviousState().getTime() + si.getCurrentState().getTime());
            } else {
                // we have found the target step, no need to continue searching
                return si.getInterpolatedState(time);

            // compute a new estimate of the index in the reduced table slice
            final int iMed = (iMin + iMax) / 2;
            final ODEStateInterpolator sMed = steps.get(iMed);
            final double tMed = 0.5 * (sMed.getPreviousState().getTime() + sMed.getCurrentState().getTime());

            if ((FastMath.abs(tMed - tMin) < 1e-6) || (FastMath.abs(tMax - tMed) < 1e-6)) {
                // too close to the bounds, we estimate using a simple dichotomy
                index = iMed;
            } else {
                // estimate the index using a reverse quadratic polynom
                // (reverse means we have i = P(t), thus allowing to simply
                // compute index = P(time) rather than solving a quadratic equation)
                final double d12 = tMax - tMed;
                final double d23 = tMed - tMin;
                final double d13 = tMax - tMin;
                final double dt1 = time - tMax;
                final double dt2 = time - tMed;
                final double dt3 = time - tMin;
                final double iLagrange = ((dt2 * dt3 * d23) * iMax -
                                (dt1 * dt3 * d13) * iMed +
                                (dt1 * dt2 * d12) * iMin) /
                                (d12 * d23 * d13);
                index = (int) FastMath.rint(iLagrange);

            // force the next size reduction to be at least one tenth
            final int low  = FastMath.max(iMin + 1, (9 * iMin + iMax) / 10);
            final int high = FastMath.min(iMax - 1, (iMin + 9 * iMax) / 10);
            if (index < low) {
                index = low;
            } else if (index > high) {
                index = high;


        // now the table slice is very small, we perform an iterative search
        index = iMin;
        while ((index <= iMax) && (locatePoint(time, steps.get(index)) > 0)) {

        return steps.get(index).getInterpolatedState(time);


    /** Compare a step interval and a double.
     * @param time point to locate
     * @param interval step interval
     * @return -1 if the double is before the interval, 0 if it is in
     * the interval, and +1 if it is after the interval, according to
     * the interval direction
    private int locatePoint(final double time, final ODEStateInterpolator interval) {
        if (forward) {
            if (time < interval.getPreviousState().getTime()) {
                return -1;
            } else if (time > interval.getCurrentState().getTime()) {
                return +1;
            } else {
                return 0;
        if (time > interval.getPreviousState().getTime()) {
            return -1;
        } else if (time < interval.getCurrentState().getTime()) {
            return +1;
        } else {
            return 0;
