Uses of Package
Root finding algorithms, for univariate real functions.
Complex number type and implementations of complex transcendental
Linear algebra support.
This package provides classes to solve Ordinary Differential Equations problems.
Complex functions plots.
Implementations of Carlson elliptic integrals.
Implementations of Jacobi elliptic functions.
Implementations of Legendre elliptic integrals.
Implementations of transform methods, including Fast Fourier transforms.
ClassDescriptionRepresentation of a Complex number, i.e.Representation of the complex numbers field.Formats a Complex number in cartesian format "Re(c) + Im(c)i".Representation of a Complex number, i.e.Representation of the complex numbers field.This class implements quaternions (Hamilton's hypercomplex numbers).
ClassDescriptionRepresentation of a Complex number, i.e.Representation of a Complex number, i.e.
ClassDescriptionRepresentation of a Complex number, i.e.Representation of a Complex number, i.e.
ClassDescriptionRepresentation of a Complex number, i.e.Wrapper to perform univariate complex integration using an underlying real integration algorithms.Representation of a Complex number, i.e.Wrapper to perform univariate complex integration using an underlying real integration algorithms.