Package org.hipparchus.optim.nonlinear.vector.constrained
package org.hipparchus.optim.nonlinear.vector.constrained
This package provides algorithms that minimize the residuals
between observations and model values.
Algorithms in this category need access to a problem (represented by a
The problem can be created progressively using a
least-squares optimizers
minimize the distance (called
cost or χ2) between model and
Algorithms in this category need access to a problem (represented by a
Such a model predicts a set of values which the algorithm tries to match
with a set of given set of observed values.
The problem can be created progressively using a
or it can
be created at once using a factory
.- Since:
- 3.1
ClassDescriptionAbstract class for Sequential Quadratic Programming solversConvergence Checker for ADMM QP Optimizer.Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers Solver.TBD.Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Quadratic Programming Optimizer.
Algorithm based on paper:"An Operator Splitting Solver for Quadratic Programs(Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac, Paul Goulart, Alberto Bemporad, Stephen Boyd,February 13 2020)"Container forADMMQPOptimizer
settings.Internal Solution for ADMM QP Optimizer.Constraint with lower and upper bounds: .Generic constraint.Abstract Constraint Optimizer.Equality Constraint.Inequality Constraint with lower bound only: .Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Solver.Container for Lagrange t-uple.A set of linear inequality constraints expressed as ub>Ax>lb.A set of linear equality constraints given as Ax = b.Set of linear inequality constraints expressed as .Quadratic programming Optimizater.Given P, Q, d, implements .Sequential Quadratic Programming Optimizer.Sequential Quadratic Programming Optimizer.Parameter for SQP Algorithm.A MultivariateFunction that also has a defined gradient and Hessian.A MultivariateFunction that also has a defined gradient and Hessian.