Class LinearEvolution

    • Constructor Detail

      • LinearEvolution

        public LinearEvolution​(RealMatrix stateTransitionMatrix,
                               RealMatrix controlMatrix,
                               RealVector command,
                               RealMatrix processNoiseMatrix,
                               RealMatrix measurementJacobian)
        Simple constructor.
        stateTransitionMatrix - state transition matrix Ak-1
        controlMatrix - control matrix Bk-1 (can be null if the process is not controlled)
        command - uk-1. (can be null if the process is not controlled)
        processNoiseMatrix - process noise matrix Qk-1
        measurementJacobian - Jacobian of the measurement with respect to the state (may be null if measurement should be ignored)
    • Method Detail

      • getStateTransitionMatrix

        public RealMatrix getStateTransitionMatrix()
        Get the state transition matrix Ak-1.
        state transition matrix Ak-1
      • getControlMatrix

        public RealMatrix getControlMatrix()
        Get the control matrix Bk-1.
        control matrix Bk-1 (can be null if there is no control)
      • getCommand

        public RealVector getCommand()
        Get the command uk-1.
        command vector uk-1 (can be null if there is no control)
      • getProcessNoiseMatrix

        public RealMatrix getProcessNoiseMatrix()
        Get the process noise matrix Qk-1.
        process noise matrixk-1
      • getMeasurementJacobian

        public RealMatrix getMeasurementJacobian()
        Get measurement Jacobian.
        Jacobian of the measurement with respect to the state (may be null if measurement should be ignored)