Dfp |
Dfp.abs() |
absolute value.
Dfp |
Dfp.acos() |
Arc cosine operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.acos(Dfp a) |
computes the arc-cosine of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.acosh() |
Inverse hyperbolic cosine operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.add(double a) |
'+' operator.
Dfp |
Dfp.add(Dfp x) |
Add x to this.
Dfp |
Dfp.asin() |
Arc sine operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.asin(Dfp a) |
computes the arc-sine of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.asinh() |
Inverse hyperbolic sine operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.atan() |
Arc tangent operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.atan(Dfp a) |
computes the arc tangent of the argument
Uses the typical taylor series
but may reduce arguments using the following identity
tan(x+y) = (tan(x) + tan(y)) / (1 - tan(x)*tan(y))
since tan(PI/8) = sqrt(2)-1,
atan(x) = atan( (x - sqrt(2) + 1) / (1+x*sqrt(2) - x) + PI/8.0
Dfp |
Dfp.atan2(Dfp x) |
Two arguments arc tangent operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.atanh() |
Inverse hyperbolic tangent operation.
protected static Dfp |
DfpMath.atanInternal(Dfp a) |
computes the arc-tangent of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.cbrt() |
Cubic root.
Dfp |
Dfp.ceil() |
Round to an integer using the round ceil mode.
static Dfp |
DfpField.computeExp(Dfp a,
Dfp one) |
Compute exp(a).
static Dfp |
DfpField.computeLn(Dfp a,
Dfp one,
Dfp two) |
Compute ln(a).
static Dfp |
Dfp.copysign(Dfp x,
Dfp y) |
Creates an instance that is the same as x except that it has the sign of y.
Dfp |
Dfp.copySign(double s) |
Returns the instance with the sign of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.copySign(Dfp s) |
Returns the instance with the sign of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.cos() |
Cosine operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.cos(Dfp a) |
computes the cosine of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.cosh() |
Hyperbolic cosine operation.
protected static Dfp |
DfpMath.cosInternal(Dfp[] a) |
Computes cos(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
Dfp |
Dfp.divide(double a) |
'÷' operator.
Dfp |
Dfp.divide(int divisor) |
Divide by a single digit less than radix.
Dfp |
Dfp.divide(Dfp divisor) |
Divide this by divisor.
Dfp |
Dfp.dotrap(int type,
String what,
Dfp oper,
Dfp result) |
Raises a trap.
Dfp |
Dfp.exp() |
static Dfp |
DfpMath.exp(Dfp a) |
Computes e to the given power.
protected static Dfp |
DfpMath.expInternal(Dfp a) |
Computes e to the given power.
Dfp |
Dfp.expm1() |
Exponential minus 1.
Dfp |
Dfp.floor() |
Round to an integer using the round floor mode.
Dfp |
DfpField.getDegToRad() |
Get the degrees to radians conversion factor.
Dfp |
DfpField.getE() |
Get the constant e.
Dfp[] |
DfpField.getESplit() |
Get the constant e split in two pieces.
Dfp |
DfpField.getLn10() |
Get the constant ln(10).
Dfp |
DfpField.getLn2() |
Get the constant ln(2).
Dfp[] |
DfpField.getLn2Split() |
Get the constant ln(2) split in two pieces.
Dfp |
DfpField.getLn5() |
Get the constant ln(5).
Dfp[] |
DfpField.getLn5Split() |
Get the constant ln(5) split in two pieces.
Dfp |
Dfp.getOne() |
Get the constant 1.
Dfp |
DfpField.getOne() |
Get the constant 1.
Dfp |
Dfp.getPi() |
Get the Archimedes constant π.
Dfp |
DfpField.getPi() |
Get the constant π.
Dfp[] |
DfpField.getPiSplit() |
Get the constant π split in two pieces.
Dfp |
DfpField.getRadToDeg() |
Get the radians to degrees conversion factor.
Dfp |
DfpField.getSqr2() |
Get the constant √2.
Dfp |
DfpField.getSqr2Reciprocal() |
Get the constant √2 / 2.
Dfp[] |
DfpField.getSqr2Split() |
Get the constant √2 split in two pieces.
Dfp |
DfpField.getSqr3() |
Get the constant √3.
Dfp |
DfpField.getSqr3Reciprocal() |
Get the constant √3 / 3.
Dfp |
Dfp.getTwo() |
Get the constant 2.
Dfp |
DfpField.getTwo() |
Get the constant 2.
Dfp |
Dfp.getZero() |
Get the constant 0.
Dfp |
DfpField.getZero() |
Get the constant 0.
Dfp |
Dfp.hypot(Dfp y) |
Returns the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides this and y
- sqrt(this2 +y2)
avoiding intermediate overflow or underflow.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(double[] a,
Dfp[] b) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(double a1,
Dfp b1,
double a2,
Dfp b2) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(double a1,
Dfp b1,
double a2,
Dfp b2,
double a3,
Dfp b3) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(double a1,
Dfp b1,
double a2,
Dfp b2,
double a3,
Dfp b3,
double a4,
Dfp b4) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(Dfp[] a,
Dfp[] b) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(Dfp a1,
Dfp b1,
Dfp a2,
Dfp b2) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(Dfp a1,
Dfp b1,
Dfp a2,
Dfp b2,
Dfp a3,
Dfp b3) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.linearCombination(Dfp a1,
Dfp b1,
Dfp a2,
Dfp b2,
Dfp a3,
Dfp b3,
Dfp a4,
Dfp b4) |
Compute a linear combination.
