Class ComplexUnivariateIntegrator


public class ComplexUnivariateIntegrator extends Object
Wrapper to perform univariate complex integration using an underlying real integration algorithms.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ComplexUnivariateIntegrator Link icon

      public ComplexUnivariateIntegrator(UnivariateIntegrator integrator)
      Crate a complex integrator from a real integrator.
      integrator - underlying real integrator to use
  • Method Details Link icon

    • integrate Link icon

      public Complex integrate(int maxEval, CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction<Complex> f, Complex start, Complex end)
      Integrate a function along a straight path between points.
      maxEval - maximum number of evaluations (real and imaginary parts are evaluated separately, so up to twice this number may be used)
      f - the integrand function
      start - start point of the integration path
      end - end point of the integration path
      the value of integral along the straight path
    • integrate Link icon

      public Complex integrate(int maxEval, CalculusFieldUnivariateFunction<Complex> f, Complex start, Complex... path)
      Integrate a function along a polyline path between any number of points.
      maxEval - maximum number of evaluations (real and imaginary parts are evaluated separately and each path segments are also evaluated separately, so up to 2n times this number may be used for n segments)
      f - the integrand function
      start - start point of the integration path
      path - successive points defining the path vertices
      the value of integral along the polyline path