Uses of Interface
Packages that use SupportBallGenerator
This package provides interfaces and classes related to the smallest enclosing ball problem.
This package provides basic 3D geometry components.
This package provides basic 2D geometry components.
Uses of SupportBallGenerator in org.hipparchus.geometry.enclosing
Constructors in org.hipparchus.geometry.enclosing with parameters of type SupportBallGeneratorModifierConstructorDescriptionWelzlEncloser
(double tolerance, SupportBallGenerator<S, P> generator) Simple constructor. -
Uses of SupportBallGenerator in org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed that implement SupportBallGeneratorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class generating an enclosing ball from its support points. -
Uses of SupportBallGenerator in org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod
Classes in org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod that implement SupportBallGeneratorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class generating an enclosing ball from its support points.