Class RiccatiEquationSolverImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RiccatiEquationSolverImpl extends Object implements RiccatiEquationSolver
This solver computes the solution using the following approach: 1. Compute the Hamiltonian matrix 2. Extract its complex eigen vectors (not the best solution, a better solution would be ordered Schur transformation) 3. Approximate the initial solution given by 2 using the Kleinman algorithm (an iterative method)
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • RiccatiEquationSolverImpl Link icon

      public RiccatiEquationSolverImpl(RealMatrix A, RealMatrix B, RealMatrix Q, RealMatrix R)
      Constructor of the solver. A and B should be compatible. B and R must be multiplicative compatible. A and Q must be multiplicative compatible. R must be invertible.
      A - state transition matrix
      B - control multipliers matrix
      Q - state cost matrix
      R - control cost matrix
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