Class StepNormalizer

    • Constructor Detail

      • StepNormalizer

        public StepNormalizer​(double h,
                              ODEFixedStepHandler handler)
        Simple constructor. Uses INCREMENT mode, and FIRST bounds setting, for backwards compatibility.
        h - fixed time step (sign is not used)
        handler - fixed time step handler to wrap
      • StepNormalizer

        public StepNormalizer​(double h,
                              ODEFixedStepHandler handler,
                              StepNormalizerMode mode)
        Simple constructor. Uses FIRST bounds setting.
        h - fixed time step (sign is not used)
        handler - fixed time step handler to wrap
        mode - step normalizer mode to use
      • StepNormalizer

        public StepNormalizer​(double h,
                              ODEFixedStepHandler handler,
                              StepNormalizerBounds bounds)
        Simple constructor. Uses INCREMENT mode.
        h - fixed time step (sign is not used)
        handler - fixed time step handler to wrap
        bounds - step normalizer bounds setting to use
      • StepNormalizer

        public StepNormalizer​(double h,
                              ODEFixedStepHandler handler,
                              StepNormalizerMode mode,
                              StepNormalizerBounds bounds)
        Simple constructor.
        h - fixed time step (sign is not used)
        handler - fixed time step handler to wrap
        mode - step normalizer mode to use
        bounds - step normalizer bounds setting to use
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(ODEStateAndDerivative initialState,
                         double finalTime)
        Initialize step handler at the start of an ODE integration.

        This method is called once at the start of the integration. It may be used by the step handler to initialize some internal data if needed.

        The default implementation does nothing

        Specified by:
        init in interface ODEStepHandler
        initialState - initial time, state vector and derivative
        finalTime - target time for the integration
      • handleStep

        public void handleStep​(ODEStateInterpolator interpolator)
        Handle the last accepted step.
        Specified by:
        handleStep in interface ODEStepHandler
        interpolator - interpolator for the last accepted step