Dfp |
Dfp.log() |
Natural logarithm.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.log(Dfp a) |
Returns the natural logarithm of a.
Dfp |
Dfp.log10() |
Base 10 logarithm.
Dfp |
Dfp.log1p() |
Shifted natural logarithm.
protected static Dfp[] |
DfpMath.logInternal(Dfp[] a) |
Computes the natural log of a number between 0 and 2.
Dfp |
Dfp.multiply(double a) |
'×' operator.
Dfp |
Dfp.multiply(int x) |
Multiply this by a single digit x.
Dfp |
Dfp.multiply(Dfp x) |
Multiply this by x.
Dfp |
Dfp.negate() |
Returns a number that is this number with the sign bit reversed.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp() |
Makes a Dfp with a value of 0.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(byte x) |
Create an instance from a byte value.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(byte sign,
byte nans) |
Creates a Dfp with a non-finite value.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(double x) |
Create an instance from a double value.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(int x) |
Create an instance from an int value.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(long x) |
Create an instance from a long value.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(String s) |
Create a Dfp given a String representation.
Dfp |
DfpField.newDfp(Dfp d) |
Copy constructor.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance() |
Create an instance with a value of 0.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(byte x) |
Create an instance from a byte value.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(byte sig,
byte code) |
Creates an instance with a non-finite value.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(double x) |
Create an instance corresponding to a constant real value.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(int x) |
Create an instance from an int value.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(long x) |
Create an instance from a long value.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(String s) |
Create an instance from a String representation.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(Dfp d) |
Create an instance by copying an existing one.
Dfp |
Dfp.newInstance(DfpField targetField,
DfpField.RoundingMode rmode) |
Creates an instance by converting the instance to a different field (i.e. different accuracy).
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance() |
Create an instance with a value of 0.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(byte x) |
Create an instance from a byte value.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(byte sign,
byte nans) |
Creates an instance with a non-finite value.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(double x) |
Create an instance corresponding to a constant real value.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(int x) |
Create an instance from an int value.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(long x) |
Create an instance from a long value.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(String s) |
Create an instance from a String representation.
Dfp |
DfpDec.newInstance(Dfp d) |
Create an instance by copying an existing one.
Dfp |
Dfp.nextAfter(Dfp x) |
Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
Dfp |
DfpDec.nextAfter(Dfp x) |
Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
Dfp |
Dfp.pow(double p) |
Power operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.pow(int n) |
Integer power operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.pow(Dfp e) |
Power operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.pow(Dfp base,
int a) |
Raises base to the power a by successive squaring.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.pow(Dfp x,
Dfp y) |
Computes x to the y power.
Dfp |
Dfp.power10(int e) |
Return the specified power of 10.
Dfp |
Dfp.power10K(int e) |
Get the specified power of 10000.
Dfp |
Dfp.reciprocal() |
Returns the multiplicative inverse of this element.
Dfp |
Dfp.remainder(double a) |
IEEE remainder operator.
Dfp |
Dfp.remainder(Dfp d) |
Returns the IEEE remainder.
Dfp |
Dfp.rint() |
Round to nearest integer using the round-half-even method.
Dfp |
Dfp.rootN(int n) |
Nth root.
Dfp |
Dfp.scalb(int n) |
Multiply the instance by a power of 2.
Dfp |
Dfp.sign() |
Compute the sign of the instance.
Dfp |
Dfp.sin() |
Sine operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.sin(Dfp a) |
computes the sine of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.sinh() |
Hyperbolic sine operation.
protected static Dfp |
DfpMath.sinInternal(Dfp[] a) |
Computes sin(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
protected static Dfp[] |
DfpMath.split(Dfp a) |
Splits a Dfp into 2 Dfp 's such that their sum is equal to the input Dfp .
protected static Dfp[] |
DfpMath.split(DfpField field,
String a) |
Breaks a string representation up into two dfp's.
protected static Dfp[] |
DfpMath.splitDiv(Dfp[] a,
Dfp[] b) |
Divide two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp[] |
DfpMath.splitMult(Dfp[] a,
Dfp[] b) |
Multiply two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are
meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp |
DfpMath.splitPow(Dfp[] base,
int a) |
Raise a split base to the a power.
Dfp |
Dfp.sqrt() |
Compute the square root.
Dfp |
Dfp.subtract(double a) |
'-' operator.
Dfp |
Dfp.subtract(Dfp x) |
Subtract x from this.
Dfp |
Dfp.tan() |
Tangent operation.
static Dfp |
DfpMath.tan(Dfp a) |
computes the tangent of the argument.
Dfp |
Dfp.tanh() |
Hyperbolic tangent operation.
Dfp |
Dfp.toDegrees() |
Convert radians to degrees, with error of less than 0.5 ULP
Dfp |
Dfp.toRadians() |
Convert degrees to radians, with error of less than 0.5 ULP
protected Dfp |
Dfp.trap(int type,
String what,
Dfp oper,
Dfp def,
Dfp result) |
Trap handler.
protected Dfp |
Dfp.trunc(DfpField.RoundingMode rmode) |
Does the integer conversions with the specified rounding.
Dfp |
Dfp.ulp() |
Compute least significant bit (Unit in Last Position) for a number.