Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers
Root finding algorithms, for univariate real functions.
Classes in org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers used by org.hipparchus.analysis.solversClassDescriptionBase class for solvers.Provide a default implementation for several functions useful to generic solvers.Base class for solvers.The kinds of solutions that a
(bracketed univariate real) root-finding algorithm
may accept as solutions.Provide a default implementation for several functions useful to generic solvers.Base class for all bracketing Secant-based methods for root-finding (approximating a zero of a univariate real function).Secant-based root-finding methods.Interface for (univariate real) rootfinding algorithms.Interface for(univariate real) root-finding algorithms
that maintain a bracketed solution.An interval of a function that brackets a root.Interface for(univariate real) root-finding algorithms
that maintain a bracketed solution.An interval of a function that brackets a root.Interface for (polynomial) root-finding algorithms.Interface for (univariate real) rootfinding algorithms.Interface for (univariate real) root-finding algorithms. -
Classes in org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers used by org.hipparchus.ode.eventsClassDescriptionInterface for
(univariate real) root-finding algorithms
that maintain a bracketed solution.Interface for(univariate real) root-finding algorithms
that maintain a bracketed solution.