Interface StatisticalMultivariateSummary

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StatisticalMultivariateSummary
Reporting interface for basic multivariate statistics.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the covariance of the available values.
    Returns the dimension of the data
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the geometric mean of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the maximum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the mean of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the minimum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns the number of available values
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the standard deviation of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of logs of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
    Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of squares of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getDimension Link icon

      int getDimension()
      Returns the dimension of the data
      The dimension of the data
    • getMean Link icon

      double[] getMean()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the mean of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component means
    • getCovariance Link icon

      RealMatrix getCovariance()
      Returns the covariance of the available values.
      The covariance, null if no multivariate sample have been added or a zeroed matrix for a single value set.
    • getStandardDeviation Link icon

      double[] getStandardDeviation()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the standard deviation of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component standard deviations
    • getMax Link icon

      double[] getMax()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the maximum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component maxima
    • getMin Link icon

      double[] getMin()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the minimum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component minima
    • getN Link icon

      long getN()
      Returns the number of available values
      The number of available values
    • getGeometricMean Link icon

      double[] getGeometricMean()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the geometric mean of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component geometric means
    • getSum Link icon

      double[] getSum()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component sums
    • getSumSq Link icon

      double[] getSumSq()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of squares of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component sums of squares
    • getSumLog Link icon

      double[] getSumLog()
      Returns an array whose ith entry is the sum of logs of the ith entries of the arrays that correspond to each multivariate sample
      the array of component log sums